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Has MrsSurvival been helpful to you?


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Has MrsSurvival been helpful to you? Have you run across any particularly helpful threads?


Please let us know! Paste a link to the threads you like best, right here:



It's been awhile since I've been here but anytime I have a question about canning, gardening, or prepping I know I can come on this site and find the answer. So in short......yes this site has been not only helpful, sometimes it's a Godsend!!!

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I've been on here a long time, although I don't have time to post much right now. When I first found this group, I didn't know any other homesteading people. It really helped me not feel so "weird". :P When I get stumped on something I almost always find an answer here! Mrs.S has always been one of my fav. places on the web. :wub:



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This forum is an excellent place to find some very helpful resources, and the membership here is outstanding!!


I am posting a few threads that I find particularly helpful in the link you posted PCS. I have meant to do that for some time now, and your little nudge did the trick.

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Yes!! Even though I am not here much as I would like and I don't post as much now, I know if I have a problem that I can't figure out or a question running around in my little head that I can ALWAYS find the answer here. It's the greatest place on line. And no matter where I roam, MrsS. will always be home. :D



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I can't even begin to say how much this place has enriched our lives- and that's over and above the 'how to's of homesteading'


We would've been so much more alone during the long months in Houston at the cancer hospital when we were uplifted by the prayers and constant support from these ladies- sometimes their being here was the only thing keeping us putting one foot in front of the other day after day.


We wouldn't have found Trip, who's become so much a part of our family that we can't imagine life without him now- and hope we never have to.


Mrs. S. has been life-changing for my family- and that's not an exaggeration.


Thank you, Darlene- you'll always have a special place in our hearts for the gift of Mrs. S.

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A big YES! I have learned so much from you folks here. I love the companionship and the real feeling of being welcomed. You are a unique group and Im glad to be here. You guys are sincerely interested in helping others with your information. thank you all for taking the time to help others. Karen

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Are you KIDDING?!?!?!?!




This place is the next best thing to having an entire living encyclopedia following me around!


Whenever I'm drawing a blank on something, or totally confused, or about to embark on a new skill... I know there's SOMEONE here who's been there, done that, and can hold my hand while I take my first ;) BabySteps.


I've made some great friends here, too. The only drawback is the distance thing, otherwise I'd have a porch full of ladies every afternoon all summer long if I could! (poke poke... Stephanie? Cat? Quilty?... any plans for a trip to Oregon?... poke poke poke)


YES. Love it here. Don't know what I'd do without y'all.

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MrsSurvival is the only place where the people have similar experiences and goals to my own.


Most of my experience came from years on a self sufficient farm. Now that I'm an Urbanite, it is refreshing to see the 'old ways' have not been surpressed by the instant gratification society we live in today.


Even tho it is easy to go to the store for everything, it is refreshing and inspiring to see people who still do-it for themselves and encourage others to do the same.



Helpful.... more times than I can count and to me, it's priceless.

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Oh, this place has been immeasurably helpful to me, both practically and emotionally. The information I've gleaned over the years is priceless, but even more priceless are all the prayers and support I've received as I've battled this beastly cancer. I LOVE Mrs. S!! Just wish I could contribute more, but I don't get on here as often as I'd like to anymore, and for the time being, prepping is pretty much on the back burner. I realize it should be front & center, given both my situation and the world situation, but money is seriously lacking and we're blessed when we can put groceries in the pantry...anything beyond that is just not possible right now. Still, I can come here and learn--and knowledge is the best prep of all. Well, after faith!! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh good heavens YES.... Besides the good fellowship, advice, and answers I enjoy here, just knowing y'all are here - any time of night or day - calms me. Even if I'm just reading, I have a peace to apply to the everyday stress that is called "living". I have'nt been here that long, but I consider you all and Mrs. Survival one of my MOST IMPORTANT preps. :grouphug: Take care, Reb

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There's no way to list all the ways Mrs. S has been helpful to me. Last year I backed into this place and decided to try to plant a tomato in a container....this year we planted a garden. I fresh tomatoes sitting on my counter and some fresh peas in my freezer. I have an unused canner and jars that I hope to learn to use in the upcoming days....which I will come here to learn. There is so much to learn here and I soak it up everytime I visit. I so often wish I had my Mamaw back espcially now that I'm grown so she could teach me all she knew, but I have found the next best thing......this place


This past year has been the most difficult for me personally dealing with a teenager, family issues and professionally....I have not had to go through it alone because my family here has been there holding my hand through the great "webspace"...


This place is wonderful and I would be lost without it.

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MrsS has been so helpful to me. You ladies and gents are great at answering questions and giving comforting advice and letting me know when to get off my butt and get things done. I have come so far in prepping and knowledge and still have a long ways to go and that's ok. The fact that I am still along ways from being the sheeple that I was is great beyond words. Keep up the good work.

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