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Everything posted by mommato3boys

  1. Too much sugar, I am a borderline diabetic so I watch my sugar intake. I may try and make it with sugar substitute.
  2. I gave up pop also I did it by drinking ICE which is flavored water. Then I moved to Propel water. I like the powder packs of Propel better than the premixed bottles. I use one pack per 25oz of water instead of the 16.9 suggested. I can't drink the ICE drinks anymore they are two sweet. Now it is just lemon water and propel water. Hubby and I are following diabetic style diet. I can't do Keto because I am in stage 3 kidney failure and it is to harsh on my kidneys. I use a lot of recipes from Skinnytaste.com and Diabetic Living. I have lost 70 pounds but put 40 back on when just before surgery. The six months prior to my surgery it was all I could do to get up and make it to work exercise was walking to the restroom and back to my desk. But now I am counting calories I know every says boo but I do better that way. I don't go crazy with "the allowed" foods. I am happy I found a low carb bread so I can have a sandwich every once in a while. Five small meals are better for you than 3 large meals. My doctor says we need to get away from the Western mind set of 3 large meals a day. We use cauliflower for mashed potatoes and rice and it is really good. More fish less red meat and more green veggies. I am learning to cook with Splenda and Stevia. Even though stevia says 1 for 1 nope have to use less. Made no bake cookies last night using stevia and almond milk, hubby said they are RICH! So it back the drawing board. However, the brown sugar Splenda is awesome, in my peanut butter cookies (1 cup peanut butter, 1 egg and 1/2 cup of Splenda brown sugar. Yummm. Best of luck, just remember you didn't gain the weight overnight so you are not going to loose it over night.
  3. So far the only draw back has been their packaging. If I purchase more from them it will mean glass jars and keep fresh packets
  4. A few months ago I bought a sample box from Harmony House. There was a little bit of everything in it. So today I broke out the tomato powder and the onions. Spaghetti is on the menu for tomorrow. Review to follow.
  5. Personally I think you need more...one on the front one on the back and one on each arm and leg LOL. Seriously I remember back in the day when I was a kid we had an orange flag on a pole hooked to our back wheel that was like 10 feet tall (well maybe not that tall but when you are kid...) so cars could see us.
  6. Good thing I drive 2002 Dodge pick up LOL plus someone is always home, and we track our packages so that we are home when they arrive. I have even had them delivered to work. No, no one is going to get access to my car or house. I am with Annarchy...trust issues.
  7. Let's see last night was hamburger steaks with grill onions and mushrooms with pepper jack cheese on top with asparagus and potato salad. To night hummmmm…. I have some left over pork I need to do something with so we are having taquitos and something not sure yet.
  8. Well my eggplant was not any good so we revisited an old recipe using Italian sausage instead of ground beef. Beef noodle casserole using Italian sausage of ground beef. It was ok but I like cheddar cheese better I had to use mozzarella since I was out of cheddar.
  9. So I have been off work we have been trying new recipes. Tonight's was Jalapeno Popper Stuffed Peppers. https://thatlowcarblife.com/jalapeno-popper-stuffed-peppers/ I changed it up just a little, the recipe called for bell pepper but I had a pound bag of little sweet peppers and we used them. Served them with refried beans. Hubby loved them so they go in the menu rotation. Last night we had stuffed peppers also but they were Chicken Enchilada Stuffed Peppers. https://belleofthekitchen.com/2018/07/13/chicken-enchilada-stuffed-peppers/ The only change I made was the sauce, I didn't have red enchilada sauce , I had green chili enchilada sauce. Hubby still liked them and the recipe will go in to the menu rotation also, but he wants me to make them with red sauce next time just to see what they taste like.
  10. I understand why my area is targeted. I don't care what the IRS says. I live in ranch land and they will audit these ranchers in a heartbeat.
  11. If you take Losartan you may want to check with your pharmacy and your doctor. I am Losartan BP meds and found out this weekend that there was a major recall. I have been playing phone tag all week with the nurse at the doctor's office trying to get an RX since I can not get my Losartan refilled.
  12. Thanks Annarchy, now I won't worry and will quit trying to adjust the page.
  13. Is it just my laptop or does everyone's chat box chop off the right hand side? I even switched the background back to default and it is still chopped off.
  14. I am glad everyone enjoyed the card. When I bought them last year on clearance I did not realize they were 3-D I just thought they were cute and they said Merry Christmas. I got Midnightmom's and Pauline's today. That makes all of mine.
  15. All government offices always close when a there is a presidential funeral. Today was Papa Bush's funeral.
  16. I think that would a whole new meaning to pooping bricks.
  17. Ok so mine went to the post office and came back. The postal clerk did not do the postage correctly but have no fear they are correct now and on their way Got my first one to day from Annarchy. Just so you know Annarchy that is my favorite, All of my Christmas decorations are just what you sent me. We don't do santa but.....(I don't want to spoil the surpise )
  18. All finished sending Saintsfan to the post office tomorrow to mail them.
  19. One thing to add is a tube of tomato paste. I had never seen it before until we were visiting youngest in south Texas and went to HEB. I started looking for it when I got back home and what do you know my store carries it. It is going to save me a bundle. You just don't know the number of recipes I have that call for 2 or 3 tablespoons of tomato paste. NO sense in opening a whole can. I am stocking tubes now.
  20. Basically we have gotten lax since Trump has gotten in office. That we are growing complacent and it is going to bite us in the butt soon rather than later. That we should not only be prepping supplies but knowledge....lots of knowledge.
  21. She needs to get out of my head. She voiced my fears. I guess it is time to double down and suck it up and continue on prepping.
  22. Ok Jeepers, glad to know it is not just me.
  23. Is it me or has places like Emergency Essentials and other online places stopped giving codes out for discounts. May be I am not getting them because I haven't ordered in a while. But I have noticed I am getting few and few "special sale" notices.
  24. Yes Snowmom, things are better. After 25 months hubby finally was approved for disability. so we are slowly getting back on our feet.
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