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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. Denise -just listen to some of Alex Jones latest shows on his site or youtube he will tell you how it is. Laws and certain practices getting much harsher. Wehave to seek alternate media instead to get abetter understanding of other things. That the regular media wont address.
  2. Happy birthday!!! Ihope you had a wonderful day
  3. Sounds busy, I hope you get a few days and nights without any offspring there at home then , you will need to recuperate! LOL. What in the dickens is Nido Kinder? I have never heard the term.
  4. LOL, well we might get to watch til about just after Christmas..... I am thinking things are going to get alot harder about then for many. Really hard because of real things going on that are being set in place now and have been set in place. I am astounded that regular network tv may actually put on a show I would find interesting to watch though! Remind us in the Fall! We can keep you informed of how the episodes go! Well, if I can afford cable still. I have time to have it on and watch or at least listen to it while I do stuff.
  5. Jill, some of us get the cans of dehydrated foods and already cook with them. Its good to try them and see if you like them or can figure out what to make with them. Some things are going to be stronger flavored than you would think and you just have to fool around a bit. Powdered cheese is going to mix up well with rapid stirring and very hot water, almost boiling or it clumps up, and its fine for sauces and nachos and a dribble on a burrito or taco if you have no other cheese, as examples. I tend to make burritos and stews and soups. and she listed similar things and casseroles. or pasta dishes. Even though I love fine foods just as much as the next person, delicately fixed and served, one can still make good meals with dehydrated foods. These are very handy to use and will provide protein and nutrients and carbs and such. I enjoy using the dehydrated fruits and such too. These can all be spiced up and I know she added spices for each dish that requires them and I add them too to whatever I am making with something like tvp stuff. It works pretty good. I tried a few different ones at first and am learning to work with the veggies more now. Some I prefer to dehydrate myself though. I thought it was great this chef put these meals together like that in a quart jar. Very handy and can make a nice gift for someone. I would certainly like to stock up on more dehydrated goods that are sold like this. I can get far more servings in the space taken in my place, by the large can, than I can with individual regular canned goods and its very simple to rehydrate the items you are using in a bowl or two before you are ready to use the stove, if need be.
  6. ok, this just had the power button, the recharge receptor which is small , and the headphone receptor . I will check back later, have things I need to do afk..... like get a meal in me! ETC ETC
  7. wow, that was alot to come home to after a nice week outside all that. I hope it will work out but remember you are doing this for 90 days hon and if you need to quit it then, then you need to for your own sanity. A very complex situation for sure and I am sorry you have had to shoulder all this while you are trying to upgrade your own education, at a critical phase of it. You are a good , moral, responsible person and I know its hard having to turn in that paperwork but very glad you found it and are doing so now. No need to have it be a mistake found later. You have to be able to do things in your life too and sometimes its hard setting those kinds of boundaries but we know you are doing your absolute best in this and I hope your sister has a better understanding now of the difficulties and I hope she is grateful that you took this on at all. My own dad is getting pretty forgetful and I worry about him and right now he is waiting for a prostate cancer biopsy, plus has a lump in his left chest area that doesn't look good according to his doctors and having severe prostate/UT problems currently. Right now my older brother is going through a 6 wk trucking school to change to better work since construction fell by the way side and he needs to be able to pay his bills, so he is away from his home area which is near where my father usually is private campground-wise, so my dad is calling and telling us what is being done medically. He already told me he will just live as long as he has and not worry about cancer treatments or surgeries I guess... time lived that way is about the same and surgeries and such dont always 'fix it' anyway. I don't know if he would live long enough to have to be put under special care in a nursing home situation due to his mental deterioration. I would really find it difficult to have to tell him he can't use his own debit card and pay his bills and such. It will be hard enough for him to have to quit travelling in his fifth wheeler. So far he hasn't had any tickets yet so maybe he is ok with it. Too stubborn to quit yet anyhow. Only my brother may know of any incidences while driving. I doubt he would admit anything to me. He really enjoys his campground retiree friends too, that socializing is very important to him. I know he would be as bored as me, lol, if he had to be reduced to an apartment somewhere again and a nursing home situation would only be ok in his final days for hospice I think. But I hope one of his friends, if anything occurred that was truly out of line or harmful to him or anyone else would take his cell phone and call my brother.
  8. Mt Rider -- I know the kindle fire which is 199$ has web access. Not sure about the mid or first version of kindle however. Just check on amazon to see if they do. Windmorn- I was able to order the stylus for the kindle touch key board. Its not bad but I figured the stylus is cleaner and more definite than trying to touch it all the time with my fingers which are square shaped. Not sure the keyboard for usb , unless its specifically set up for kindle , would work because there is no regular usb connection point on the kindle fire. I found the Microsoft Office ( temp) program you are allowed to use and activated it on this new HP laptop, but am glad I saved a test doc because when I looked at 'all programs' later, could not find this particular temp program on that list and no shortcut to open it and just had to click on the 1doc I had saved! It takes a bit to re-download this bitty program but at least the format is Office Word. ( the re-download happens automatically so its on the microsoft site I guess?) A bit tedious but at least its something to use if I don't lose it in the meantime! I AM going to try and start a new doc to label it specifically for Word doc use for now until I can save for the Office program costs. Going to set that second doc up ...... Otherwise I have Abiword which is a free word processing program from download.com I did check the way amazon kindle helps you do ebook publishing.... and its different than most other places .. I have info on all the current websites and their deals to get this done because even though you can create a pdf, tis hard to change it over , so these websites offer help to make sure formats change over and there were suggestions for editing and covers and such things. Prices were not bad at all and on my tiny budget its the way to go. I was thinking of a list of a series of books I could write , that really would work for me, subject wise anyhow, too... wrote a list on a doc and saved it, or I thought I did???? Can't find it... so have to go do list again. ( already have two started on that subject as it is so why not make it a whole series?)
