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Everything posted by mommato3boys

  1. All I am seeing is jelly jars and some pint jars with regular size lids. No quart jars any where. Really don't want the pint jars unless they are wide lid but I may have to go with what I can find.
  2. Yes, and I hate them. I am bottles of excerdin stuffed everywhere, just so I will have it. Strong smells are the worst to trigger a migraine.
  3. mommato3boys


    Could they be at the homestead? Do they have internet at the homestead?
  4. This was hillarious. I was thrown in to full blown menopause after my hysterectomy.
  5. I ran across this article today and thought I would share it... the title is "More than 100 employees sue Houston hospital over vaccine mandate" https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/more-than-100-employees-sue-houston-hospital-over-vaccine-mandate/ar-AAKxhHv?ocid=msedgntp Hubs sent me this article today also.... I hope I have immunity for a life time as bad as I had it. https://rumble.com/vhskcl-new-studies-show-immunity-to-covid-19-may-last-a-lifetime.html?fbclid=IwAR0utFmnF8TLuHIITOUK5irWZx80_zf1IzGDF_2H81LNE90xrbtNXEUdpJQ
  6. That is what I call a chicken mote. I think it is a great idea to have around the garden. That way the chickens can eat the bugs before they get to the garden 😊
  7. I don't know if you have seen the articles of the "powers that be" trying to debunk videos of people showing their injections sites are magnetized. You folks know I work in a hospital and I ignore all of the hype either pro or con when it comes to this vaccine. My primary care agrees with me on a lot of issues when it comes to the vaccine. This is one of those that I have ignored until it happen to a couple of coworkers. I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own two eyes and personally stuck a magnetic to her arm. She got the Moderna vaccine. We were all shocked. The lady that was in front of her in line when she got her vaccine works in my department and her arm was not magnetized. I know there are two of my coworkers that have magnetized injection sites. One works in administration and then the one I am told you about, she is the director of materials. Our chief of staff and CEO are trying to figure out what to do. They thought about doing a MRI but quickly decided against it, since it could cause what ever is there to pull out of her arm. The last I heard they were talking doing an ultrasound. One theory flying around work is each bottle has a tracing device so that they can see how many vaccinated people are in the area. Each bottle holds 10 vaccines so if you 50 tracers out there you can tell how many of the town's populations has been vaccinated. I am not pro or con the vaccine. I am a "you do you and I will do me" person. Here is an article that a good conspiracy theorist could have a field day with... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/01/21/fact-check-covid-19-vaccine-nearly-20-years-making/3873247001/ I will leave this right here and let you read the article and draw your own conclusions....you know "you do you and I will do me"
  8. Tomoatoes that are totally green will not ripen when they are picked. If they have a tint of yellow put wrap in newspaper or tissue paper and set in a dark place for a couple of days check them daily and they should start ripening. Tomates actually ripen in the dark not the sunlight. If they are totally green have yourself some friend green tomatoes. If nothing else put them in a paper bag with a greenish banana. As the banana releases gas the gas will force the tomatoes to ripen. https://morningchores.com/how-to-ripen-tomatoes/ check out this link it has some good ideas.
  9. Our Tractor Supply never used the brooders.
  10. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
  11. On skinnytaste.com she has a recipe for sushi stacks. We use cauliflower instead of regular rice. There is a tuna recipe that hubs cooks for me that to die for, I will have to find it and post it for you.
  12. I was thinking quail or dove in cages like parrots. I was also thinking rabbits. Then you always have fish in tanks, I read an article about raising shrimp in tanks. I will have to find it again.
  13. Apartment homesteading! That is what I am doing now. We have a container garden. I have built my own earthboxes and have a container garden on the back patio. I am dehydrating frozen veggies becasuse we have a smaller freezer. Have turned the extra bedroom closet into a pantry. One major draw back is no livestock. Can't talk the landlord into chickens.
  14. Mt_Rider the medicare info is really not research. That is what I do for a living. If you having anything done as an outpatient at the hospital where I work you will probably talk to me. I have to verify insurance and call each patient and tell them what they will owe. And I can tell you there are some sad stories of how "some" insurance agents have talked these people in to crappy policies. So I have made it my mission to help education as many people as possible about Medicare, medigap aka supplement policies and managed care policies. I breaks my heart to see these little old people being "scammed"...at least that is what I consider it is, because said agents are not really explaining what the patient is getting. They are all about the greenbacks and not about helping people get the best coverage.
