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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. Mostly a happy little fellow.
  2. He looks sweet. He can get cranky, and my son is going to be main parent during the days for a year or so. DIL is able to get a total of 18 weeks maternity leave now , so will take 9 weeks now and 9 weeks in Dec and January when work slows down again . He already grew 3 inches and 2 lbs more at his two week check up. I think he is just about a week old here.
  3. Did not quite work how I wanted.......... just click the link in blue above. My DS, DIL and GS. Beautiful video done with music and Hailey's photographs. Taken in Hawaii. Beach themes.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/HaileyFariaPhotography/videos/864033383676484/
  5. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happyBD: :happyBD: :happyBD:
  6. You all are making me hungry for berries!
  7. Question, does oil go in separate hole in engine, or should it be mixed ? 2 stroke engines you have to do a mix, 4 stroke, gas is separate and oil is separate. Where is your owners manual, it will tell you. Might as well rule out that issue.
  8. Have not seen you in a while, CannedNerd! Happy Birthday! I hope you are well!
  9. Sounds like an awesome trip. I definitely miss the fact there is no big bookstore anywhere within 50 miles here now. The sterilite cupboards are sold by Amazon. I want to get some for my kitchen in fact after I discovered there was only one cupboard that is too high to do me much good as short as I am. I am not that steady on my step ladder either, and it was a small cupboard. Once deposits are paid here , that is the first organization stuff I get for the new place. The cupboards were quite deep and tall enough and can be stacked. I can stack two and use another to the side of where I will put the stacked set.
  10. Very interesting and insightful, Cat thank you for posting.
  11. Happy Birthday, Miki!!!!!!!!!
  12. It clouded up again!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to go outside tonight and view it. I could see it slightly last night, coming closer together. My view is to the west out my windows in the new place and I have a birds eye view of the moon which was glorious and full too. Well, glad you got to see it Mt Rider!
  13. I do love aviation shows, wish I could watch it!
  14. I have a bunch of the classics written by old trappers passing down their lives as trappers and such , books on snare types and such they used and how to build their small cabins and dwellings with natural materials in regions they were in and clothing and why it was important to dress as they did for environment.
  15. In amongst all the other things I must do, I will try to remember to find all the books, piles of them just now against a wall mostly........ and on kindle for a list I have.
  16. Been real busy and yes, there are lists in my head and still more stuff to be done and folks to answer to...... yep.....not sure I am keeping up either and playing the wheel on some of it for delay to get my utter basic move accomplished here and such..... probably aggravated some folks but I actually was told to just do this for myself. ( By medical folks) . I needed to and time limits and not much energy or strength in the first place, so its taking a very long time to get it all done singlehandedly. And yea , Im used to sitting still! It's been a kick in the pants and things are looking up now, a bit. New place is better even if stuff hits the fan in the fall. I wish I had the heart of a minimalist.. lol. I sooo want to veg...... if I can at least go fishing nearer the weekend for a few hours that would be helpful. I am very tired and sore, lol. Bruised even. A couple humdingers and I keep finding more. But, been there, done that....... what motivates you, or gives you mental rest? We each have to find it for ourselves. We are also getting older and most of us have to adjust a bit to more low key efforts. With my CF and fibro hitting me and IM still doing this moving and cleaning, its not easy, I have taken breathers , sometimes after every bin I just carried. I have overworked regular muscles , and I need to recupe from it but still must go on. I could easily sit in my place for the next three weeks and see nobody, just to recupe, lol. But have too much going on. So its the opposite for me I guess, and trying to find middle ground activity levels is the key for me. I will figure it out and maybe that is what you need to do , figure out a different kind of scheduling because you may be exhausted and just don't realize it and make sure to take your vitamins and eat good foods. The ridiculous levels of the news, as well as the atrocious stuff out there is taxing, the amount of general worry is increased, and this can be overwhelming trying to fathom it all and roll with it, but its way more stressful these days. If you need quiet time, take it.
  17. In the last ten days I have lost three more pounds , just moving stuff, bin by bin or box , lots of walking between the two places and moving heavy stuff around , and reaching for stuff and cleaning. Its warm and humid and definitely sweaty work with all the rain storms lately. I have been pacing myself, but the weight just dropped suddenly in the doing of this so I ate a sub sandwich in three portions for my meals today. I still have a lot to do, but hoping to take a few hours and go fishing in a few days just so I can sit in the breeze and pull in sunfish or catfish or trout at the big pond and have a rest away from the block here.
  18. Heat stroke or exhaustion? Poor Nudge. I hope she continues to recuperate. Where is the kiddie pool for the ducks? Its an idea and if you have a big inflatable one, some horses love to get in and splash and lay down. Just saw a really funny video about a horse that does this. He absolutely had a wonderful time cooling off. ( totally ruins the water, however, as they rinse off. lol) Poor Nudge needs an extra day in the tub environment before going back out there and some readjustment of their duck quarters might help. What about tying up a tarp for shade over their area?
  19. Three different strains of bird flu here in America have come in with the Spring Migration of wild birds, this is what originally spread it this year, here in America. Plenty of wild bird carcasses are showing up too and been tested , positive often enough to know thats the basic infiltration method. This time. Only some of them so far transmit to humans. Some are more deadly than other strains. I know I have read articles on this but don't have any links unless I already posted it above some place. Too busy movin' although yesterday and today are a physical and mental rest since I have had activity and stress over the top for over two weeks. I can do the last part of move and clean up at the old place in the next two days, lol. I will be glad to be done. I have bought eggs but no chickens. There was a huge stack of new eggs when I bought them. I think they just wanted people to buy ahead before the shortage shipments hit us here. Probably too late now and I do well on egg protein so I like to have them around. Hoping can still get them.
  20. >45 cal, at least, CGA. Most bears can be scared away but if they get a taste for livestock or humans, its best to just kill them, because authorities will only do so much. There are a lot of uses for bear fat even though you may not want to use it cooking. Meat, well its good stew meat I guess. Freezer time. Makes a real nice rug if you tan the skin and leave the hair on. Use the brains and liver, boiled up with some water when it comes to softening it. So its like gluey liquid. Rub in with a dauber of wood that is round and smooth on the working end, let it dry then work it by hand to soften it up when you are finishing the hide. If you have a good skinning knife shaped knife you can use that to scrape the meat and bits from the skin after its skinned out. Stake it out in the shade and devote some hours to it to scrape the hide, let it dry, then use the fatty gluey solution, rubbed in, let dry again. Soften up and smoke over a rack with the skin down and smokey fire under it in the yard , you can roll and freeze a hide or salt it with plain salt and roll it up for a couple days if need be but freezing is better, if you cannot immediately work it. Smoking the skin will help prevent water damage to it later, and keep it from shrinking if you never tanned hides before.
  21. NY wont allow showing chickens at fairs and such either, now.
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