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Everything posted by out_of_the_ordinary

  1. Thanks for posting the pics, Luma! All the ornaments look great!! You all are very creative ladies!
  2. ^ Yes. God answered our prayers! Thank you all for praying for my DH!!
  3. I had a thread asking for prayers for my DH and a particularly bad work situation a few months ago. Part of the problem that by dealing with that, DH wasn't able to focus on the exam he had coming in October. This was an exam to get him an In-training License, a step towards his Professional License. Just getting all of the info to get approved to take the test was a big challenge. Over 40 pages of his experience, 5 already licensed people to give him references, 6 years worth of documented work, broken down to show so much experience in each part of his work field. Then, over $200 to apply for the test. Pass or fail, you're spending that. And again to re-take the test if you fail. Over $ 400 in books to study. Some of that was math DH had never seen, the professionals at work hadn't seen, either. Prayers! 20-30% that take the test pass it. Only 10% pass that are accepted to take their test based on experience, instead of education. The test was an 8 hour written one. DH had one word for it "Brutal" The test was in the end of Oct. Takes 8-10 weeks to get the results. Today, we get an email from the state. HE PASSED.
  4. Men are complex. There's 2 levels of sickness for them: 1) They "think" they're not sick and will argue with you about it and refuse to take anything or 2) they're incapable of doing anything at all and turn into a pitiful whiner on the couch who can barely move and need your help with everything. Interestingly, the whine level goes up as they recover. Also once better, they deny acting in the #2 level of sickness.
  5. We have a Lansky knife sharpening kit. It comes with different hones (differnet grades like course, medium, one for serratated knives). I bought it for DH years ago as a Christmas gift--my dad had one so I knew it was a good product. DH sharpens our kitchen knives, butchering knives and hunting knives with it.
  6. I cut DH's hair yesterday. I've been doing that for over 2 years now. I think the Wahl hair cutting kit paid for itself after 3 haircuts. And, I'm getting better, especially at trimming around his ears!
  7. I have the Charlie Brown Christmas DVD. I'll have to watch it and listen for that. Will let you know.
  8. Oct/Nov/Dec are my favorite months and always seem to go by the quickest! It's hard to believe November is already over!! We had a nice week as this is DH's vacation week and the 1st week of PA's rifled deer season. I knew he needed a break from work. He's much more relaxed. I'm so grateful to see the stress gone from his face! He hasn't gotten a deer and isn't seeing much in the woods again this year. Today I ordered a fresh turkey breast from a local farm for our Christmas dinner. I've finished the Christmas cards and most of the little bit of shopping already. DH's list was all "prep" items, although they're not prep items to him, just things he wants. It's funny to look back before we even knew what prepping was and see that many gifts were prep items. We haven't decorated yet, I didn't want to before December anyway. I look forward to watching the Christmas specials that will be on tv this month.
  9. Cabelas carries camo sheets, comforters and curtains. I don't have those, but do have 2 sets of outdoor/hunting themed sheets and one comforter I bought through Cabelas Bargain Cave section. They're all USA made. I check their website weekly for deals there. I haven't seen any USA made stuff lately, though.
  10. Do you have a Vaporizer? We use that with either Vicks Vap-o-steam or the Kaz brand stuff added to it. I usually have a cool-mist humidifier going in the house in the winter time, but when one of us is sick or is stuffed up, we notice the difference using the Vaporizer.
  11. How wrong is this? I read the thread title and thought it was about a sinus problem and a constipation problem (the stubborn rear end part). :laughkick: Anyway, CG, I hope your DH is feeling better soon!
  12. Happy (belated) Birthday, Drumrunner!
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