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Everything posted by euphrasyne

  1. I've had them all my life. My earliest memory is being 2 and having a migraine. When I was in my teens/twenties I had them several times a week, but they got less after I had kids and got older. I still get them about once every month or two. No Rx helps and I've tried everything. OTC excedrine migraine works (offbrand works too). Seriously it is a lifesaver. I get head pain, aura, nausea, and severe sound and light sensitivity. I get stress, sinus, and eye strain headaches too, but they not even on the same scale as a migraine for me. Stupid, but HIGHLY effective migraine cure for the really bad ones is to run a hot bath and get in with a snorkel. Lay on back with face entirely submerged and snorkel sticking up. Have someone there to check you every bit to make sure you don't drown. There is something about the weight of the water on your face that makes you want to slit you wrists less and makes the pain dim to bearable levels. I usually take some pills then get in the water if it is a truly bad one.
  2. I have the kitchenaid pasta attachment for about 20 years now. Sometimes I run pie crust through it because I'm lazy and hate to roll things out. Thick doughs like for hand pies (sweet and savory) work ok too if you keep it on the thicker side for the first flat roll. It just has to be a not too sticky dough.
  3. DH said that gas is between 2.89 and 2.91 around us. 61-year-old woman reported missing under suspicious circumstances found dead; Chesapeake Police investigating as homicide (wtkr.com) Missing Chesapeake woman found dead; case being investigated as a homicide | WAVY.com My subdivision is quiet and over by the YMCA and bowling alley. They cut out some of the wooded lot between the YMCA and gas station in the last few months to put in apartments. (which we are all super unhappy about.) There is stall a small wooded lot behind the YMCA and adjacent to our subdivision and where the apartment construction is--that is where they found the body.
  4. DH has a sit/stand desk both at work and at home. He has bad hip problems and swears by them. We got the home one from Ikea. Its electric and has a button that makes the entire table top go up or down. I bought new bath linens online last year. I got the brand I liked in a color I wanted and replaced all the items in the master bath. I checked Amazon first, but ended up going with Walmart since they carried what I was looking for. DD17 is nothing but chaos and drama. I will survive this and she will survive this. One more year until she graduates. Its the sort of drama where you don't talk to your family for 30 years, so I'm a bit on edge and preoccupied lately. They found the body of a 61 year old woman in the wooded area at the front of my subdivision. We had helicopters and a billion police cars. Apparently she was from NY but living here for work temporarily. Her body was located literally 2 streets over less than half a mile from my house. We are freaking out.
  5. I know a guy in Equador who emigrated from Canada. He is an older guy in his 60s. He and his wife got a shot and most of the local ex-pat population where he is also did.
  6. It could be anything. You live not that far from me so I will share some of my local insight with my neighbors: We talk to one or two, but everyone can see us coming and going. So if we leave or rarely leave or start using wheelchairs or canes --everyone knows it. They do not have to actually talk to us to know what is going on because they can see it and we can see the same things about them. Its possible he stopped helping with trash cans because they had something going on, they didn't know about your issue, or the pandemic. Your husband passed and that would be known so he might be trying to help because that is a hard thing. It isn't unusual for women to shed lawn equipment, tools, or sell houses after such a big life change. He may be scoping out what he thinks may be coming on the market. The housing market here is INSANE. People are bidding 30% over asking because they are getting outbid on every house. 2 of our neighbors sold houses before ever even being officially listed. DH's coworkers can't find anywhere because they keep being outbid. We aren't looking to sell, but DH keeps comparing our house to all of our neighbors so he can think about current values. On the other hand he could be lonely or nefarious. who knows? On a side note.....if you are looking to make money off your house, I seriously doubt the market here will be this much in your favor for at least another 30-40 years. It is definitely a sellers market and I'm expecting things to plummet within 5 years. If and when you do choose to sell, the value is at an all time high. We refinanced and our house appraised for $90K more than what we bought it for in 2016. We had not done any improvements before it appraised although we did do a few after. We'd sell up, but DD17 needs to stay in this school district because of all her issues.
  7. Plague. TP Shortage. Murder Hornets. Political Hijinks. Racial Tensions. Untested Vaccines. Bombings in the Middle East. Gas Shortages. I'm taking bets on 2022. I got 300% return on anything related to the tv show Zoo where the animals went crazy and took over then they sterilized all the humans with a vaccine that was supposed to fix the animals.
  8. So...I have relatives. Redneck relatives who still live where my grandfather grew up. Not all radiators are 'used' and I have no knowledge about lead one way or another. I do know that my relatives are in good health after many decades of ....doing things they probably should not.
  9. No clue about the lead, but I know for a fact that is how they did it for about 50 years until my great-great grandfather passed. He was in his 90s at the time. Apparently papaw's family liked the hooch and the income.
  10. hooch is liquor. You ferment things to make liquor. She is fermenting yeast. My grandfather had 10 brothers and 2 sisters. Back during prohibition, they made moonshine in a car radiator in the woods and sold it. Good to know things.....car radiators are excellent ways to make homemade alcohol in quantity.
  11. LOL. The boxes must lay flat, never upright, 2 boxes deep in my pantry with the expiration date showing reading right side up arranged by 'bad nearest and on top.' Also, au gratin, scalloped, and cheesy potatoes are mixed interchangeably. You get to have whatever is on top--NO DIGGING! Sometimes I take them out of the boxes and repackage the packets & potatoes into bulk containers. If people (cough*husband*cough) don't see what brand it is, they don't care and like everything equally. Aldi's is normally .79 each everyday and they like it better when I've repackaged it. When MIL lived here, she refused to eat anything that had ever been dehydrated because it was 'chemicals.' I tried to point out that all her pastry mess and junk food had a ton of chemicals and most dehydrated was just the item, but she refused to eat it. She would always ask if it was dehydrated before dinner. Sometimes it was and sometimes it wasn't. It got so that I'd mix dehydrated and fresh just so that I could tell her fresh was in it. When she actually ate it, she could never tell the difference. She raved over my tacos for years. Then I told her it was half ground beef, half beef tvp 100% of the time for a few decades now. She never ate them again. Its funny how we all have our little quirks XD
  12. I'm seriously OCD and keeping our grocery budget in check is my 'job.' The item you linked was 4lb or 64 oz. That is 16 boxes of 4oz potatoes (16*4=64). It would actually be roughly $16 here if I bought it not on sale--that is unlikely to happen but I will use those numbers. Kroger scalloped potato 4.7oz $1 BJs box of Idaho scallop potato 6pk 1.48lbs $7.99 (i usually buy these on sale for $6) Walmart .94 for the GV 5oz type Name brands at all places are $1.25 kroger/walmart/food Lion. So....the 4lb bucket is 64oz and is thus 34/64 = $.53 per oz The flavor packets weigh around 1-2oz so you get 2-3oz potatoes per packet. We'll go with 2.5 to split the difference. So a 2.5oz serving of potatoes is 1/2.5= $.40 for the cheap and 1.25/2.5 $.50 for the name brand. Either way it is cheaper than the Auguson farms and you would get a 'free' packet of sauce with that math. Since I'd only buy stuff on sale I'd get it for more like .79 each which would be .79/2.5= $.26-$.32 per oz. (or less if it was a really good sale.) So for me, the amazon link is double what I'd normally pay and I'd get about 16 packets of sauce that aren't even accounted for. We aren't going to discuss how many boxes are currently in my pantry because that is a big number. Kroger - Kroger® Scalloped Potatoes with Creamy Sauce Mix, 4.7 oz Idahoan Au Gratin and Scalloped Casserole Variety Pack - BJs WholeSale Club Great Value Three Cheese Potatoes, 5 oz - Walmart.com - Walmart.com
  13. I was about to hop on that when I saw it was 4 lbs not 4 gallons. The bucket will be under a foot square. If you bought 16 boxes of normal scallop potatoes it would be about that much for $16.
  14. Any game with a strong taste usually does well in gumbo. It usually ....masks... any flavors people don't recognize. Bear, fox, duck, alligator go especially well in it.
  15. I've had blackberries for most of my life. They are bushes with thorny vines. Each vine is called a cane. When the vine comes in, that is year 1 FOR THAT vine/cane/branch only. year 2 that vine/cane fruits unless you have an everbearing variety which will bear fruit on years 1 and 2. You will then trim back that vine and you will have other vines. The bush will continue to bear canes for decades. You will probably have fruit every year because the vines come in at different times and will fruit based on that vine's year and not the bush's year. Do not pull out or compost the actual plant--just the vine/cane that is spent.
  16. Legos are awesome for teaching fractions. I did that with my kids.
  17. euphrasyne


