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Raw pack poultry


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Tastes like any other chicken you cook. I love it for sandwiches, stir frys, salads (I may grill it a little first), anything that uses cooked chicken. I 'can' the breasts together in a jar and the pieces and dark meat in a separate jar so the choice is available for a particular recipe.




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I have never canned any chicken before... was actually wondering how it tastes. Also, What kinds of recipes does canned chicken work well in? Is it possible for me to stir-fry like normal chicken?? Would appreciate any input. thanks.



zoombies, one point that is important to consider is that some of us here prefer the taste of the hot pack chicken, and some prefer the taste of the raw pack.


So if you don't find you care for one, you can try the other and perhaps it will taste better to you.



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I got my pressure canner a few days ago, so last night I canned chicken for the first time. I opened a jar today to use for chicken salad (had to see what it was like!) and found that it was a bit on the dry side but tasted just like any other cooked chicken. It wasn't a problem for it to be dry since I was mixing it with mayo and other "wet" ingerdients.


I did 3 quarts without liquid added and then had a bit more chicken so did a pint with some liquid to top it off. All of the jars seem sealed fine, but the ones without liquid added don't have liquid all the way to the top. Maybe I should have packed the chicken in more tightly - I don't know. I will just use these up quickly and will try all with liquid next time.




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You do want to pack the chicken in there. That's why the Ball Blue Book instructions are for 'chunking' or cubing up the raw meat. If one jar or so is a bit low in liquid, say around 2/3 full rather than at the base of the screw lid, eat it first.


Many people add water or broth. I don't.


My chicken is chilled when I cut it and I do keep it in the fridge. I fill up jars as I need to. You want to be careful when adding COLD jars to HOT water. They will break. :)

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I prefer broth in my canned chicken. It is so moist, really too soft to handle very much. I love the broth for using to thicken for gravy, for chicken pot pie, etc. I use chicken boullion in boiling water as the broth.




Are you saying you add the chicken broth to RAW chicken? If so, how much headspace do you leave?

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Regarding the volume question - how many pounds of meat fit into a jar...


When I pack my chicken, I press it in there. When I use wide-mouth pints (MUCH easier for dumping out the meat!) I get around a pound per jar. For quarts, it's around 2 lbs.


Regarding the headspace issue, the BBB said 1" headspace, so bottom of the screw band.

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I do raw pack pieces of boneless skinless chicken, then add boiling broth and process.

I use a 1 inch headspace, but now the NCFHFP says 1 1/4 inch headspace.

Crazy is correct, the Ball Blue book says 1 inch.

Also, Ball gives the option of adding hot broth to a raw pack, where the NCFHFP says to not add broth to the raw pack.

I feel fine in adding broth to my raw pack, though, and using the Ball Blue Book. It is the same processing time.

You don't want to pack too tightly, as you want the heat to be able to safely penetrate the jar of chicken as it processes.



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I'm Confused! Well, not really, but its becoming evident that the live Internet is changing faster than the printed word -- that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone -- so people ARE going to get confused when the book says one thing and the facts on the internet says something else. It's tough enough just for people to learn the learn the first set of rules.


Violet, since you are in the communication channels of the food scientists and NCHFP, I might offer a suggestion to pass on to them, if it hasn't been thought of already -- one page on the website of the 'changes' and recommendations that evolve differently from the current printed Ball Blue Book. I would love to cut 'n paste an Addendum page in to my Ball Blue Book (or the So Easy To Preserve Book) knowing that I am then more current with my procedures. I'm going to put this information on the Ball's Discussion Board also because it is important.




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ok here is the deal...


raw pack and add nothing

raw pack and add broth


cooked and add broth


I raw pack but add broth. I do not use bullion as I think it is too salty for my liking. I cook up chicken in my crock pot (cause I am lazy), I add celery, onions, carrots, herbs (whole Thyme and whole Sage), and spices (pepper corns and salt).


Once it is cooked up, I let it cool and put in refrigerator. The fat will float to the top and harden. I remove it and reheat the pot back in the slow cooker base. I pour everything through a sieve to remove meat, vegetables, and herbs and spices. If necessary, I will filter the broth to make sure no herbs or spices get through. Now I remove the meat from the bone and either have slices of meat or cut into larger cubes. I pour the hot broth over and process.


Does it have to be done this way? no. I love the flavor of the broth which can be used as mentioned above, gravies, base for soups, used to make mashed potatoes, while the meat is used to make tacos, burritos, pot pies, sandwiches, or anything you would use chicken in or just nice slice of chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, peas. LOL!


but... I also cook other meats like this. I want a nice rich broth so I make it myself. Sometimes I just can broth!


Is this what the Internet says? is this what the BBB says? ask me if I care! ROFL!!!!


can beef, chicken, pork, ham, fish, alligator, snake, squirrel, raccoon, dog or cat, even bat... doesn't matter... I personally prefer to raw pack with broth.. why cook the meat twice?

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Yes...and my kitties want to know where the 'mousie sauce' is. :)


Thanks Westie. Your chicken sounds Yumm-o



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Cats get wild enough on catnip.


Can you imagine if they were pumped up on the sugar in catnip jelly as well??


They'd sure turn the tables on my dog. He'd be the one hiding from them, all wet from being slobbered up. That would teach him to respect them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

*hugs this thread and all the wonderful people in it*


I think I just found the answer to my problem. Thanks a bunch, everyone. I love the way these discussions pan out when you read through them.

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CATNIP JELLY??????? :wub:









Sorry, this thread has taken a bit of editing. Some subjects are not appropriate for discussion. "The Edge" may have odd things, but this is REAL LIFE.





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