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Prince is gone, his time on earth is done


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The time has come and gone, this is a sad day.


This morning we were awaken to the sound of Prince trying to get up after going down. We believe he must have had a stroke and was having problems getting up. He could not get up, our DS helped him up but it was so sad watching him trying to move.


By 7:30, we knew what had to be done and the boys did say their 'Good Byes' to Prince before going to school. This was so sad for the boys, having to say good bye and then going to school.


We called the vet as soon as they opened and they said to bring Prince about 1:30 this afternoon, but as time went on, Prince was getting restless and was throwing himself around by using his head, as he could not stand up at all, not even with help.


Old Pine called the vet again and told them what was happening and they said to bring him right in. We knew that Prince was growing weaker by the minute or at least it seemed to be. We were in hopes he would go without having to go to the vet, but he just wouldn't let go.


Our dear neighbor who has been so helpful to us, came and drove us to the vet, where they came out and give Prince the shots right in our van.


This is the second time we have had to do this in the past just over 7 months, as you remember, we had to put Queen to sleep in August last year. Now, Prince and Queen are together again.


So, at 11:45 on March 27, 2006, we lost our Prince. He was such a good dog and he had been through a lot. We are sure he knew when we put him in the van that he was going to the vet. I had talked to him and told him we were taking him there so they could make him all better. Yes, I talked to Prince as though he was a person, as he had been with us for 15 years, 2 months and 28 days. He was 15 years, 3 months, and 23 days old.


Prince, we loved you and always will, and you will be missed, as Queen is missed. No other dog will ever take your place, even if we were to have a dozen of them. Each dog has their own personality and each dog is loved in their own special way.


Once again, I am printing a couple special poems in here.





If it should be that I grow weak

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then you must do what must be done,

For this last battle cannot be won.


You will be sad, I understand.

Don't let your grief then stay your hand.

For this day, more than all the rest,

Your love for me must stand the test.


We've had so many happy years.

What is to come can hold no fears.

You'd not want me to suffer so;

The time has come -- please let me go.


Take me where my need they'll tend,

And please stay with me till the end.

Hold me firm and speak to me,

Until my eyes no longer see.


I know in time that you will see

The kindness that you did for me.

Although my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I've been saved.


Please do not grieve -- it must be you

Who had this painful thing to do.

We've been so close, we two, these years;

Don't let your heart hold back its tears.


--- Anonymous ---





Treat me kindly , my beloved master,

for no heart in all the world is more

grateful for kindness than the loving

heart of me.


Do not break my spirit with a stick,

for although I should lick your hand between blows, your patience and

understanding will more quickly teach

me the things you would have be do.


Speak to me often, for your voice is

world’s sweetest music, as you must know

by the fierce wagging of my tail when your

footstep falls upon my waiting ear.


When it is cold and wet, please take me

inside, for I am now a domesticated animal,

no longer used to bitter elements.

And I ask no greater glory than the

privilege of sitting at your feet beside

the hearth. Though had you no home,

I would rather follow you through ice and

snow than rest upon the softest pillow in

the warmest home in the land, for you are

my god and I am your devoted worshipper.


Keep my pan filled with fresh water,

for although I should not reproach you

were it dry, I cannot tell you when I

suffer thirst. Feed me clean food so

that I may stay well to romp and play

and do your bidding, to walk by your

side, and stand ready willing and able

to protect you with my life should your

life be in danger.


And beloved master, should the Great Master

see fit to deprive me of my health or sight,

do not turn me away from you. Rather,

hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands

grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest...

and I will leave you knowing with the last

breath I draw, my fate was every safest

in your hands.



--- Beth Norman Harris ---


You can see them both by going to: http://groups.msn.com/CatsSurvival/placesf....msnw?Page=Last



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Guest Guest

I am so sorry Snowmom. I know how difficult it is to make that decision and carry it through, but it is made with the utmost love. My heart just hurts for you and your family.

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I know how you feel. In Nov 04 I lost Josie. She was 18 and the best (and only) dog I ever had as a kid. It was a couple days after Fay was born so I knew Fay wasn't her.. but sometimes Fay looks at me like she knows me better than I give her credit for. Maybe Josie is helping her out. I think I cried for days, and didn't have more than 2 digital pictures of her. Since then I've found pictures (hidden away). Never loose the pictures and their possessions. I don't care what people say, it helps. Josie's ashes are on my mantel with her collar and favorite toy and a picture.


No matter what anyone says, animals are people. They are a part of our families and will always be missed. I wish you good luck. Wounds will heal, as long as you remember your family's best friend.




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Alphabet, you are so right, our pets are people, at least they sure think they are.


I'm sorry to hear about your dog, Josie, too. They really become part of the family and it is hard when they die. We just have to keep them in our hearts and they will never be gone.


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