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DO NOT take aspirin if you have the flu


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In one of the MANY articles out there about this new flu was an article from Homeopathic doctors/practitioners.


This article was on the 1918 flu pandemic and what the article said was:


A temperature of 101 - 102 degrees (F) will kill viruses. Most doctors during the 1918 flu pandemic did not know this (and many of today's doctors do not know this either), so they prescribed Salicylic acid (aspirin) to reduce the fever and help reduce the pain. This in turn, caused MANY of the patients to develop viral pneumonia which led to their death.


The "standard" (old school) doctors had a mortality rate of 30% (or more) during the pandemic. The Homeopathic doctors that treated their patients with Gelsemium had a mortality rate of about .5% - 1.2%. The article went on to say that the majority of patients that the Homeopathic doctors lost had taken aspirin within 48 hours prior to seeing the doctor.


The article did not mention the dosage or duration of taking the medication though.


This is something to keep in mind if you do get the flu.


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Everything I've been reading about this flu suggests that people take aspirin, or tylenol!! The UK website says it, as does the US one. Any idea why they would be saying to take it?

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Ahhh I referenced that post in the flu clinic but couldnt find the actual post!


Thanks Campy, now I know I'm not going senile :P


Rita: My mother is at the hospital today and will ask her doctor. Will let you know what he says.

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Aspirin is not the issue here. The rationale is that fevers up to around 101 are the body's natural defense against invading germs, as the higher temp helps kill them off.


Fevers above 102 should be treated, because of the risk of convulsions, etc.


Aspirin is generally not recommended for children and teens because it may be implicated in Reye's Syndrome, however, if you kid is spiking a very high fever, you do not want it to go untreated and lead to convulsions or potential brain damage, so if aspirin is all you have, by all means use it!


I have aspirin, acetominophen (Tylenol), and ibuprofen (Motrin) on hand. I would not mix the Tylenol with any of the others because it can damage the liver. However, in the event of an extrmenely high fever (103, 104, or worse) that was not responding to simple aspirin or acetominophen, I would begin alternating doses of aspirin and ibuprofen, two hours apart, as well as pushing fluid (by spoonful if necessary) and tepid sponging to get the fever under control.


All this assumes that medical care is not available because the emergency rooms and MD offices are overwhelmed.


Side note: One of my kids could not keep anything down by mouth and became extremely lethargic if his temp neared 101. I always kept acetominophen suppositories in the fridge for him.


Even without small children in the house, suppository and liquid versions of acetominophen and ibuprofen could be lifesavers with an extremely ill patient of any age.



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Oldpine takes an aspirin a day and I take a low doseage one each day. This is what the dr. has us on.


I have an appointment tomorrow so will have to ask about several things, I guess. :)


I can not take Ibuprofen at all, but, can take Tylenol and the generic for it.


Thanks for sharing this info with us.




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