    Oh definitely tying up the route. Someone said something about other countries needing cargo containers in that link from Ice Age farmer. That seemed very odd to me.
  18. euphrasyne


    Also..I am an idiot. Why would they need empty cargo containers? They just use a large crane to move the current cargo containers to a new location. Those things are designed to go from ship, train, or back of a 18wheeler. They also just offload into stacks on the ground. We see them everywhere around here since we are the main import area of the US for shipping since we have the deepest bay. That ship truly is an average size for what it is and isn't tying up an undue amount of containers.
  19. euphrasyne


    They want empty cargo containers? They have a couple hundred thousand stocked in the yard by the Elizabeth River bridge here. Tell someone to come get 'em. That boat is huge, but DH says its kinda small in comparison to ones he has worked with and several other types of cargo ships are bigger. Potentially, you could go around Africa instead of across. it would add approximately 1-2 weeks to shipping time.
  20. Local hospital DePaul is closing because they dont have enough patient volume. I guess they aren't overwhelmed by covid. Bon Secours will close Norfolk’s DePaul hospital building in April - The Virginian-Pilot (pilotonline.com)
  21. euphrasyne


    I'm sure there are lots of reasons he ran around. Historically, that has always been a difficult area and people hire helmsmen with suez experience specifically for it. Boats of this size use a nav system where everything is by sonar/computer as well as a full visual of the area. My DH (designs, maintains, and fixes large ships for a living) says high winds alone wouldn't have done this there had to be negligence. Our next door neighbor who does similar for commercial ships feels the same way and they were discussing it last night. I feel bad for the crew and I'm super glad I am not one of them.
  22. euphrasyne


    It is very common to move ships through spaces narrower than they are long. The helmsman was just really awful in this case. The canal is notoriously difficult and it is common to hire someone just to drive through it. Here are two carriers docking locally that are roughly the same size as the cargo container.
  23. euphrasyne


    That is actually a small one. DH works on ones and you drive past them thinking they are office complexes or hospitals, but they are ships taller than any building in the area.
  24. Thank you for the offer, Littlesister. That is very kind of you. We are good though, and you should donate it to those less fortunate. I managed to put back quite a bit for us and we are trying to rotate stock right now. Please let me know if you need anything. DH got a promotion, we got the second and third round of stimulus already, and we should be getting child tax credit $ starting in July. We fixed under the house and now the roof and we got a new van to replace my very old one. DH got his first covid shot from his work and should be getting his second in a few weeks. I'm going to skip it. Things are all going so well that I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. My mammogram showed something last week and they have me scheduled for more tests this Friday. I'm hoping this turns out to be a 'i jiggled' or something during the last one and not the other shoe dropping.
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