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Everything posted by Jori

  1. We had storms roll in on Sunday night. The river is low on the way to my parents and we are watering what is in of the garden but the grass is still green. The neighbors are watering their lawns already.
  2. Jori


    Oh Cat! Hang in there, it's almost over. I remember my AP classes, most of them were less work but more reading. Physics was my killer. The teacher should have been teaching college classes. We would ask a question, he would explain it the same way and someone else would ask the same thing in a slightly different way all in the hopes of an answer we understood. Never happened.
  3. Morning wink & everyone to follow~ Wink~ congratulations on finishing the garden. I'm waiting for DH to fill the rest of the beds. I have leaf and head lettuce, swiss chard, potatoes, onions, green beans, and carrots all coming in. I planted cilantro seeds Tuesday so well see if anything comes about. I haven't ventured to the greenhouses, yet. It's beautiful out this morning! DS1 has already asked to go out to play. We need to go grocery shopping but payroll has gone to direct deposit so I'm not sure when the $$ arrives since this is the first week for it. I need to run to the Verizon store and have my phone looked at today. We need to finish up the last few things for DS1's birthday and party on Sunday. I need to finish my "homework" for my knitting class, too. I think that's enough for today. Have a great day!
  4. Good afternoon~ We went to the zoo this morning with my sil and niece. It was a little chilly since the zoo is at the Lake. DS1 is crashed out so that tells me it was a good day. I managed to throw a load of laundry in the washer and a load of dishes in the machine before we left so I need to finish those up and put the dishes I'm dropping off for a garage sale into a rinse cycle. I through ribs in the crock pot for dinner. I have my first hat and scarf knitting class tomorrow so I'm trying to finish my swatch (4 inches) now rather than tonight. We'll go check on "Great" tomorrow at some point and DD has taekwondo, too. "Great" update: When we ran in yesterday afternoon, she was fine!!!! She knew who the kids were and told her lady friends at the dinner table who they were. She didn't have her glasses on but didn't seem to have a problem so I didn't worry about it. She misplaces them a lot. I think it's the first time in 4 that she knew who we were. FIL and MIL are on their way back - yay!!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  5. Happy birthday Zophiel! I hope you had a wonderful day! Hope all is well. We miss you
  6. Thanks Cat! Sending hugs but using the phone.
  7. Stop! No one ever showed me what the strawberry was for, and I took sewing classes. The tomato my mom had is floating between one of three houses, I just don't know which one. I have a pasta maker and registered for an iron but didn't receive one. I made a comment that I picked my pattern board and a clothes line and received strange looks. (Edited by Cat because Jori was trying to type with a sick little guy on her lap, and it came out ummmm... *interesting*. )
  8. Thanks Linda! I was getting ready to look for the last thread and ask about her.
  9. I had my first knitting class today and LOVED it!!!!! We learned long tailed cast on; garter; stockinette;ribbing; graph paper stitch
  10. Thank you! He;s back to normal and I caught a glimpse of the tooth he was working on when he got sick.
  11. I missed the first one. DS2 had roseola but didn't know that is what he had. I'll go this Friday and make up the first one.
  12. Thanks TMC! I was thinking Spanish (Latin American). DH was thinking Chinese. I saw that Rosetta Stone offered Greek or Latin (can't remember off hand) and I thought might be good for language development and understanding meanings. I took Spanish was I was in grade school and German when I was in High School but that's been over 20 years. I remember more sign language. I was just thinking about you so hope all is well!
  13. Looking for feedback on what you have used for foreign language programs. What did you used? How old were the kids? Did you like it? Did they like it? Did they learn? I messed with the Rosetta Stone Homeschool Program this morning. I've never really given it any thought. My focus for additional has been sports and music (and gardening).
  14. I signed up for my first knitting class today. It starts Friday and meets 4 times.
  15. DH and I talked pretty in-depth last night and I am going to take both. The knitting for beginners course begins next Friday. As soon as that's finished, I'll take the knit beginner project course and then the quilting (machine) course since it starts the end of May. There will be one week of overlapping in May but I think it is going to be worth it.
  16. I'm looking for thoughts and opinions. I haven't decided on my birthday gift but have found a class for beginner quilting and one for knitting for beginners. I can only take one (unless I can find a creative way to get both). I really want to be able to knit and quilt but can't decide which is going to be the better one to take right now. Thoughts, please.
  17. 7 pts of strawberry lemonade concentrate in the water bath canner:canning:. Time to start cleaning out the freezer, hope I'm not jumping the gun for this years crops.
  18. :laughkick::laughkick:
  19. Lol! I thought the same thing, Mother. It didn't register until I saw your post and I'm working on my third cup if coffee. I can't help
  20. Thanks everyone! Violet~ I was pretty sure we didn't recommend it but wanted to check. Arby ~ she could have said 2 years. I was amazed with all of her food stores for she and her husband. We've talked about buying the powdered eggs for baking/cooking just haven't done it, yet. I remember eating cheese in red wax when I was little but I think my mom had it in the fridge. So a HUGE downfall to these shows are people might not be giving great information to others. I haven't seen anyone actually canning so I'm not sure what they are saying/doing/teaching.
  21. I was watching Doomsday something or other last night, and the lady was rubbing mineral oil on eggs to make them shelf stable. Ummmmmm???? This isn't recommended, is it? Or did I miss that one? Also, she was storing cheese in wax to make it shelf stable, I think she said something like 30 or 40 years. Again, um, is this really recommended?
  22. Bumping due to the wacky weather I'm adding sambucol to the stocks. Now I just need to find a cough syrup that isn't in the liquid form (DS1 won't take).
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