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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Jeepers and Mother our church used to do things like the women's shelters but I am not sure since covid and the church shut down that they are still doing it. I am trying to get hold of the lady that was in charge of doing that stuff from church. Our church is just getting back on its feet from the closure and a new pastor. Went through some more stuff today. And then GS came over to wash clothes. Took him to get haircut and he got it all chopped off. It looks so much better. He said he is coming out of his depression so I think I have been influencing him and it's working. He has now stopped smoking pot. I saw a huge difference in him today and he is even coming back over tomorrow to go to my next door neighbors birthday party. Yeah that will be interesting as his boss will be their also. He needs to get out to be around people. He used to cut grass for my neighbor and he would let him get in the pool to cool off after cutting the grass. That pot really did a number on him as he was hell on wheels when he was high. So I think he has had time to think about a lot of things and how that pot made him treat people. The change is good and I hope it keeps going in that direction. I actually saw some of my old grandson come out today and all for the good.
  2. Carrollton is just over the bridge from me. My DD used to live there. About 15 minutes from my house. I knew one hit down somewhere but wasn't sure and had not heard anything about it last night or this morning. I did get the warning on my cell phone and things outside didn't look good. We did get some heavy rain and storms but that was it for us.
  3. Still working on the reorganizing. GS should be here later today or tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping he comes today. He is going to help me move some heavy things and I need to empty the bookcase in hall and move that out of way soon so GD and her DH can get the bedroom suit out of that bedroom. I am sure DD and SIL will be here to help also. Then they will be back middle of August to help GS to move into his apartment. That will finish getting all the furniture out of house that I am giving to the kids. So the only furniture I will have left to get rid of is a couch and loveseat. But that won't go till I get new den furniture. I have a lot of bottles of shampoos and conditioners. Some left here from kids moving in and out from DD to all the Grandchildren. The closet is full of that stuff and I don't use it. So trying to figure out what to do with it all. It is taking up space in hall closet that I need for other things. I am open for any suggestions on rather to just box it up and put in garage, pitch it in trash or find someone that might want it. Which I had already tried finding a source for someone that might need it with no luck. Kids don't want it back. So I guess I am the collect all of what they don't want and that has already come to a stop. I know with things getting bad around the world and prices going way up, that maybe I should keep it but I can't use a lot of that type of shampoos and such.
  4. I haven't checked my blueberries today but should be getting close to picking time. So far the only thing I have harvested is the radishes. Green peppers are forming now as well as the squash. Tomatoes are in bloom now, so hoping to start seeing those forming before long. Due to weather garden got a later start in the planting department. So harvesting will be a bit later than normal for me.
  5. Been working on a lot of stuff and moving things around in bathroom cabinets. We are having thunderstorms now and under a tornado watch. Haven't heard yet if the warnings have passed yet so thinking we are still under the threat. I have a lot of sample face wash, shampoos, conditioners and such. So I gathered them all together and put them in the top drawer of the main bathroom. When kids come in to visit or stay the weekend if coming from out of town. They can use the sample stuff in there. Need to start looking for den furniture soon. Then after the stuff in living room is out of there, I will start looking for living room furniture. Both couches' will have the fold out beds. So instead of a guest room, they can sleep in living room or den when they come into town to visit. It would make it easier on me and not so comfortable for them that they try to move in again. GD and her husband will be moving back here I think by first of the month or possibly sooner. Not sure yet when her DH has to report in. That makes it nice they will be living close to me as I will get to see the great grandbaby a lot more. So won't have to drive to where they are to see baby for at least 4 years. Then it will depend on where the Coast Guard sends them. Becca Anne, enjoy the rest of your trip and the site seeing. I know you live to far from your daughter but hopefully there will be lots of pictures sent your way and you can visit again in a few months. And maybe she came come visit with you also. Mother I know what you mean about your kids living all over the country. I have one in CA one in Washington state. DD and another grandson in NC though I think that Grandson is overseas right now. He is in the Army. And for now a GD living in NC but soon to be moving back here and the other grandson that was living with me is still living here but now has his own place. He comes here to visit every Saturday and to wash his clothes till he gets settled into his apartment. He works Monday through Friday so not working weekends any longer and said he will be coming to visit every Sat. or Sun. and help me with garden. So hopefully he is starting to learn you can treat people the way he did and expect them to take it. I wasn't the only one he was treating badly so hoping he is now learning from his mistakes.
