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Have Cold-must be functional


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I caught the cold that was going around. I can handle it and am trying to baby it today. I'm in the achey body, stuffed head, sneezing stage with fever. Throat starting to ache, am I a wienie or what? LOL


I'd be fine but I have to work tomorrow. This is a (short of a death) must do. The big bosses secretary called (mildly frantic) and I am wayyy low on the totem pole. The school and my own boss requested me (My happy nature got my happy butt into this).


Because of internal health issues must be alcohol free. No hot toddies...LOL. But please give me anything that will make me functional and at least semi-alert.


For the throat I'm thinking hot lemon or lime juice and gargling. Maybe a tea I can smuggle in a thermos? Something tonight to punch some of it out of me? Will a hot bath help?

Vics or no vics? Garlic? Soups? Rubs? Sleeping slightly propped up? What would you do?


Any help, I'm desperate. And yes, I must learn to screen my calls. LOL

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Not to prescribe but this is what "I" would do!


Vitamin C, often and to just below the point of diarhea.


A vitamin C gargle for the throat will do wonders and if not that, salt water gargle.


Sage tea gargle is also very effective.


Lemon and honey for the cough and throat.


Hot chicken soup with garlic is a good treatment. Garlic is a good treatment in itself if you don't have to be around people.....


Onion syrup works on the cough. Slice some onions and sprinkle with sugar in a open pan. Bake in the oven for several hours (or you can cook them on the stove top too but not as effective) Use the juice off this as a cough syrup.


Mustard plaster will loosen congestion. One tablespoon of dried mustard (can use prepared mustard in a pinch but not as effective) mixed with 1/4 cup of flour and enough hot water to make a paste. Spread mixture between two pieces of thin cloth like muslin or cheese cloth large enough to cover the chest. Place on the chest with a towel covering it all. Watch for allergic reactions and for burns, this can get hot. Leave about a half hour and remove with tepid water. Skin should be slightly pink.


Ginger tea, Mint tea, Turmeric tea, Even Rosemary tea can be helpful.


Guifenesin, (as in Mucinex) will relieve the congestion but drink lots of water.


In fact, drink drink drink.....Keeps the mucus loose.


Steam moisturizes also. Loosens congestion.


REST as much as possible. Your body is probably fighting it big time.


Lots of herbs but thought I'd start with what you might have on hand.


Good luck with it.



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Mucinex & pseudofed.

Drink a ton of hot tea.

Eat a bunch of good quality Hot & Sour chinese soup.



To stop a cough w/o codeine, use dark chocolate & really really rich hot chocolate.

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I looked at what I have handy-

Vitamin C-by that did you mean as in juices? Or a tablet?

I have "True Lemon" dried lemon I can reconstitute, I have a couple of the "zinger teas" (Do you know what I mean?)

I have traditional teas such as Earl Grey.

I'm going to climb on the counter ( oh yes I will!) to look in the back of my spice cabinets and see if I have sage and dried mustard.

I do have local made honey (hooray for the farmers market).


Tumeric tea?


What is mucinex?


I am out of onions! I was saving it for shopping tomorrow which I won't be able to do now, she said with a wry smile.

I have cuban chicken soup on the way which will take care of the garlic. They also add lime juice to it and spices I can't identify.

Have you ever heard of hot sauce to help with colds and sore throats? Something about capsium (I think I said that right)? If yes, I'll douse the soup with it.


Is it safe to drop some vic's vapor rub in the tub for a soak?


Finally, VIC! I have a bar of Ghiradelli Intense Dark Citrus Sunset chocolate with bits of citrus (for the vitamin C, I swear!)and carmel crunch. Begone cough.


Thank you so much for the quick replies, this all helps.

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Thanks gang,

Have tea in the thermos. Going to gargle. Found out that on top of work we have a wedding shower/bon voyage from my work for two close friends (I forgot!) and I've been designated to pick up a pumpkin pie and cresant rolls for tomorrow. LOLOLOL!!! (Must go get gift cards)


Isn't that the way? When all you want to do is lay in ball and be pitiful? Ah well, at least I have the $ to give, right? I'm very blessed.


Thank you again for the help.


I still want to know about tumeric...LOL.

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Don't know if this will be helpful but..this weekend, after I had finished the antibiotics for strep, I was still feeling like I had it. So on Saturday afternoon I took a vitamin C, turmeric and echinacea (spelling?) and the next morning I was feeling just fine.


For a quick boost of energy I like the High-Potency Vitamin B! Works great for me when I have to function but just don't want to


Hope you're feeling better soon!

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Yup, turmeric tea, turmeric in soups and other foods and however. It's found to be very useful against colds and flu. It's a bit strong but I like it. It's one of the Curry spices. And yes, Cayenne helps too.


Hope you lick the cold but at least you will be busy and maybe having fun in the meantime and won't be thinking about it. If mind over matter helps, that should.

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Thank you sooooo much,

I tried to do as many of these as I could. Airbprne sounds familar-I'll look at the store.


One of the gang turned me onto these vitamins that dissolve and fizz in water that have lots of C and the B's and trace minerals called something like EmergenC or such. That really helped, so did the soup and gargling.


I may take left over turkey and add the hot sauce, garlic, tumeric, onion etc and make my own cold-be-gone soup!LOL


Ironically and humor,

I showed up at work and the boss not only had a cold but he had a sprained foot! LOL!

Oh my...well I guess my trouble wasn't so bad huh?

Sniffling and giggling and him hobbling, we had a great day!

hugs to you all

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I was offered some tablets by a beloved family member who admonished 'Just be really careful with the dosage and the times."

I did not realize how many of the over the counter stuff can damage your liver or affect your blood pressure. One had a line that said you may not notice any symptoms of liver damage but seek help right away..YIKES!


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I've yet to find an otc product that works for cold symptoms except for a headache.


Pamper yourself, very warm bath, hot chicken soup with tons of garlic, lots of warm blankies and of course (childhood memories would not let me forget about) vics...my family swears by gargling a couple of times/day with warm water and salt ewwww, I gargle with apple cider vinegar, slightly more palitable than salt and water IMO.


(((Well wishes to you cookie jar)))

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Thanks, the ideas and recipes really helped. I had to thank you again.

One of the gang at my work said it may in fact be the flu. Apparently the flu has made a start here in florida (according to the Miami Herald). Sheesh.

Ironically, I was planning on paying my $20 and getting the shot.

Maybe I should still get it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am over the cold though now it's rampaging through the schools.

I took the do you have the flu as opposed to a cold and think I just had a cold.


I've been debating the flu shot. My 70+ Mom had hers and will probably insist I get mine.


Are you needle phobic or just don't trust shots?


BTW I'm trying to get my friend's Abuela (Grandmom) to give up her fight-a-cold-chicken soup. Her's were not wealthy people and relied on home cures.



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Regarding the flu shot, in my mind unless you are working bedside with ill patience are elderly or your immune system is compramised in a severe way, I'm against it. Then again I'm anti drug, unless it's needed to sustain life.


I also don't fully trust what they are injecting you with. By getting the flu shot you can still get the flu, just a different strain. I like the fact that my body fights off whatever bug it gets, I "think" it's good for your immune system.

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  • 4 months later...


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