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Everything posted by Jeepers

  1. Littlesister, I'm glad your doctor finally looked at your knee and shoulder. You've told him about it long enough. Hope you get some relief soon. Necie, I pressure cook my beans for about 15 minutes to the al dente stage instead of soaking them over night or doing the quick soak and boil for an hour thing. I don't raw pack them. About 15-20 minutes and they come out like they have been soaked over night. I have meat issues too. Surprise surprise. I can't do the ugly chicken with that white stuff in the jar. So I cook the meat first. Plus. I make a lot of soups and I want the meat cooked and shredded in the jars. Especially the veggies soups. I can't eat the skin or fat (texture issues) and I can't eat meat off of the bones. Pick the meat off of the bones, throw them away, then eat the meat. I usually only eat the breast meat after it's been picked off of the bone. I can't do wings, legs, or thighs. Don't judge. I'm nuts. I like meat but could easily do without it. Fish will never touch my lips. Well, except for tuna salad and tuna casserole. Occasionally. Or maybe during Armageddon, or maybe the Zombie Apocalypse. PS if anyone reads this and wants to do the speed pressure cooking beans to get them ready to can, you must put some cooking oil in the pressure pot to prevent the foam from bubbling up and clogging the valve.
  2. I got my heart monitor on today. It was easy peasy. From the time I walked in til the time I walked out was about 10-15 minutes. It's two electrodes. One under the breast and one on my chest. I have to unplug it when I bathe and when I charge it up. I figure I'll bathe while it's charging. She said about two hours before bedtime will last it 24+ hours. I don't have to do anything else unless I'm in some sort of distress. Then I have to report the issue to a website so they can mark where it was on the monitor. I have to be sure to sleep with it on too. I don't foresee any issues with it but you know me. I wish it was a little lower on my chest so it wouldn't show so much. She said to line up the electrode under my breast with my nipple. I asked her if I should line it up when I'm sitting down or laying down. Big discrepancy there. I'd have to go searching for it under my arm pit if in the prone position. She laughed and thumped me on the head. My d*amn brain won't shut its big mouth.
  3. I had another productive day. Voted and returned the window blinds to Walmart that were too short and a trash can that was too tall to fit under my sink and bought a button up shirt. Dropped off some recycle papers and a bag of trash. I went to the bank and renewed my CD. It was odd because you usually get a better rate the longer you lock it in. Not this time. It was 5% for only 8 months. It was 4.5% for 13 months. I mentioned it to her and she said people are afraid to tie their money up for too long and the interest rates are too unpredictable. I usually get it for 13 months. I got my Indy banking done on the phone. One hassle after another with that bank. I hate that bank and told her so. But I have enough in the mortgage account to last me nearly all summer. I'd like to refinance to Key Bank when I sell this place but they sold this house to BOA so its 6 of one and half dozen of another. I got all excited a Walmart. I saw a cute little Instant Pot thingy. About half the size as my regular one. Would be nice for pressure cooking beans and chicken and beef. I like to pressure them before I can then. Its only $30.00. I put it in the cart and as I was scanning it I noticed....its a freakin' rice cooker. It looked just like the Instant Pots only smaller. I paid and went right over to the service desk, again. Sigh.
  4. My version would be more like 'the can't-can't'
  5. I didn't know either. She touched on it in a video called "In My Brokeness." It was a sad one. She certainly deserves happiness.
  6. I have 3 JoAnn's near me so even if they don't close, I want to catch some sales too. I mostly use Aurifil thread for quilting. I usually wax it. Sometimes I use Gutermann but it's hard for me find unless I go to a quiltshop $$$
  7. Oh no! I didn't hear about JoAnn's financial trouble. That's too bad. I need to check my stores out too. I need some fabric to make some curtains for the livingroom window. I have a lot of fabric stashed for quilts and crafts but I need some plain cream color lightweight yardage. And always thread. If mine is going to close, then I'm going to order a bolt of black, white and cream colors for accent pieces. I use a lot of black and cream.
  8. My mom served sauerkraut and weenies too. I had forgotten about that! She cut the hot dogs up into little round circles. She also put hot dogs in our spaghetti when we couldn't afford meatballs. Good old (poor) days. A long time ago I saw an old-er woman chopping up cabbage to make kraut. It was outside and she used a spade like tool and the cabbage was in a big trough. She walked around it chop-chop-chopping as she went. It was lovely to watch her. Over the years I have searched and searched for that video and I can't find it. It looked like it was in the old country like Russia or one of those old eastern bloc countries. BTW Midnightmom, did you know The Kneady Homesteader remarried? I just learned about it last night while watching one of her videos. His name is Danny and that's all I know.
  9. Necie, LOL. Don't stress over my OCD canning jars craziness. Hopefully I'll fill the Ball jars with some pie filling and not obsess over them. Maybe once they are filled I won't notice that they say Ball instead of Kerr. It's a sick puppy that wants even their canning jars to be matchy-matchy. OCD werks fer me.
  10. I heard about the Alaskapox being in Fairbanks about a month ago too. Last I heard there were 7 cases. I haven't heard about monkey pox or mouse pox spreading though. Mice scare me because of their filth. I read where they have no bladder control at all so they leak urine continually. And then there is that hantavirus mess. I hate meeces to PEEces.
