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Winter is BACK!

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WOW! What happened??????????????????

I knew it was to get cold tonight so we decided to move the plants from the unheated greenhouse down the cellar for the night. We have to do this a few times every spring no big deal. But about 1 pm I said "Let’s do it now seeing it is cloudy and I don't think the sun will be out again.

So out we went.....

And came right back IN!

Man was it cold!!!!, I check the gauge again and it still said 51 digress - BUT not if you go outside it ain't!!!!!!!

So we put on winter coats and hats and went back out.

Had to move the plants in the cold and wind and hurry back in for coffee to warm up.


Now they were saying the first part of the week was to be cold, rainy and windy BUT no this bad!

Glad we did it early so they are safe and we are inside and warm.


I want Spring Back it was so much fun last week with temps. In the 80's and night in the 60's!

:AmishMichael2: <-- it is THAT cold outside!!!!!! :sHa_sarcasticlol:


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It cooled back down here too. Yesterday son mowed my grass in his shorts and today it's back to jackets. This is the earliest he has ever mowed in the 22 years I've been here. Hope it won't get too cold because I already turned off the furnace. I might have to sleep in front of the fireplace this week.


Turning the furnace back on is a matter of flipping a switch but once it's off, it's staying off! :rolleyes:


The robins are fatter than usual for this time of year and the forsythia is beautiful.

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We went from shorts and t-shirts and the kids begging to get out their blow up pool, to jeans and jackets again today. We had the air on but DS2 was getting prickly heat from sweating.


I have a pair of cardinals in my apple tree already.

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I just checked weather.com because I have to go grocery shopping this morning and wanted to see when the rain is coming in.


It's 38*!!!!!!:faint3: I'm going to have to put DS1's coat back together. I'm holding my coffee to stay warm this morning and I turned the heat back on.<_<

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Right now we have 28.5 degrees and our high is to be only 45 for today. Last week it was so nice here too. We were getting 70's while my DD and I were gone. Where we were, it was sure not like that at all. Only in the 30's and maybe 40's, until we got back the the eastern part of MT. and into N. D.


We just have to remember, this is only March and we could get a lot more winter. :(




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Monday morning and it is 33 degrees outside! Last Monday high was 85 with a low of 54 and we are NOT going anywhere near that in the next few days!


I feel like I went to sleep and forgot to wake up until Fall was here and I missed Spring and Summer!

We are having the same problem as most the trees are leaving out, the bulbs are all up, flowers are in bloom and we still have a ways to go before we can plant 'safely'.


Report last night was about the salmon that swim up the creeks to lay eggs around here, Seeing the water has been warm they are doing it now BUT the Fisherman have to wait until April first to start catching them. By then they may be gone! 2 area groups hold fishing derbies April 1 and now they don't know IF they will have any fish to catch, it is a big money maker for them each year - but no fish to catch means no fisherman will be here to catch them and no entry fees. As well as all the places around that need them here - like restaurants, motels, tackle shops, etc. This is BAD!



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We just had some rain and snow this weekend out here in Southern California. Get ready cause its heading your way.


We needed it! We've had a so so winter and need lots more rain and snow to make up for it.


In April, we have our anual Poppy festavle, and we need the California Poppies to be popping! The hills around my place should be bright orange with poppies, but so far, everything looks like its late summer and dead.


The down side is, IF we do get plenty of rain, being in Southern California, it raises our wildfire potental way up! The more green things growing, the more that can be burnt when the fires come.







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The weather forcaster is saying our "false Spring" is over. That's okay...80 degrees was a little too warm for me.


We're supposed to drop to 23 degrees overnight. I have garlic up about 8 inches, parsley and oregano that overwintered and it looking very nice, a few onions I missed last year and lettuce that is coming up (less than an inch; it's heirloom lettuce from last year re-seeded itself). Do I need to cover any of this or should it be alright?

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The sun is out and it is beautiful here...as long as you don't go outside! I even saw a few snow flakes in the air about a half hour ago. It figures that the temperatures would take a nosedive on a day when I have to leave the house! I'm back in my winter clothes again...

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