  6. Jeepers, I know all to well about having to much stuff. I had to laugh when I saw the picture of all your canning jars, TP and paper towels. I think we are about even on those items. But those are a necessity. I plan to do a lot more canning. I had to redo the small bedroom so I can put what I can in there. I have filled that room up but it is for a good cause. And nope no kids are moving back in with me. They can visit but need to have their own place to live. That is why I am no longer having a guest bedroom. When they were little, they stayed with DH and I a lot. Most weekends there was always a grandchild here. Sometimes we would have them for a week or more during the summer months. We enjoyed them so much back then but we could always send them home again for a break. They are all grown now and don't need to be living with grandma any longer. Seems as soon as they found out I was working on a guest bedroom it meant they could move in. I want the freedom now to come and go as I wish and not have to worry with cleaning up behind them. I can sit down and watch TV or watch a DVD, play music or whatever now with no interference from kids. Time to enjoy my freedom.
  7. Becca Anne I know you don't want the time to end that you are spending with that Grandbaby. Enjoy the rest of your trip and stay safe. Mt. Rider, glad the water situation is being fixed and your driveway won't be flooding. Jeepers, hope you get things straight with the money soon. Today washed sheets and then switched out summer and winter clothes. Going through some boxes that were in closet. Looks like another trip to Goodwill is in order. There is so much stuff in the house and sheds and I haven't even touched on the sheds yet. DH never wanted to get rid of anything because he always thought there would be a good use for it later down the line. He was right on some things but this is just more than I can handle. So now it just has to go. DD and the grandkids will never want it and with 2 grandchildren on the west coast it would be to expensive to mail anything much to them. I just want the house cleaned out and fixed to be a more manageable place for my old age. Depending on weather tomorrow might be working in gardens. Will try to get an early start and then see where it goes from there. Granddaughter that lived with me for 4 months is moving back my way. Her DH will be getting out of boot camp and he will be stationed here. They are looking now for a place to live. So looks like I will get to see a lot of the new great grandbaby.
  8. Banks are getting ridiculous these days. I don't see why that all has to be done that way. And yes after you get check back and take it to deposit they will hold it for at least 7 to 10 days. I think I typed in Equator about going out to Harborview this afternoon. I thought I was in Watcha doing today. Sorry about that. I meant to type that here. I must be tired. Anyway went to a couple of stores T.J. Max and Homegoods store. Bought a few things I needed and then left and went down old college drive to see how the building was going. It's not the same place. Will have to check it all out another day when I have more time. Houses, apartments, stores you name it. Came back up to the smaller shops and had dinner. Then came home. It felt good to get out for just a few hours. And no I won't talk about the lousy traffic.
  9. Mt. Rider, hope the beaver issue is taken care of soon. They are cute to watch but can cause a lot of damage. Miki you are right. Never a dull moment with Ambergris and Mt. Rider. But I think we could add Jeepers into it with her house situation. Having a slow day today. Just can't get moving around here today. Haven't been out of house in a couple of weeks so getting ready to head to Harborview to walk around and see what else they have done around there. Might do a little shopping while there and maybe pick up some dinner instead of cooking tonight. Guess I just need a change of scenery. Was going to Lowe's and Tractor Supply but never did. I'm not one to shop unless I am in the mood which isn't that often.
  10. Jeepers I really hope things start to improve for you soon. That is so crazy that the insurance company is so slow to get things moving. It's crazy how medical insurances are. Doctor I worked for had a work around that pill issue. He would subscribe the pills as if the patient was taking double to get it filled and then talk to patient about taking one and a half pills. It happened to me a long time ago as well. There are ways doctors can work around the insurance but not all are willing to do it. Been going through things around house and trying to get things in the rooms I want them in. I have nowhere for my hair dryer and things other than the main bathroom. So I am working on moving things off my dressers to go into the main bathroom. The master bath is nothing more than a cracker box. I do have more storage, but for some things it's just not possible. Very small master bath. No drawers under sink to amount to much and the linen closet is small. I moved my towels and such to that linen closet from the closet for clothes. So it is mostly holding towels, TP and some cleaning supplies for that bathroom. Plus a few other things that I needed in the master bath. I can dry my hair in the main bathroom as I do have more room in there. Plus much more storage. I have a lot of sample toiletries I am going to put in top drawer of the main bathroom. I have that stored in a box. I use those when I go on trips so the drawer is deep and long so I can easily organize everything in there and just grab what I need when going on trip. Found out that DGD's DH will be out of boot camp in 3 weeks and will be stationed in Portsmouth. So that would be Craney Island. And no they are not moving back in with me so will have to find an apartment or house. After GS I am totally done with kids moving in on me again. Can come to visit but that is it. I can't handle the constant cleaning up behind them and me having to cook and clean up kitchen just to have them mess it up again. To old for that mess. Though till they are transferred again, I will be seeing a lot of the new great grandbaby. That I can deal with.