  15. This is to answer Littlesister's post on The Great Exodus... You qualify for full Medicare benefits if: You are a U.S. citizen or a permanent legal resident who has lived in the United States for at least five years and You are receiving Social Security or railroad retirement benefits or have worked long enough to be eligible for those benefits but are not yet collecting them. You or your spouse is a government employee or retiree who has not paid into Social Security but has paid Medicare payroll taxes while working. Part A coverages just hospital stays and you do not pay a monthly premium for it. You have a $1,400+/- co-pay whether you stay in the hospital one night or 5 nights. HOWEVER; Part B you pay a monthly premium and it covers doctors, testing and any out-patient procedures, but not at 100% you have a 20% copay. Now your copay is not based on what the hospital charges but what Medicare allows. So say you have an MRI and the hosptial charges $5,000 but Medicare only allows $350. Medicare will pay 80% of the $350 and you will only 20% of the which is $70. This where you need a supplement policy that will cover part B copays. Now the quesiton was do you have to have Medicare. Well at age 65 you automatically qualify for Part A at no cost to you. So yes you can buy your own policy. You DO NOT have to sign up for Part B. But here is the catch if you do not sign up when you turn 65 and you decided when you turn 70 that you want to sign up for part B your rates will be higher unless you can prove that were covered under another policy. My personal suggestion (and this from working with insurance all day long) get your medicare part A & B then get a supplement policy. If you go with a managed care plan like Humana or United Healthcare ask the following questions.... 1. Is my doctor in network - if not do I have out of network coverage 2 Is my hospital in network - if not do I have out of network coverage (if your doctor or the hospital that you use is not in network then said doctor and hospital will not get paid and you will then be responsible for the bill) 3. Drug plan...are my prescriptions covered...what is my dedutible> 4. How much will I have to pay for outpatient procedures. Some of the managed cared plans get you when it comes to outpatient services. You will have a $250 copay for that MRI that you would have only had to pay $70 if you were on medicare. If you have any questions I will happy to get answers for you. Like I said I deal with insurance all day and know how they like taking advantage of people on Medicare. Right now we are dealing with one company that talked people in our area to sign up for a new plan. Said company notified clinics and doctors of this new plan but did not notify any of the hospitals in the area. And this new plan does not have out of network coverage so they can not have procedures done at the hospital.
  16. We allowed ourselves two splurges. One was fishing poles the second was a French door dehydrator oven (Gourmia brand). It said it would dehydrate, so last night I pulled out a bag of frozen veggies that I had bought for this purpose. And this is what I decided... 1. It will dehydrate! 2. The basket's holes are too big. As stuff dried it would fall through so I had to put a try under the basket to catch food. I am thinking of buying a small roll of window screen material and cutting it to fit the basket tray for the air fryer and for my round trays in my dehydrator. I have the same problem with it. I will probably use the air fryer more often, as I can control the temperature. I will purchase another tray so I will have two for it. Over all I like it. As they say on Forged in Fire ... It will Dehydrate
  17. Maybe we should do another Wagon HO.... You know we could throw in the pandemic, power grid down, migration from the south oh let's not forget the great TP shortage. What do you think Mother and Mt.Rider? Up for another adventure?
  18. Well today we got home from church and there was a box at our door. It seems my 02 packs came via FedEx. The package at the PO is hubs. I guess I set up the dehydrator tomorrow evening and let it run all night. Our one of the two splurges from the stimulus checks was a large air fryer oven type and it dehydrates also. We will see. Not sure I trust it enough to go to bed and sleep with it running. The other splurge was fishing poles. I fishing poles did not survive the move to Texas and we have never replaced. them. Now GS is almost 3 I want tot take him fishing.
  19. Unfortunately they are, but the good part is they will filter 6000 gallons of water. That's a lot of water. We will be using it just for drinking and cooking so they will last us at least a year by my quesstimtes.
  20. The stock pot he uses is the Wal-Mart brand Mainstay and the 12 quart is like $10. That will work in my budget especially since I am buying the Berkey filters.
  21. Well snapdragon! The mail delivery was early and we missed it. My 02 packets were due in today so now hubby has to pick them up Monday at the PO. But that is ok it will give me an extra day for cooling. Don't want to make the same mistake I made with my peaches - I didn't let them cool long enough before packing them away. The veggies are going in first. I have blueberries to dry as well. I like cooking with dry blueberries better than fresh. Dry berries don't sink to the bottom nor do they add extra moisture.
  22. I had hoped to purchase a Berkey with this last stimulus check but we decided to use most of it to pay down bills to give us some breathing room. I started searching how to make our own system. I wasn't thrill with the idea of using buckets, because even food grade even give off a plastic taste. Then I saw this video and we are gonna try it. My biggest investment will be the Berkey filters. Yes, I will splurge and purchase Berkey filters, they are the best plus I can get fluriode filters when they are back in stock. https://youtu.be/CjGxUAOrkrM This is a maintenance video he did https://youtu.be/UYhkhL_n6fw
  23. For about a week now I have been hunting O2 absorbers. Sticker shock city. I finally found some on the LDS online pantry that decently priced but I could only order 2 packs. Each pack has 100 300cc absorbers in it. So hopefully I can order more soon. I plan on dehydrating a lot this year. I want to make soups and other meals and put in mylar backs for camping or bugging out or running away, whichever I decide to do LOL. Any way two packs with $3 shipping was only $24.50. Compare to other places that wanted that much just for 10 absorbers. Have people lost their everloving minds?
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