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Pandemic Video Information


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TWO WEEKS? Get prepared for two weeks??? That's unreal...a pandemic would last quite a bit longer than that. My DD was telling her DH last night that if there was a flu pandemic he better be prepared to telecommute and wear a mask any time he absolutely had to go out.

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While two weeks is not really enough, I think it is better than the 2-3 days that have been recommended in the past. Unfortunately I don't think many people are even following the two week recommendations.




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I don't think anyone wants to either panic the public nor look like a fool if nothing happens.


everyone here (I hope) realizes that 2 weeks is your menu plan. Then you repeat that menu for another 2 weeks and another 2 weeks and another until you have 'your level of comfort'


My level of comfort is way longer then 2 weeks or even 2 months!

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Originally Posted By: susie
Complete lockdown for 18 months.

Where did you get your info susie?

Qoute from CDC:
What would be the Impact of a Pandemic?
A pandemic may come and go in waves, each of which can last for six to eight weeks.

An especially severe influenza pandemic could lead to high levels of illness, death, social disruption, and economic loss. Everyday life would be disrupted because so many people in so many places become seriously ill at the same time. Impacts can range from school and business closings to the interruption of basic services such as public transportation and food delivery.

A substantial percentage of the world's population will require some form of medical care. Health care facilities can be overwhelmed, creating a shortage of hospital staff, beds, ventilators and other supplies. Surge capacity at non-traditional sites such as schools may need to be created to cope with demand.

The need for vaccine is likely to outstrip supply and the supply of antiviral drugs is also likely to be inadequate early in a pandemic. Difficult decisions will need to be made regarding who gets antiviral drugs and vaccines.

Death rates are determined by four factors: the number of people who become infected, the virulence of the virus, the underlying characteristics and vulnerability of affected populations and the availability and effectiveness of preventive measures.

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cookie, remember susie is in France and they may have different requirements then we do... heck, state to state differs so much!

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I agree with Susie. The virus can be shed by people before they know they have it and for some time afterwards with children known to be shedding the virus longer than adults. (I'd have to go back and search to find that info but it's in something on Mrs. S) It is also believed that the flu will come back in a milder state the following year and take more people but less so as people build up immunity to the virus.


What that means is that we could be exposed to it in between those waves and truthfully, no one knows how long each wave would last for sure as they are only using the common flu as the criteria for that and we could have it return the following year. That COULD be an 18 month average possible exposure time.


This may, or may not, take the same course of action as the common flu and only occur in 'normal' flu season or it could be a year round virus. There is no way of knowing until it hits.


Will people be going out and about during all that time? Of course they will. You mght see people with masks on but there will have to be people out or we will all see a total breakdown in society. The question raised is who SHOULD be out and about? Who would you like to see exposed to the possibility of contracting the virus? Doctors, nurses, how about bankers, food service workers, grocery store workers, electrical workers, telephone company employees, gas station attendents?


Read what Cookie copied from the CDC and then make some decisions on what it might mean to you. Like Westy my comfort level is WAY above the two month mark on this one and anyone coming and going during that time will find themselves isolated in the motorhome for a period of time before they are allowed to interact with any others. Be nice if they kept the internet up and running so the time didn't drag and there was still some safe contact with the outside world.

((( )))



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Our household is planning for 3 waves of flu, each at least 2-3 weeks long. We are using the 1918 flu reports as our model.


We have read reports of the whole flu situtation lasting 18 mos. so Susie had the entire timeline fairly correct.


What we plan for, may not be your comfort level. Just have a plan.

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Originally Posted By: Skagitgal
Our household is planning for 3 waves of flu, each at least 2-3 weeks long. We are using the 1918 flu reports as our model.

We have read reports of the whole flu situtation lasting 18 mos. so Susie had the entire timeline fairly correct.

What we plan for, may not be your comfort level. Just have a plan.

Argh... just plan for Many Moons?

Darn, I was hoping susie would say the French CDC says________ amount of time.

It's hard to plan for the worst case scenario when no one seems to know the worst worst case of scenarios. frown
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What it takes to go 18 months...ALL of it is being aware and having preps.


Don't forget, we are older than most here, & have been accumulating for years.


It's no different than planning for retirement. It is up to each individual to plan ahead; know the level of comfort they desire, and affect that position. It doesn't happen overnight. We do not have to go out and get our money; we have our money come to us now.


This doesn't come about by accident. It costs a lot. We have lived by a strict budget for 38 years. We are frugal to the point of embarrasment, [our children will gladly vouch for that].


