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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. Here is one , taken today. He looks like a Gerber baby, lol.
  2. sassenach

    Fess Up

    Well, I did well. I actually made chicken instead of turkey but with a neat combo of spices that turned out quite good! Wild rice with a cauliflower, broccoli carrots side dish that I added mushrooms to, some buttermilk biscuits, black olives, and did bake a big pumpkin pie but I think I will wait for a slice, lol. I just ate rather late. Less mess to clean up not doing a turkey this year, besides the Arachodonic Acids in it make my scalp sore, as it stirs up my lupus and I want it to stay in remission! If I had turkey leftovers I would eat too much turkey over the next several days and that would not be good. ( I can get away with one meal, but living alone, its just too much turkey! ) I have not really bothered in a long time to do a good meal, so I made it good today. Still getting used to my oven in this new to me apartment and the floor evidently does have a slant in the kitchen as the pie is not even , lol, but the crust is just fine!
  3. Cute! They often use them for a buddy for draft horses in the states too. It is really cute seeing the giants and mini's together.
  4. Mt Rider finds herself quickly brought to the top of the mountain over the cave entrance. "What a grand view!" She exclaims as the folks and the hobbits begin to notice she was flown up there and is now debarked from the rope ladder... contemplating how she is now going to get down from the mountain, when the last two zombies also notice and start moving toward the mountain which draws Wormie's attention and Gunplumbers at the same time and they....
  5. I am hanging out at home but the weather is so mild today here. All the wind last night blew in 50F weather! Slight overcast. Just puttering with pie in the kitchen today and making a nice dinner for myself later since I am only having chicken this year. Talked to my son, he was in a good mood. DIL was finishing up stuff for the troops ( marines) and they are adding in dishes and pies for a neighborhood , on base, potluck today with at least 26 people and assorted others that will stop in as time permits. GS was lively and chattering his 5 mos. old baby talk and sounded like he was having a blast in the back ground. Very cheerful happy little baby! We talked small homesteading stuff on chickens and mini donkeys as they are good for chasing away coyotes. When they come back they want to start doing that themselves, grow healthy food etc. I need to write down what I found out so far on chicken breeds. Told him about going to Nebraska and the offer my oldest brother gave me about Idaho in the years to come. Talked to M out in Nebraska last night on fb chat, mebbe her DH too. I had a hard time telling at times since they often spoke in the third person about WHO I thought i was chatting with at the moment. Definitely think a root cellar would be a good addition. Anyway, it was cool and they will be part of a three family group for their Thanksgiving so that is great. 4.5 to 5 mos old now, my grandson. He is loving life!
  6. Ok, will DNR do something about it? If they do not.... you will have to ,, bottom line. One can get havahart traps large enough for bobcats. Bait with some organ meats or something cheap and set it in an open area near the coop. Once caught, you have proof and DNR will hopefully remove and re- home further out in the woods. Or you kill it and tell no one and bury the body. I would always put my young children first before a predator if I had charge of young children. Definitely work on strengthening your coops and sheds though. It may go on about it's business after a few attempts if it is too difficult.
  7. I just heard about a grain called Treff that is quite ancient and is supposed to be gluten free. I don't know if it can be ground up but most can be so it probably can be too. Does anyone know about how we get xanthum gum? That is in modern non gluten bread recipes as it behaves like gluten and binds the dough together with an elastic ability. It takes very little per recipe. Maybe that was used, Mt Rider?
  8. ok. If one studies grains well before GMO stuff, you will see how wheat was one of the first altered. I imagine you can just use whatever choice of grains that work up for yourself if you do this recipe. I just thought it was cool . I know the Romans were huge about having their daily bread rations and this shows how a loaf was to be divided up per serving of it. So, you can still shape it this way for some fun.
  9. Will any one with metric system knowledge be able to translate to American measurement system please?
  10. http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/past_exhibitions/2013/pompeii_and_herculaneum/pompeii_live/live_event/bread_recipe.aspx here is the recipe. I have no idea if this is gluten free? Pompeii Live from the British Museum #PompeiiLive Exhibition sponsored by In collaboration with Share this event Making 2,000-year-old bread In AD 79, a baker put his loaf of bread into the oven. Nearly 2,000 years later it was found during excavations in Herculaneum. The British Museum asked Giorgio Locatelli to recreate the recipe as part of his culinary investigations for Pompeii Live. Try it for yourself using Giorgio's recipe. Ingredients400g biga acida (sourdough) 12g yeast 18g gluten 24g salt 532g water 405g spelt flour 405g wholemeal flour Carbonised loaf of bread, AD 79, Roman, Herculaneum. © Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei MethodMelt the yeast into the water and add it into the biga. Mix and sieve the flours together with the gluten and add to the water mix. Mix for two minutes, add the salt and keep mixing for another three minutes. Make a round shape with it and leave to rest for one hour. Put some string around it to keep its shape during cooking. Make some cuts on top before cooking to help the bread rise in the oven and cook for 30–45 minutes at 200 degrees.
