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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. It can take several minutes for those in the desert regions to cool down the water from a hose in the summer time. Good idea for bath water if the power is out though.
  2. Thanks for the alert. I am, at this moment, self righteously, roasting a small beef roast and plan to marinade some pork ribs for July 4th. It's good that Mexico is trying to stay on top of things. Even though I buy commercial chicken for consumption since I am not outfitted to raise my own, I do see its all raised in the US, but its definitely worth keeping an eye on for those who do raise their own and where vendors sell their chickens from. Good Heads up!
  3. Happy Birthday MIKI!!! :bdaycake: :bdaycake:
  4. I got home around 230pm? or so.... from an 8 mile walk. At least its not super hot here but it was humid enough but partly cloudy, but only a smattering of rain drops as clouds are forming up but not really raining , they are still building up and going SE from where I live. Yep. So much for busfare. Tomorrow is payday at least. Oh, had to do that walk on an empty stomach since VA wanted fasting blood tests..... I got there ...... and they tell me it wasn't til next Monday? Huh? But how can you get the lab work down state and done before Tuesday when my doc is to call me cause she has the results? Anyway, they stuck me four times before they could get a draw.... I am such fun for that stuff.... ..... and I walk the 4 miles back.... sort of a slow plodding affect going on because left foot is already feeling way too hot on the sole, side of sole and ball of foot..... yep.... occasionally removing my cabela's cap and hoping I don't come up on a bear or a moose who doesn't like me walking all by my lonesome..... to cool my head when its breezy.... k.... make it back.... Had to call for DAV, yea! They can pick me up for VAMC trip mid month.....ok........ hope they remember! Ok.... other appt for some other stuff is verified..... but for some reason the means test I did weeks ago has not been put in to system?? what the heck? so need to see about that.....but I am not walking anymore outside today..... will call but if I need to repeat that app, I will go up tommorrow.....my footsies have had more than enough. I am happy to say the rest of me did just fine on that walk...... but my feet are so darn tender on the bottom.... It was one of those things, taking shoes off and delicately removing the socks...... wondering if it would be a real mess..... well, blisters .... these shoes are not good for long walks....... trying to figure out how to eat decent, pay copays and get quality hiking boots....... hmmm. Can I just go eat now? I no sooner get things off, gingerly make it over to laptop and have sorted out what I need right here.... got tv on to listen to news for a bit, and some dude knocks on my door... I am like, oh man, I can barely walk just now..... so I holler, Yea?? Is Chris here? Im a bit zoned on that walking, hadnt eaten yet..... have about 4 things on my mind I need to finish up and do formally and trying to make sure I have all my phone numbers and names, times and dates .... and the cool AC is making me pour off that red glow I have going..... Im not exactly dressed for company now.... and this dude starts to turn the knob on my door. Thank God I had the door bolt locked. I really didn't know if I Had made sure to lock it! I was wondering if I should grab up my survival knife and have it ready to apply.... what the heck ? I am not Chris! He's , like , across the hall ( I guess) . I dont know the new tenants name...... geez, if I had had a pistol I would have grabbed it......would have scared heck out of him I guess. ( Maybe that would teach him to be sure he has the right apartment!) . and I get on fb and find out there was a bank robbery at 1 pm in Plattsburgh, and I was a sitting duck walking on that road this whole time.... and I would not have known. By the 6.5m spot I was basically hobbling along.... ( we so rarely have serious crime around here, so that was surprising). and this twit dude is going to just walk in? He wasn't invited, I was just replying? That does not mean you can walk in my door ! Criminy. So glad I had automatically turned that bolt lock, and I hadnt been sure it was actually locked and had just been thinking I needed to go check it. Trying to infuse myself with more water ..... now I need to eat for sure. I sure hope nothing else goes on. I'm on edge dealing with a whole bunch of new situations...... That guy is lucky the door was bolted. I probably would have grabbed a heavy book at least had the door swung open and thrown it at him... Castle law..... and I couldn't walk fast enough , so a book was handy. Shrugs... Note to self, get bus money put aside from now on. Other note , tell neighbor I have ptsd and caution his buddies to make sure they know which apartment door is HIS. Sheesh. Well at least the newer team at the VA clinic seems decent enough. They were actually quite nice and helpful. Pleh~ ( that's help spelled backwards) . oh, while I was out there, I walked along , scoping out the really vacant areas... forested stuff, some steep inclines, but for good spots to get off that road in an emergency and hide and ticked off basics I could use , cover,types of trees, where the poison ivy was..... how dense things were..... water availability...... and worked on scanning around me as I went identifying noises and such. Even red squirrels make quite a bit of noise..... I was thinking it was a deer walking through the forest litter.......nope , just a squirrel, who only alerted when it came to the last tree and finally saw me from the ground..... lol. I was wondering how loud a deer or moose ( there is a whole swampy area and river branch on one area of the road) or bear might sound at this season , walking through that spot, after realizing how loud the squirrels footsteps actually were, lol. My feet are not so great just now,but it was more the other stuff that was so unnerving. Ok, off to figure out something to eat.... I burned my muffins ( early this morning) and need something else... so , will toddle off to the kitchen now. I don't think I want any more surprises and the brain is on low ebb I can definitely tell! It was at the va clinic, lol. Worse when I got home. That guy was just too casual ..... having a book come flying at him would have taught him for sure though...... sheesh. Well.... I sure hope that new neighbor would label his door or something. These friends of his are not too swift either. Maybe he was stoned? Im just wiped out..... can I be a hermit now? Blissfully? Until tomorrow morning? Chocolate cake in a mug while I make burritos ..... yep that would be fine with me...... and I have that stuff handy! .... cya latah.
