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Everything posted by gofish

  1. My awesome Dh bought me a new mattress and box springs. Our mattress was new in 1976. It was long past its prime. We bought our new bed Thursday night and he was going to pick it up Friday morning. 3 people told us they would set one aside for us so it wouldn't get resold to someone else. It is a while supplies last sale. After work I got into my car and he left a note that they didn't do that and they resold it and were now sold out. So I come home angry ready to make a phone call to express my extreme displeasure only to find out he left the note just to yank my chain. I told him he could sleep on the sofa.
  2. I have a aluminum lion. You do tie them. It works just as well any other aluminum cake pan. I made 2 or 3 and the heads kept falling off so now I use it to make rice crispy treats. A mixture of rice crispys and coco crispy looks nice.
  3. Wow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVEIN5zsa2Q
  4. Ya Jeepers, it gave me the shivers too. Giving up hot showers would be hard for me long- term
  5. http://www.motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2013/02/report-spread-monsantos-superweeds-speeds-12-0
  6. What a week. Monday I came home from work to find my DD1 upset that the dog had a stroke. Dh came home from work to take the dog to the vet. Because DD1 works for the vet she got a discount but Dh forked over some of his gas money to pay the bill. He is NOT a dog person. Tuesday I came home from a very long day at work to find Dh cleaned the kitchen. I did a load of laundry and cooked dinner. After dinner DD2 went to take a shower. We had no water. Dh found out the motor on the pump bit the dust. He rushed to get a new pump and get our water working. By the time he figured out the fittings were wrong the store was closed. Wednesday. I had to make do with a cold gallon of water instead of my nice hot shower to get ready for work. After a even longer day at work I got home to find Dh had replaced the pump so we have water again. I have today and tomorrow off for vacation. Dh left me money so I can get groceries today because the ladies at chruch are having a craft weekend and I want to go. I hope the drama is over for the week.
  7. gofish


    **If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May, you may live in Indiana. **If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't even work there, you may live in Indiana. **If you've worn shorts and a jacket at the same time, you may live in Indiana. **If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Indiana. **If "vacation" means going anywhere south of Fort Wayne for the weekend, you may live in Indiana. **If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Indiana. **If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you may live in Indiana. **If you have switched from "Heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again, you may live in Indiana. **If you can drive 75 mph through two feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you may live in Indiana. **If you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both doors unlocked, you may live in Indiana. **If you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you may live in Indiana. **If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you may live in Indiana. **If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph, you're going 80 and everybody is passing you, you may live in Indiana. **If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you may live in Indiana. **If you know all four seasons are: Almost winter, Winter, Still winter and Road Construction, you may live in Indiana. **If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you may live in Indiana. **If you find 10° "a little chilly", you may live in Indiana.
  8. This morning our dog had a stroke. She is getting up there in years. DD1 called the vet and they told her to put honey on her gums???? and bring her into the office. She is OK for now and we will have to give her a aspirin every day but I warned the kids if she gets bad we"ll have to have her put down.
  9. My DH is in Skywarn. Skywarn is people, usualy Hams (but they don't have to be) that are trained to report weather conditions to the weather service. Emergency Management of this county has taken over the training. It used to be done by the weather service. Because Em is doing the training, they want trainees to obtain 3 FEMA certifications. you can do them online. Dh said they are not hard but it's a lot if info written in goverment launage. Each one takes about 3 hours. I have to opportunity to go to the training this year. One part of me wants nothing to do with FEMA. On the other hand I want to know about FEMA's game plan. I need to have this done by Thursday. Would you get the cetrifications?
  10. The dog is still there and she had to take care of it when no one else is available.I'm still going in with her when the office is closed. I know she is 18 but yesterday I told her she had to talk with the vets about this dog or I would.
  11. Ok I'm a day late but happy birthday Jori. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. It's COLD and snowy in this part of the state.
  12. See if you can get him to take a Dave Ramsey class. http://www.daveramsey.com/home/
  13. You got to be kidding me. Let's get them started on allergies as soon as possible! http://living.msn.com/style-beauty/simply-chic-blog-post/?post=e8194fed-237a-48d7-84e5-88d7fcf78fcf&_nwpt=1
  14. went to work with her today. The vet was there and he took care of the dog today.
  15. It's the owners worried about it's agressive behavior and can't make up mind what to do dog. Quarantine dogs the vets take care of. DD is 5'2 and petite. The dog wieghs about as much as she does. I will tell her about the umbrella.
  16. I have always wondered why should I as somome who doesn't use credit cards have to pay the same surcharge on the price of a product as someome who uses a credit card.
  17. My oldest DD works at a vet clinic.They sometimes keep a "Bite dog" until it's decided what to do with the dog. The clinic has a mastiff that sniffed, licked, bit, than re-licked someone. She was taking the dog outside to go potty and it sniffed, licked and growled at her. It growled at her again when she put it back in its run. I wanted to know what they told her to do to protect herself from these dogs. She said nothing. My prayer is the dog will be gone by Sunday which is when she works again. What can she do to deal with these dogs?
  18. They don't like to cook but I do make them help. It's more like DD1 and Son love toco salad DD2 hates it. Son and DD2 love lasagna DD1 hates it. The list goes on and on. I will admit to making too many quick boring meals. Which bugs me because I love to cook. When I was 16 Mom gave me the grocery money and the car keys. Meals for the week was up to me. My sister was going for a career she hated to cook. Which is why she called me when she was in collage to ask me how to boil patatoes.
  19. I'm having too much whine with dinner latly. I think I'm going to give them a cookbook, a budget and tell them to pick a night. Lets see what they come up with on their own. Would you do this?
  20. Dh picked up my new sofa yesterday. He and Son got it in the house and was getting ready to hook the 2 sections together when he looked at me and said " You did measure it didn't you?" It fits but it did look smaller in the store. I'm going to have to get rid of something else.
  21. Bummer. How it gets easier soon.
  22. I just got my Christmas tree down and put away today. I'm known to have it down by the day after Christmas. My family has been teasing me about it still being up. We painted the girls room this week. We painted it white. My 3 teenagers took 6 bright colors and splattered the walls. Not what I would have picked but it looks nice. DH put up the new blinds and curtain rods. When we took down the mirror I discovered there was not much holding it up. I don't know how it didn't fall long ago. it only had 2 holders with little nails on it. When we put it back up we made sure it was well secured. I still have to get the curtains and light fixture. It's a little early but Dh got me a new sectional sofa for my birthday. This is our 1st new sofa. We've been rearranging the living room all day. We have a long narrow living room and I always wanted a sectional.
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