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Covid mandates starting to lose in court system

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From Liberty Counsel  July 2022 - Huge win for religious exemptions through the courts:


Throughout last fall, NorthShore University HealthSystem in Illinois had been approving medical exemptions for its staff members, but not religious exemptions. Pregnant nurses and staff were allowed to continue working without taking the COVID shots. NorthShore accommodated these employees with no problems.


Yet those with religious exemptions were repeatedly told that no accommodation would be made for them. The different treatment between the two classes of people was obvious and blatant discrimination. If NorthShore could accommodate people with a medical exemption, then they could and should accommodate religious exemptions. Yet NorthShore made the conscious choice to target and discriminate against every one of its religiously observant workers who requested exemption.


Our lawsuit (Liberty Counsel) brought NorthShore’s obvious discrimination and preferential treatment of medical exemptions over religious exemptions to the judge’s attention. If NorthShore was going to accept medical exemptions, which it must do, then it must also accept religious exemptions.


Just one day before our court hearing, and without prior notice to staff members, NorthShore attempted to cover its tracks by summarily laying off all the people for whom it had already granted medical exemptions.

It did not work out well for NorthShore.


Liberty Counsel negotiated the more than 10.3-million-dollar ($10.3 MILLION DOLLARS) payout for more than 500 employees who faced religious discrimination because of their objections to the COVID shots. In addition to monetary payment, these former NorthShore health care workers will be eligible to be rehired at their former seniority levels.


Just as important as the recompense for fired staff members, NorthShore will also change its unlawful “no religious accommodations” policy to make it consistent with the law and to provide religious accommodations in every position across its numerous facilities. No position in any NorthShore facility will be considered off limits to unvaccinated employees with approved religious exemptions. Praise the Lord!


This forced shot settlement is the first in the nation and will serve as a major wake-up call to every other company that unlawfully denied its employees’ religious freedom RIGHT to reject the COVID jabs.


This case will break the dam of religious discrimination that so much of America has been forced to endure under abusive COVID mandates.

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Absolutely. Jeepers.  About time the courts recognized religious rights instead of inventing other rights NOT in the law.

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DH now works part time as a Home Health Aid.  His wacko company DID accept his religious exemption without comment.  Pleased but surprised.  They do most things backwards.  :shrug: 


He would have quit if they didn't accept it.  Never taking the shot.  He did get the C....and a couple days when he was getting dehydrated - high fever were scary.  We watched his vitals carefully.  But God provided the alternate I-meds that actually help the person beat the virus.  He improved quickly.  Didn't like the whole body rash that was the last symptom after the fever, etc was gone.  Itch!  Antihistamine should be on your shelf, as well as fever reducing meds and techniques. 


MtRider  ...thanks Homesteader! 

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20 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

READ CAREFULLY the RECENTLY updated, changed, stepped-back CDC rules and regs [guidance] for C0Vid. 

What she said!  ^

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A friend's son was deployed to the Middle East last week, while serving in the Air Force. His basic training earlier this year was going great until half way through they told him one night in the barracks that he would have to get the Covid jabs or be mustered out the next morning on his own dime.  :0327:  He was devastated! He was trapped. He wanted to be in the military most of his life. :yar: He and his six siblings have only the minimal vaccines to travel on mission projects to other countries. They are homeschooled and aren't forced to get shots that the public schools require. He's in top physical condition. Did I mention that he's extremely handsome, too?  :grinning-smiley-044:


He took the jabs and we're praying for his health. That stunt was so cruel and unjustified in my opinion. The evil oozes out of the Dept of Defense, and we seem powerless to resist. I've worked with this fine young man as we're weekly volunteers at the local food pantry this past year. We couldn't have asked for a harder working teenager who is smart, extremely polite and willing to set-aside his life to help others.  :hug3:

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8 hours ago, Homesteader said:

A friend's son was deployed to the Middle East last week, while serving in the Air Force. His basic training earlier this year was going great until half way through they told him one night in the barracks that he would have to get the Covid jabs or be mustered out the next morning on his own dime.  :0327:  He was devastated! He was trapped. He wanted to be in the military most of his life. :yar: 


That sounds like "breech of contract" to me. I'm sorry he already took the jabs and hope that he doesn't have any of the devistating heart health issues that have plagued so many who have. Libery Counsel has been very active in helping military personnel with this issue. Perhaps he should contact them and see what they have to say about this. 


Liberty Counsel filed a class action lawsuit against Joe Biden, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Homeland Security on behalf of members from all five branches of the military, as well as all federal employees and all federal civilian contractors, who have been unlawfully mandated to get the COVID shots or face dishonorable discharge from the military or termination from employment. If you fall into one of the categories above, you do not need to contact us about joining the lawsuit. The court has set an expedited preliminary hearing on our request to stop the COVID shot mandates. If you have relevant information about how these mandates are impacting you, you can submit it to us at LC.org by clicking on the Legal Help tab, completing the form, and including the information. If you have already completed a Legal Help form or if the information you have must be uploaded or attached, please email the information to Liberty@LC.org. Read the lawsuit here.


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