  5. Its good to hear from you goatherder! I hope you can save those grape vines! It sounds like things are working out better for you and your daughter now and its nice to hear it!
  6. Thanks Drumrunner. Just remember the compass orienteering may need to be reverse if you are northern hemisphere for N and S directions, lol. The one about basic survival is written by Australian ( Western Aus.) Police..... Actually need to read it ,but the thought did cross my mind on that........ does it matter , if you are in the Northern Hemisphere when it comes to compass directions? but it looks like a handy manual I am sure I will find useful.
  7. Happy birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day!
  8. Maybe it was just bad beer ?? well, let's see, zombies, leprechauns, hollyweird has the run on vampires still going..... what next? Elves? Trolls?
  9. I am sorry this is happening, but it is good you have good memories with her. Cherish that. Cancer is such a difficult thing to deal with. It is hard to accept, the deterioration going on so fast, but in time you will come to terms with it. It's ok to grieve. I know it's hard to switch gears this fast. Still, her heart knows it is you.
  10. I have just taped the door to the hallway. Too bad neither of my two neighbor's is using airconditioning. Its feeling about 87 outside here, further north than AH It did reach 91 today. Tomorrow expected to be about 95 I had already made the appt to go do laundry in a town nearby. Only place with hot water and some of the hottest dryers on the planet. I went at 1030am and got home about 2pm. The ladies that own the place there have these huge fans they can move around so they keep a stiff breeze going through out the place, so I nursed a soda and went to work. Folded it all up after washing and drying and did take a break outside.... nice and humid and hot but it was speckled sunshine on the bench out front. My ICW /VA worker was sitting in her airconditioned jeep about the whole time doing work on papers and her cell phone. She did say she got alot done. Course the dryers when you open them up to either check the clothes or to take them out and fold them literally singe you pretty good. Well, it takes about 15 minutes to get back to my place and I was streamin' by the time we got back because it was so much cooler in the vehicle. Got my things put up and it felt like I had a good workout. My one little window airconditioner is keeping it about 80 inside. if the neighbors had them, it would probably drop alot faster tonight but I dont think it will. This whole building gets pretty darn hot. Dark curtains and shades and I was using one fan for a while this evening and yet I know I need to let the A/C blow further than that allowed it for the rest of my place where it tends to get to anyhow. I should have done this earlier, close the bedroom door and bathroom door, so just did that and the front door edges are sealed with some tape for the night, easy to remove if I need to, since I make pull tabs. WEll its not on tight anyhow but it does block the hall heat from sneaking in. That should get things to moderate abit better. One can always take a lukewarm down to cold shower too if they are just too hot feeling. That always helps me, if I get too roasting. With the temps bouncing around so often its hard to remember what to do sometimes. I think I had a sweatshirt on last night as part of my jammies, lol. Yes, one more day of hot heat and then it cools back down. Glad I did my laundry. Was nice to wash and dry it all automatically. Even if it was super hot feeling in that laundromat today. When I got home at 2pm or so, my one thought was to come in and have something to drink and settle and just do stuff after putting laundry away, very quietly, other than getting some supper done up when it was time. Of course that is when my Australian friend, F, pops up on FB and says, wow , Brrr, it was only 26F /-3C last night! Winter solstice for them, while ours is summer solstice. ( First day of summer for us anyhow). It made me grin, seeing that.
  11. Congratulations! You must be exausted by now with that moving!
  12. the turkey should be fine if you put in the frig, to cut up and can tonight, Dogmom. Most folks here can up any accidentally or emergency off grid stuff if they have a good stove to use with the pressure canner right away. did you plug in the freezer again? I will leave the more solid meats questions to the folks who can more, as I am not sure if it can still just be refrozen or not. If the turkey stayed cold like in the frig, it should be ok to can up tonight. I hope Violet sees this post soon.
  13. Ok, what they listed are very short term ,, for PROPER CANNING , This recipe is an absolute : NO NO NO!!! Turtlemama, I keep powdered eggs in the long term dehydrated storage , done commercially. I get them from honeyvillegrain.com I use those a lot already in my baking when it requires eggs. One can also get egg whites dehydrated like that. I use those and shortening and lard keep pretty well long term enough. As for fresh eggs unless you have chickens in good health and feed enough and a way to keep them safe from predators that may be the only way you would have fresh eggs after a few weeks, in any crisis. Or a good neighbor who can keep you supplied .... Canning bread the way we can things with a pressure canner is just not safe long term at all.
