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Hugs and support, Cat. HOpefully her parents will see the spirit in which it was intended. I nkow I would...I wouldn't have my kids in a class in which I didn't trust the teachers to the absolute, including a harmless pat on the butt if they needed it.


Please keep us updated.



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This is a little different, but I'm in the middle of a situation where there my brother in law spanked his soon to be step daughter on the fanny for not behaving. The next day, she went to school and told the teacher that her daddy had hit her 6 times. The police came and took her into protective custody..went to the home, found that it wasn't clean and took the youngest son away too. Now my brother and his girlfriend are probably going to lose the kids for good. Apparently there had been 3 other complaints in the last 2 years, and during all this mess my brother in law found out that his girlfriend had lost 4 other kids for neglect a few years ago. The kids are in a foster home, and there's nothing my hubby and I can do until they come up for adoption because we live out of state. The social worker is keeping in contact with us and when it comes time...we may be asked if we'd like to adopt the kids. It seems that even thought my brother in law and his girlfriend are going to classes for parenting, nutrition, anger management etc, the system just doesn't think they make good parents. I'm going through so many emotions. I'm angry with them for letting this happen...I can't believe that someone would neglect or abuse a child...but to do it over and over? I'm sad for them, because they tell us that they love the kids and want them back. I'm resentful, because hubby and I are older and if we adopt these kids, our retirement years are gone and so is any money we've managed to save for those years. But, I can't let them go to a stranger....it's a tough situation. Kids and punishment these days are so different than when we were young. It's hard to know exactly what to do with them. Anyway, just wanted to share that with you...

Cat, sounds like everything will be fine...I wouldn't worry too much...

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Actually, spanking is legal in most places in the US. If you scroll to the very end of this article it covers the legalities. Some school districts ban corporal punishment, others give parents the right to opt their children out of corporal punishment by submitting a letter to that effect.


I personally don't have a problem with a smack to the bottom of a small child who refuses to listen or respond to other forms of correction, but the idea of a 'good, hard spanking' as a form of discipline seems excessive. That was the primary form of punishment used when I was growing up and it didn't make me understand why what I was doing was wrong, it made me fearful and resentful of my parents. Rather like the situation a woman might find herself in if her husband smacks her around 'for her own good' when she displeases him. The problem with spanking in a lot of cases is that it is done in anger as a reaction to a parent's frustration with a child. Lack of parenting skills can lead to this situation because the parents don't have a clue about more effective ways to teach their children how to behave. After all, the parents probably don't know how to behave or control their impulses any better than the child does if they are exploding and using a 'good, hard spanking' as discipline!

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