On a modest salary, we put 2 children through..vet and pharmacy school with no debt. The 3rd. went through computer blueprinting.


I'm not saying this to brag. I want the generic 'you' out there to know it is possible; but it requires a discipline that will make your heart weary.


For many years; if I did not grow, sew, make, we did not use it. I have heard every arguement that exists; that you cannot raise today's children with this philsophy. [my children are very bright, inventive and charming....they can sing the blues with the best persuasive charm that you have ever heard.] It makes you feel mean, petty and just plain tired, to stand your ground against pleading teen-agers.


BUT, if you have backbone, and a supportive spouse..it can be done.


When the kid's grades started falling, we pulled the plug on the Tv. It was off for 10 years. Can you deny yourself for the sake of your children's grades? It really paid off for us. There was no computer, electronic games or phones in their rooms.


They were all honor students, with afterschool jobs. They were very careful with their possesions. It makes a difference when you buy with your own hard earned money.


It wasn't a popular stance; but everybody came to our house to play. I wish I had a nickle for every cookie 'we' have made..BlueBirds/Campfire, Cub Scouts/ Boyscouts, then 4-H. And believe me...all the kids wanted to bake, and eat cookies. So we did.


A budget is the key. If it doesn't make you sweat blood; and think out side the box, then it isn't doing you any good.


With careful investment and savings; when you get 'old as dirt', then there is 'money coming to you.'


Then when TSHTF, there is a secureness to your life. We plan & pray about being good stewards with the bounty God has given us.



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goodpost Skagitgal


We did much the same only our children put themselves through school if they chose to go. I once got a wonderful card from my DD thanking me for being a "mean mom". grin She now has wonderful children of her own who are putting themselves through college.


We live on Social Security and a small pension and what we've managed to build for ourselves. Our 'savings' consists of a fifteen acres, paid for, homestead complete with all that is needed (much less than you might think) for us to be able to live WITHOUT that SS and Pension coming in. Savings does not always mean money in the bank.


Many pioneer fore fathers lived quite well without any cash and managed to survive quite well and when they did need cash they managed to work for it, sell something they had created/produced, or traded for what they needed. Think we cannot do that today? Think again. We may well have to.


Being prepared for living without income for 18 months may seem impossible for most of you but you might be surprised what you can do if you are forced. Thankfully, you have been given the choice to prepare for it instead of having it forced on you without preps. That's what most of us come to Mrs. S for. She gives us the chance to look into the possible future and helps us learn ways to be prepared. I hope you take this challenge seriously. It may mean the life or death of loved ones.





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When looking into the near/uncertain future, for clues as how the world will turn; there are two choices.


#1. Reactive.... would be paralyzing fear. Chicken Little type spinning your wheels, loudly lamenting your fate to all that would listen.


#2. Proactive.... would be quiet determination to provide what you yourself/family need to survive into that uncertain future.


All of us in today's society, have money we waste on non essentials. It is the perk we offer ourselves. A reward for living. A little here,....a little there.


It is easier to scrounge up the money for a latte, than put a $1.00 a day away in savings. It is always easier to treat, rather than deny yourself a 'small make me feel better item'.


Like it or not; the homemaker will be the responsible person to make the saving of money work for the family. YOU as homemaker may have to skimp and save with no thanks, and no cooperation from your family members...even your spouse.


This type of living is always easier to institute when your children are small; the marriage new; and the desire to accumulate is held down by the lack of money.


I cannot stress enough; the success of this..depends on you. Only you make the choices at the store, only you choose the clothes, food, car, house [the majority of the house is desire, seldom practically].


Train yourself. Start here first. Walk the walk, talk the talk to yourself. Make you into a different you....a challenge to occupy your spare time. No spare time? Make it happen, You hold the key.


Too hard...........................YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rewarding................you will never know until you desperately need it. When the times get tougher; you will have the ability to live on nothing. And it will come to that.


You will have the resolve, the ability, the amount of knowledge with confidence to live 18 mos. without income.


Scary....oh you bet. Are you going to forget things...yes.

You will simply do without. The majority of items you will forget...won't cause you to die.some might.

You 'pays your nickle...you takes your chances.'


When you are __pro-active the world looks very different in the face of crisis.

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The number one thing is to secure yourself a space somewhere to live where you cannot be thrown off if you lose your job!


You can get by on no income as long as you have that place. Even if you have no supplies. You may have ragged clothing, bad food, etc; as long as you have a spot you can endure.


This is why we prepare.



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