  14. Good to see you checking in, Drumrunner. Hope you are now on the road to recovery from that pneumonia, for sure.
  15. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads! I was thinking of my son's paternal grandfather this morning. I really miss Mac, who's first name was Chauncey, actually. He was such a good man. Raised Amish, but a descendant of Scottish Clan Highlanders who landed in America in the colony of NY four years after Culloden, his particular line going south eventually into the Amish, over time, including some Native American wifes along the generations, I picked up more fatherly wisdom in 3 day weekends over a few years than I had gotten the years of my childhood. So, more than anything, I guess I would love to be able to wish him a Happy Father's day today. This year I am sure his oldest grandson would love to tell him that he is going to be a great grandfather, and that this firstborn grandson will inherit the coat of arms and old tartan passed down, tenth generation, and now an 11th,soon to be born, since first arriving in America. I am pretty sure he would be proud of all his grandsons, as he left to serve his country too, because for him it was the right thing to do. That they all want to be good men, and work hard at their posts and occupations to provide stability for themselves and their families and believe in the good tenets. Mac did not get to see them much and died while this firstborn grandson was only 15 and the others several years younger, but he touched their lives, nevertheless. As he touched mine when I needed it very much. I hope he has a forever garden and his little smithy set up in a nice place in Heaven, and is enjoying that very much, amongst friends and family he loved and missed, also there. His influence is what started me on a prepping mentality, not that I practiced it until more recently and would like to do so much more in the future. I did get to see his Amish farm as well on a trip there one long weekend, that he had grown up on. It was the hilliest piece of land in front, and all had to be plowed. The barn classic wood and stone, Amish style and the home was a big 3 story stone structure, but sold by the family after the boys were all grown and doing different things. A roaring creek on one edge of the property. Thick woods behind the far field. For all of you Dad's out there, Happy Father's Day.
  16. Wish I could. Maybe the next one if things hold together that long!
  17. I have fat sensitivities. Ended up originally I had a slow functioning gall bladder, which when having to be utilized created massive and atrocious pain and started symptoms through IT tract and elimination resulting was not kind either. It was the last darn test the VA did in SF that gave them the clue , so gall bladder was removed. Many who have gall bladders removed acclimate back to being able to still eat some fats, but I am more sensitive to them. Still. I can consume foods fried/sauteed in olive oil, tend to stay away from deep fried at least, some animal fats , some baked goods with the usual lard ratios if I don't just use olive oil. but add more than a thin swipe of butter on that baked good, bread or muffin, and then go back for more cause it's sooooo good, oh no... Don't know if its like that exactly , regarding your daughter... but I can sympathize I honestly don't know if any of it has to do with celiacs, but that is what set my mom up for a very cruel and lingering death that took the last year of her life. I seem to do good with whole grains and oats and rice , better than when I do NOT eat enough of them , which is contrary to dietary suggestions for IBS stuff I get handed... also the nutrients seem to help the rest of the body systems like they are designed to do, so I don't know if I have celiacs. I never got a rash or vomit. I know going gluten free is supposed to help alot of disorders I have, maybe it would but I have not had a problem when I add gluten to my bread recipes or tortillas in a physical way that is blatantly noticeable like an allergy would produce Of course maybe the symptoms are not all that obvious. As to fermented rice , not interested, or whisky, lol. ruins the stomach on one small shot ...... or budweiser has fermented rice in its mash for beer..... can't drink that brand, known that for more than 30 yrs..... Just a big ewww to my tummy as for things I might consume. Will ruin a beautiful japanese meal in a heartbeat and the social fun of going to a nice meal with friends fast and linger for hours, where I just want to curl up and die. Most dairy is fine unless its a taste issue, so not bothered by cheeses or milks. Yogurt works ok.... nothing bothers stomach or further down the tract, so I can eat those types of fats, other than too much butter over a few hours or a day. I really didn't grow up with eating deep fried stuff other than french fries.... I don't eat those much at all nowadays..... So maybe I can manage some fats but not sure if there are more causes other than the gall bladder now being removed which processes fats for the body.... My mom, well, she had awesome caring doctors, but like many things, they are under the control of bigger thugocracy types and were probably told to not give her the proper diagnosis , instead it was labelled IBS, hmm, chrohns in there too? I remember that being an issue, but not to figure out she had celiacs for many many years? Believe me, that really steams my shorts. It is a miserable death , I wish it on no one. It definitely tears you up and weakens things , not to mention upsetting average absorption and such over time. Later it is like a bad dam breaking ... I can't go into details about all that but its a vicious way to die no matter what other vicious treatments and things they do to support your life at that point. my mom was a sweet, polite lady who didn't deserve that. She was also intelligent and conscientious to a T about nutrition needs and they should have told her about the celiacs years ago. so , I would love to see more recipes for celiacs and for avoiding fats. It can't hurt any of us. If you, CGA or Mother would like to bring some up on a new thread, I am sure many of us would appreciate it.
  18. Also it makes me think of other factors, gall bladder symptoms and pain maybe was one, but also is she picking up on the stressors more these days , or is she bothered by the weather, heat conditions more as she gets older? not sure what the not digesting fat symptoms are but you do, since you have to manage her hygiene needs. Ring any bells? Very challenging and you are a remarkable woman and mother to be able to be doing all this by yourself.
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