  11. Strawberry pie filling, jelly and jam. Those are all I can think of right now.
  12. Jeepers, it seems they should have already started on your house by now. I would go to the insurance person and let them have it. Tell them about the conflicting messages over the hotel and ask why nothing is being done on the house. How many months has it been now? I know you said you were waiting on the money but still seems they should have started on something by this time. They know it is being paid by the insurance company. So should not have been this much of a delay. I just hope you don't have to end up getting a lawyer over this. You have been through a lot with this house. Praying that things will start happening on the house soon.
  13. Happy Birthday Euphrosyne. Hope your day is a very special one.
  14. I also wanted a house full of children but things happen and I only had the one child and lost one child. But after meeting my second husband we had two girls between us. We were blessed with 5 grandchildren and now one great grandchild due in October. Though they were moving in on me right after DH passed away and then construction starting it was the wrong time for that to happen. Now they can come visit and not move in on me. To old for the drama my GS provided me.
  15. That is crazy Jeepers. Just because they are different systems doesn't mean that can't do a mammogram and either send you the results or send them to your doctor. A fax machine doesn't care what group of doctors you are in. Been packing up GS's clothes and his food that he still has here. Running out of boxes so need to go hunt some boxes down. I think Food Lion stocks tomorrow so will go check it out for boxes. Working on another load to take to Goodwill from garage. I have two old wooden shoe boxes I am thinking about taking to the pawn shop. Might not get much money for them but anything is better than nothing. Will see what happens. It has been cloudy off and on most of day today and now it is trying to rain. Just a few drops so far. Since GD is coming to get the bedroom suit end of month or first of next month, I should be able to have most of house back together by end of July or end of August after GS's stuff is out of house. Then I can do a thorough cleaning of closets, painting and shop for new den and living room furniture. It has been a long ride to get this house back together both from construction and kids moving in and out on me. But it is now starting to come together again.
  16. Fried okra is really good and I also make stewed okra with basil, tomatoes and a little sugar. my DD hates okra but loves the stewed okra.
  17. First time seeing this video. Not heard of her before now. Thank you for the introduction. Trying to cook for one is really hard. But I am doing it. So I have left overs that I eat the next day. I like how she uses the left over meat like the pork chops for a breakfast meal. Using the rice was a neat idea. I always have leftover rice when I cook it.
  18. I think just about everyone has at least one relative that will take the others in family for a sleigh ride if they can. Made pasta salad early this afternoon and then GS came over to wash clothes. Took him to get haircut but we waited to late and they closed. So he's coming here early tomorrow to go get one. For some reason he likes me to go with him. I am so glad he left on good terms. Just wish he had stayed off the pot and behaved. But at least he is doing better for now. We had lunch while his clothes were washing and we talked about next year's garden plans. He won't eat the veggies but he likes to plant them. He about flipped out when he saw the pantry totally redone. He said it looked so much better that even he could find things much easier and much more floor room now.
  19. Mt. Rider, you are right about family that acts like they do. Having things and money will never fill that void. I hope your DH did really well with the surgery and they got everything. Are you guys back home now? I know you are glad the worse is now behind you. And yes. Jeepers still holds that title. But she will prevail.
