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Wedding planning in full gear.

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....and it's fun, and tiring, and fun, and exciting and stressful. But we're getting 'er done!


I'm making a list. We're keeping the budget LOW...think $2000 or under. I'm making the cake/cupcakes, some of the food and cookies. We made the invitations, and just generally are trying to keep the amount down. Neither our daughter nor us see the reason to spend a ton of money, so we're keeping it small and intimate (75 people or so).


Again, with everything that's going on, it's nice to be looking at pretty wedding stuff....but it's hard to be in full garden/food prep mode at the same time. We're making it happen, though! :)

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Congratulations , Joyfilled Redhead and fiancé.  Good job at keeping the wedding expenses low.  The wedding is never about the size or the cost it is always about the commitment you make to each other.  

And congratulations Joyfilled and Mr. Joyfilled  on gaining a new family member.   You are giving this new couple more than a wedding.  You are passing on the lessons of frugality, being aware of future needs, and how to fill life with joy no matter the situation.  All precious gifts to give. :grouphug:

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Congratulations and how fun. I once put together a wedding for my daughter's best friend for under $200. I made the cake, she bought food for a cookout and paid for the marriage license and officiant they were married in the park. I bought her flowers and all the paper products at the Dollar Tree so we could eat. It was actually a wonderful little wedding! It's not the cost it's the thought and love that goes into it :wub:


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1 hour ago, Becca_Anne said:

Congratulations and how fun. I once put together a wedding for my daughter's best friend for under $200. I made the cake, she bought food for a cookout and paid for the marriage license and officiant they were married in the park. I bought her flowers and all the paper products at the Dollar Tree so we could eat. It was actually a wonderful little wedding! It's not the cost it's the thought and love that goes into it :wub:


Love this!! Yes....the cost doesn't matter as long as the marriage is strong. I do have to say, though, that I struggle with the thought that the wedding will be TOO simple. But @Joyfilled Redhead is a pretty simple gal, although she has good taste and likes things looking pretty. I'll post pictures, if anyone is interested in seeing! :)

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Congratulations Joyfield. I know your daughter and soon to be husband will be really happy. The memories are what counts and knowing they will be happy together. You are doing great keeping cost down.  It's not the cost of a wedding but all those memories that will be cherished.  The time is getting closer. But you will have it all together in no time.

And yes pictures please.

Edited by Littlesister
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I told couples  that a perfect wedding is  nice, but what you will remember  are the  little  things that  go awry. 

Also, that  the wedding is  just a party. Take the  marriage seriously , not  so much the  party. 

I don't  know that I  ever  photographed a perfect  wedding but they were all fun and  unique!

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Thanks everyone!! It's fun to come here and tell y'all about it, and encouraging, too. I feel like some day I'll be telling my grandkids: yep, your Mom and Dad got married during that whole crazy season. Things are pretty crazy, but watching them getting their home together and making do with what they have is heart warming. If you think of them, pray for them. His computer that he uses for work (given by his job) stopped working. It took them 2 days to get him a new one, and because he's hourly, he doesn't get paid for that time. Things are tight as it is, and now two days less.


They are also honeymooning close to home, just about an hour or so away in a bigger town near us. They don't know the city real well, so they figured they would save on travel expenses and go somewhere close by, and stay out of debt. Smart ones, those two.

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