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Walking again

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:wave:Good morning, I am wondering if we should start walking again?     Please let me know if you are interested.     :)      :STAIRS:

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Wanted to know if anyone is interested in counting miles again.     :)    


I don't get many miles in lately, but know I need to.     


Thank you, Littlesister, I'm glad to be back.    :)    


I'll try to get in here each week sometime and we will count the miles from the week past.    :)


Thank you for being interested.        :bighug2:

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That is great.    :)     


I will have to count my poor little miles.      Probably about 2 - 3.


I really need to get busy and walk and ride the bike.   


Edited by Snowmom
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So far, I have walked 23.2 miles this week. No walking other than a grocery store yesterday due to bad weather.  I always try to get out and walk the small block at least 8 times around a day weather permitting. That one is 7 of those trips are one mile with one extra trip around. Plus, all the walking back and forth in house working on stuff. During warmer weather I walk the whole neighborhood. One trip around is a mile and I try to walk at least 6 to 7 times around at different times with twice around each time. 

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:wave: Littlesister,  you are doing so good.      I haven't counted yet, as they are in my fit bit, but just haven't counted them all up.      


I'm so glad you want to do this again.     :)    :bighug2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, since I was so sick all of last year and didn't do much walking at all, I have to start slow.      I know, this is really slow and I am not happy with it but, one of these days I hope to get more miles again.


Week ending with the 20th, I got just over 10 miles.    


This is really a lot different than I had been doing a few years ago.       :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

The week ending January 28th I didn't get much in, I was working on genealogy.      I only got just under 7 miles.    :(      I'll see if I can do better next time.    :)  


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