  20. None of the kids want my house since they all live out of state and would have to leave their jobs to move back here. I have a trust set up that everything that is in house they can pick through and take what each one wants though I have certain things I am leaving to each child. I have one child also. Anything the kids don't want they can trash it or have an estate sale or something. Then the house will be sold through my estate lawyer and the money will go into a trust. Kids will get a monthly check from the sale of house and what is in my life insurance policy and retirement. That way everyone benefits. I had an older sister that passed away from cancer in 1999. My younger sister stole everything from my mother every time she went to visit. I didn't know about some of what was going on until after I had separated from my first husband and had to move in with my mom. She still had her house then or so I thought. My younger sister talked her into borrowing the amount of what the house would have sold for and my mother used that money and bought younger sister 2 cars as the first car she didn't like. And younger sister was nine months pregnant. before I found out she was pregnant. She was not married and the father took off and left her. So my mom paid all her medical bills and bought the crib, clothes and all the things babies need. All from the money from the house. I moved out of the house a year after moving in as my younger sister said that when I get a job I had to give my paycheck to her and she would give me what she thought I would need to live on. I won't go into detail on that as I wasn't very nice to her and she never saw my paychecks. I went to my mom's house a couple of months after moving out to see she had lost the house. So I never got anything other than my father's car that I had to pay for. I didn't have a car at the time as my Ex's girlfriend forged my name on the car we had and they sold it. When I found out my mother and older sister lost the house, I put them in my apartment and moved in with my second husband and we went ahead and got married at that same time. Three months later my mother and older sister moved to Lynchburg to live with her brothers and sisters till they got an apartment there. When my mother passed away in 1995, my DH and I payed for her funeral out of our pockets as I was told my mother had no life insurance policy. I later found out she did and my younger sister had it set up as she being the beneficiary of the policy. So she got that money also. My DH and I sat down and thought about how we could set things up upon our death so that my daughter and step daughter would not be fighting over things. So the trust was set up for that. No fighting, they have to follow what the trust said and it cannot be probated. Right now I am down sizing as I don't need all the stuff I have now. I really am tired of having to clean and dust all the stuff we have collected over the years. There are things I am keeping as it does have sentimental value for me. But the kids when I am gone can keep it or sell it. I will be gone and it won't matter to me then anyway. I won't know anything about it. Yes I grew up in a bad environment but I got through it and am better for it. I no longer have anything to do with my younger sister for what she did to my mother and older sister. She tried it on me and it didn't work and she didn't like that she could not control me. Some of the things I did get rid of my daughter took. So that was a good thing. Haven't done a lot today as I have been so busy for past 4 or 5 days that I decided to take the afternoon off and do nothing. Been reading and watching tv.
  21. I have heard that if you eat a lot of garlic the mosquitoes won't bite. Wonder if it is true. I eat garlic in different foods but not that much.
  22. Midnightmom, I will have that same issue one day. My DD and Grandkids won't want much of what is in the house. I know there are some things each one of them want but the pictures I have, will either end up in a yard sale or a Good Will. I have some pictures that are worth money now as the artist that painted them have passed on which they say makes them more expensive now. But it will be what it will be. Been doing a bit of house cleaning this morning. Decided I needed a cup of coffee. GS should be over later today to wash clothes. Might put him to work while he is here helping me with some things around here. Pantry is almost done. Just need to go through some spices I have and move them to kitchen. Need to go through spices in kitchen to check that they are all still ok.
  23. Wow Jeepers, I think you are about tied with me. I am trying to use up all of my stuff now. Or at least get it to a more manageable situation. I think you have me beat on the empty jars. But for me I have 5 shelving units also with all food on them. Now that GS is on his own. I will start back to eating what is here. I didn't use the veggies like I normally would because GS won't eat veggies. So I just didn't cook much of them for dinner. Now I am eating what I have canned everyday again. I have been in pantry today checking on what I have and what I need. Moving things around to make room for the canning I will be doing when garden comes in so the new will be in back of the older food. Not going to have a lot of shelf room for everything. So part of what I can this year will be on floor under the shelving units which is fine because that won't get used till all the older food is used up. I have my living room loaded with the cases of jars I pulled out of the pantry. Thought that was going to work for me but it took up to much room. So working on cleaning off a shelving unit that will only for empty jars and water. The units in garage are huge compared to the ones in pantry. Will be bringing in boxes to pack up GS's clothes tomorrow to put in living room. Need to get everything out of that bedroom so kids can get the bedroom suit out of their end of month. GD has her furniture stored for now so they are going to put it in the storage unit. Hoping Mt. Rider's DH is over his surgery now and that all went well. Still praying for Mt. Rider and her DH for a quick recovery and that they got all the cancer removed. Thinking of just hiring someone to paint the bedroom before I move my sewing machine and desk in there. Just need to decide on a color for walls. DD said I should paint it and I told her my hands were not steady enough to paint the trim at top of wall and ceiling. I would not be able to keep a straight line. She suggested painting the walls and the ceiling white. Nope to much white for me. Ceiling will still be white but needs painting. I have some pictures I need to take to Michaels to change the glass in them. They have the non glare glass that takes away from the pictures. So wanting to get those redone. They have 70% off of framing now but I am not sure I would get that off of just changing out the glass. If not I will do 2 pictures at a time depending on the price. I have 6 of them to get done.
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