  9. Well. I went and got my Mothers day package from my son and I was thinking it was the Office program he had meant to get me for the laptop, which would have been a bit more prudent.....for my needs...... but he spoiled me with a kindle fire and a 50 $ gift card for kindle stuff at amazon I can play movies on it so with a couple books for it and downloading a bunch I already have in my library for kindle on amazon , I rented War Horse, the movie as I have really wanted to see it and am watching it now after I was able to thank him. I see how one has web access too, very cool. A nice mauve leather cover for it too. I ordered a stylus for it since my fat fingers get in the way of the touch keyboard.. a silver one. Should go nicely together...... My son said he thought it would be much handier when I have to travel on the buses around here for so long, instead of trying to manage with my laptop to do reading and such things. If I can get the Office program I can transfer my writing and put the docs on the kindle fire to review and maybe put notes on it? or at least review and edit later.... oh, gee the cover folds up to hold it for viewing movies. Not sure if the reading turns 90 degrees so you can read it like that too? ( horizontally? ) Anyone know? I sorta wish he had just given me a debit gift card so I could have gotten the food saver instead.... if he was going to do this kind of spending. ( being more practical, but this was very kind of him to do.) I will certainly use it!
  10. It never hurts to ask about it , they may replace the parts you are having to clean up.
  11. I think it would make a great cat house in the yard around here, lollll...... with critters that like to eat them, they might enjoy the view with some protection from the other critters outside.... Grow Catnip above and it would be their haven for sure!
  12. Thanks for the tips on mold control and gunge control with the CLR and Lime problem. We have a heavy lime problem here too. Nice to know if I ever get my own washing machine again in this area!
  13. Actually, Katz I was looking for something like this. How nice to organize some 'meals' this way! They all looked good and you can always reuse the jar, so its less landfill. One thing about tvp is that it is cholesterol free and generally it doesn't have too much sodium, although the powdered cheese sauce does have quite a bit, I realized recently when I went to fill a jar with some for easy to reach usage in my kitchen. but a quarter cup of that sauce can be stretched out thinner and not be so bad on sodium count. but if you have no such concerns, then its very handy to set these up. It could also be a way to introduce someone to the very concept of dehydrated meals! Plus you can add your own spices as you like!
  14. Kindle for PC can be divided up into categories, like folders on your computer documents or email folders, you name them to suit your needs. They will be listed on the left hand side of the library. I have a bunch of history books that were free including European art and Roman history and such things that are the beginning of Western Civilization. I do not know if I will ever read them all but at least I have them. If the laptop stays working, then if other things fail they are a form of history and civility that can be used to remind me how society should go??? or be used in homeschooling along with the American History and such things related , I felt. I need coffee...... Someone said you can save the kindle book files to disk/flashdrive... I guess that is a good back up??? What if Amazon went down entirely too but you had a working laptop after a FALL of the GRID , you could reinstall from protected flashdrive/discs ??? How would that work? As for small harddrives on old computers.... ouch. It has gotten so they are truly obsolete even if they are still working. Windows 7 takes up more than 10GB of memory on the drive already... in fact I think all my operation stuff is now over 12GB, MtRider. I do consider this a good tool. Not even playing games on it anymore at all, off fb, just trying to get things done and trying to organize my stuff and my brain and not get that distracted anymore. There is plenty in my home that is distracting as it is.
  15. I believe kindle for pc can handle up to 1700 books. I have over 400 now.... More books that what are in my home, lol. Most were the free ones.
  16. Congratulations! Well, thinking of how to manage to do it all is a start, first things first. I know hot water and bleach and a clean sponge mop or two can do wonders for walls. And you don't have to go and mop up what a pressure washing would do inside, lol!
  17. I used to, lol It doesn't seem too difficult though if you get someone to help? Maybe someone will drop out of the clouds with lumber and supplies and a set of plans! Yea, that would be nice wouldn't it? Incredible price tag on that site however!
  18. Michael, I watched several such videos and for the most part, but they were harvesting pretty early too, that the potatoes were small. I had very good luck growing full sized potatoes in loose mulch though one year ( accidentally)... One of the other things I noticed in these videos for either 'potato bag or 5 gallon potato growing' is that hardly anyone used any supplements. But acidic soil was best, mulch is good of course for nutrients and peat moss, tended to help the potatoes develop much larger. A little bone and blood meal. Using larger broad based bins worked pretty good but what you put into the growing strata and what you feed them with makes a huge difference. So maybe if you created an acidic soil, kept it looser with mulchy materials partly rather than packed dirt as you layered up over new growth, you might be getting better results even in the smaller containers. Plus punching air holes in the sides helps too. ( this was the consensus I saw online with the more experienced bin growing potato growers) and was how my loose mulch pile did great ( wire mesh containing it at the time) with potato size.
  19. Sugardale chicken hot dogs Total calories 60 Fat calories 45 ( whoa quite a downpour going on.. so far no lightening but that may change any moment.) they were really cheap compared to many brands sold there , which fits my wallet well, lol. Hoping there are more on the meat shelf tomorrow!
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