  11. Wow. ok. I am sorry you got a whif of that stuff. yikes. Do you have any dandelion tea or ginger root? Make some tea and drink it. The ginger would help your lungs recupe quickly and it detoxes the blood stream, dandelion detoxes the blood. Glad you are feeling all right. I am glad they checked you out medically. Or a good dose of silver iodide in a glass of water, any of that is a help when you run across toxic stuff at that level. Garbage on the side of the road.
  12. Very well said, Kappy. I was just thinking of my friend "Chief" who was a Viet Nam Vet, part Mohawk and Cherokee, I used to be best buddies with here, who has passed on. Pancreatic cancer. I never knew til well into his last year on earth because he just stayed quiet about it. He was a POW in a 'river cage', for five years and did 3 official tours in Viet Nam and was captured, having parachuted into enemy territory and landed with a bamboo spike going through his foot. He was stuck and they saw him come down and heard him when he landed on that spike. He was well thought of in the area here and many youth he mentored work in LEO and such today. He taught me things about the Mohawks and the Cherokee relationship over the centuries and some bushcraft skills. He had PTSD but never would have let it hurt anyone and really was a super nice fellow , salt of the earth who respected the earth. I miss him very much.
  13. October, a slow 2 mile walk. It is a start.
  14. If that happened in this town, nobody would allow them to either. Too strange. I don't mind if someone, with an adult in charge and reasonable in appearance might knock on my door in the neighborhood and ask for some oddball items in a scavenger hunt, but to disrupt customers in a restaurant of any type is not ok. These days you don't know if its a real threat or not and I don't blame anyone being antsy about it. Not every one is still in tune with local youth activities, especially if they are older and to tell you the truth, if I had been out with my son on a rare lunch , I wouldn't want to be interrupted and neither would he, at that age even. I do not give other people license to touch my hair or clothing either, no matter how much it may need it, on the spot. Not for silliness, anyway. Especially around food being served. My personal space bubble does not get violated. I doubt my son would have been into that at that age, either. What if someone was scared enough they had a heart attack due to that sudden approach, or pulled out a concealed weapon in self defense mode, thinking they were going to be assaulted? I think this activity, by whoever started it and sponsors it should be notified of liabilities, and possible danger to the participants due to others thinking it may be a ploy to assault them and their defensive methods being swiftly employed and it becomes a really bad accidental injury or death situation because the sponsors did not think it through in today's climate of social unrest.
  15. President Obama has just signed a two year budget deal but there are other spending bills that are being worked on too, in Congress, so I guess we all see what happens next on that stuff. Per Fox News video.
  16. I used to love snickers, but now I eat Reeses and M&Ms occasionally, as the amounts do not mess with my blood sugar as long as I get some meat in a snack or meal within an hour or so. I abhor both candy corn and jelly beans, since childhood. Not sure why, but both the ultra sweetness and texture of candy corn when chewing it are not pleasant to me. I never did like really sugary stuff anyway. Glad somebody likes it! Mt Rider.
  17. This whole obamacare thing sucks. I have not read the 2016 budget deal either, for specifics, but we were all warned this would happen. All around it has complicated things because of insurance laws being so central to location rather than being able to be sold over state lines , as well, an elementary problem. I see people just struggling to get test strips and insulin these days and there is no uniformity for insulin pumps either, for diabetics, as an example. Believe me, it doesn't matter what income bracket, unless you are incredibly rich, it has all been affected. In fact, statistically, I believe more folks are without insurance now than there were when it was simply run privately by choice, and that is a problem too. My own dad decided to just take pain killers for his prostate cancer instead of go for surgery and chemo stuff. Survivability is about the same so he is in his last few years likely. He has no interest in herbal care, but there are Japanese mushrooms that specifically target this cancer. I wish he would bother to read up on it and incorporate it in to his diet. It might help?
  18. Momo, so this was from some insurance agency/ Obama stuff on premiums , going up, not Medicare premium for you specifically? I need clarification. Only your husband is on Soc Security at this time so he gets Medicare, right. Not both of you?
  19. I think I have some sewing patterns where one could still make their own. I would use a waterproof material I think, though.
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