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I can hear the birds through my open front door! It's a grand 72 degrees here, a real blessing after so many days and nights of extreme heat. Boris, Natasha and Squirrel (cats) are perched in the open windows - fascinated. My morning begins with the peace of solitude for which I am grateful, daily. Coffee and a good read, today MrsSurvival. A highly successul show last night (the first of 5) and the community of friends eating pizza in the wee hours sent my dance abused body to bed with a smile.


Isn't that what its all about? Going to bed, tired but happy. Waking, rested and centered.


Blessings abound!

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Good morning mamacat and all who follow~


Mamacat~ so glad you had such a wonderful time yesterday!


It's another beautiful day here! We have storms rolling in late today so the pool party has been moved indoors and earlier.


DH is still sleeping as he canned 28 pints of corn last night. One lid deformed in the process and didn't seal so 27 total. :canning: We'll do one more batch of corn then another bushel of beans (and freezing corn) before starting salsa, tomatoes, peppers, and peaches. This is always the craziest part of the summer but worth it. I think we will probably have to run to Menards today to pick up more jars (sale and rebate).


That's about it here today so I guess I should go make taco salad for the celebration at my parent's in a few hours (and I need more coffee).:pc_coffee:.


Have a wonderful day!:bighug2:

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Good Morning Mamacat, Jori and everyone else,


Balmy 82 this morning around 5am and slightly overcast. Watered the garden, read a little bit, then, came back inside. Everyone is still sleeping and I'm trying to be quiet.


Yesterday I planted the garden again and re-potted my avocado trees. I am so excited God has allowed them to keep growing and hopeful they will eventually become fruit baring. After that, I worked on illustrations most of the day.


Today is laundry and house cleaning day. :yuk:


Time to get to it.


Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Dh and I took Son school shopping this morning. Goodwill had 50% off today. Then we went to wallmart and tractor supply.

I went through and pulled things out I thought he would like and he said yes or no.

Dh and Son shopped all 3 stores in about a hour.


Shopping that fast was no fun for me.

Good thing I can take my girls out and we can shop like women.

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Good morning Mamacat, Jori, Annarchy, et al!


So far all I have done is make potato salad. I added some Ranch dressing and Buffalo Wing sauce--less mayo. Boy is that good!!!! I have to search for my dog coats that I cut out last winter--so I can get them sewed up! DH wants me to fry catfish and make real french fries for dinner.


Have a good day everyone!

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OMG! It actually RAINED here! It has been over 2 months since water truly fell from the skies :woohoo:...there was even enough to cause them to reschedule the cub scout bike rodeo that was supposed to happen this morning!

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Hi, everybody!


My day began with a mad dash to my stepdaughter's house so that she could take her car to the shop. The kids were still asleep, though the oldest (12) woke up about an hour before I left and we chatted for awhile. My oldest daughter relieved me around 10, so I came home and did some writing for awhile and then the chores. The young quail are doing pretty well outside, though they haven't quite figured out that the water is in water bottles now so I had to put a dish of water in with them to make sure that they didn't dehydrate. They just aren't very smart, I'm afraid!


Congratulations on the performance, Mamcat!


Jori, you are truly blessed to have a husband who cans. My husband brags to other people that I can, but to have someone else actually doing the sweating over the canner...PRICELESS!


Annarchy, what type of illustrations do you do?


I surely don't miss back to school shopping... It was a necessary evil if I wanted to do the happy dance on the front porch after the bus pulled away from the curb on the first day of school!:darlenedance: When the girls were younger, hubby worked the evening shift so we did the happy dance together while the neighbors laughed!


Miki, your dinner sounds like it will be a good one! I have to attend a party for a non-profit that my boss supports. (I'm not sure why that translates into me attending, but...) I will be grazing on a couple of cubes of cheese, 4 grapes and a chunk of pineapple. Yep, it's one of those events. I suppose this will be good for the diet, if I can resist a detour through the McDonald's drive thru on the way home.


Congratulations on the rainfall, Vic! I know that Texas sorely needs it!


I hope that everyone has a lovely day!

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Looks like everyone had a productive day!


Mamacat - what kind of dance do you do?


Jori - sounds like you have a very abundant garden! AND a keeper of a husband! How wonderful!


Vic, I take it you're from Texas...congrats on the rain. I know you folks sure need it.


I started to post this morning but couldn't figure out what I wanted to accomplish today. I thought about cleaning and re-organizing the pantry but decided to spend some time in our Doom Room (food storage room). It needed a little re-organization so I got it tended to. Still have a few things in Food Saver bags that need to get Mylared and will take care of those tomorrow. I also had some lettuce heads in pillow cases hanging in there to dry so I cleaned a bunch of seeds this afternoon. It's my first seed-saving attempt and since cleaning them is so time consuming I decided to do a germination test on a few before I spend hours cleaning a bunch of duds.;) Then DH and I finally put together our BOB and GHB's. We still need a few things but at least they're started and where they need to be and not sitting empty in a closet. :)

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My primary dance is middle eastern with a focus on the folkloric dances. I also do West African, Rromani and several Latin dance forms. I teach classic Egyptian "belly dance" 3 nights a week, Rromani once and also alternative belly dance. Then I work "on call" for some theatre groups to teach their actors either dance or general movement techniques. Its fun and keeps me off the operating table since I have degenerative disk disease... my core strength allows me to overcome that limitation.

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