  11. Gas is taxed in both Ohio and Indiana. I didn't know how much so I looked it up. Indiana is 34 cents a gallon Ohio is 38.5 cents a gallon. The Whiting refinery is the largest in the Midwest and B.P.'s largest in the world. It's only one county away from ours. Got a call from the place where the cardiologist office is. They want me to wear a heart monitor before I see the doctor on April 25th.... For a month! Crimony. Just shoot me now. I have to go tomorrow to get it installed. I packed/moved/donated all of my button front shirts so I have to go buy one in the morning because all of my blouses are where? Indiana. Did I even mention about a cardiologist? I'm like Mt. Rider, I can't remember who I told; Monitor tomorrow Blood Pressure nurse. March 29th. Electrocardiogram. Apr 2nd. Cardiologist. Apr. 25th. Regular doctor check up. May 14th. Ear doctor July 23rd. But hey, my house is dry and l have heat...today. Subject to change as it's snowing like crazy right now.
  12. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE EUPHRASYNES! I'm always surprised by how much more expensive gas is in Indiana compared to Ohio. You'd think over in northwest Indy it would be cheaper because of the huge refinery in Whiting. Nope. Littlesister, glad you are feeling better and getting your strength back. Mt.Rider, best of luck with your appointment tomorrow and prayers for your neighbors.
  13. I'm on a salt restricted diet so I can't have much. It's an occasional treat. . When I tried to make it many many years ago, it got wigglie things in it. I was making a pan full and not in jars. This was in the 80's pre computers, so I'm sure it was user error. But I can't unsee that mess I had. Unlike mine, yours looks delicious!
  14. That's a lot of cabbage. I like sauerkraut but I had a bad experience one time when I tried to make it. I'll spare you details but I'm not going to try it again. It was gruesome. I'm thinking about buying a huge gallon jar of it and canning it in 1/2 pint jars.
  15. I'm fine. Thanks for asking! It was so bad down there. It went south of me. I'm in the Cleveland (Cuyahoga County) area. Way up north east. It's snowing right now.
  16. Dang Euphrasyne, that appliance looks like one stop shopping. Awesome. TMC, you are singing my song about not being able to find stuff. Mine is scattered between Ohio and Indiana. Whatever I need is guaranteed to be at the other place. I got errands run today. Went to Walmart and got my quart jars. Incase you're interested, I looked on line and 2 of our WM's didn't have them but the one closet to me did. They weren't in the canning aisle but in the big center aisle. Two big pallets of wide mouth quarts and two pallets of regular mouth pints. I got 3 boxes of quarts that Necie could possibly end up with. LOL. Depends if I get them filled this summer. They were just under $17.00 a case of 12. Probably should have bought 4 cases. Walmart was very well stocked. I didn't go up and down all of the food aisles but I did look down them and all the shelves were full. Could've been faced though? But it looked good. I'm hearing about a lot of food shortages, but my area is still looking pretty good. Especially for a Sunday afternoon. I got my ambien filled. I have to jump through hoops to get it. I'm good with that though. I only need it occasionally. A week on and a couple of weeks off. It will be good to get regulated so I can get more stuff done. My hours are crazy if left to my own devices. My inner clock is set to night owl mode. I got some window blinds. They aren't wide enough. I had a feeling but took a chance. They will go back. Darn it. I just want some cheap plastic roller type to leave behind. Went to Dollar Tree. Their med aisle still looks great. But they don't carry Curad bandaids. Neither did Walmart. Maybe Meijers? Filled up the gas tank. $3.15 a gallon. Came home and got curtains hung at the livingroom window. It's a huge window but most of the old curtains fit it. All except the bottom row but I can make those myself. It would have cost a lot to have replaced them so I'm glad I could still use the old ones. Just cheap Priscilla curtains that were here when I moved in nearly 35 years ago. But they still look nice. I still have to figure out the tie backs. Hopefully I'll have the same luck with the diningroom window as it's kinda one big room and the old curtains I had for it matched the living room window.
  17. @Mt_Rider you NEED Maui. That is just too much hard work for not much in return. Bad for both you and your DH health. Pot here calling the kettle black. Don't feel bad about the car. Last winter I backed mine into the side of the garage. Bumper is still smashed in because I still don't have a ride to and from the shop. Whatever. It makes it easy to identify in a parking lot. Still can't believe I did that. It's a wonder the air bag didn't go off. You know my luck. I have a small Amazon order to make. Among other things, I think I need some quart size canning jars for pie filling this summer. I really only like Kerr jars. A dozen wide mouth Kerr quart jars are $40.00. I wanted 3 cases. Some of the Ball jars aren't priced much better. Walmart had some Ball wide mouth quart jars for $17.00 a dozen. If they are still in stock, I'm going to bite the bullet and pick some up today. Wide mouth will make the sticky pie filling easier to dig out. In theory. I don't think they sell Kerr jars east of the Mississippi River. At least I have never been able to find them. I didn't think I was ever going to use quarts again so I didn't buy any more when I had the chance. BTW, I only knew HBA was 'health and beauty aids' because at one time I worked in a retail store. At the time, I thought everyone knew that...except for me.
  18. Oh my Annarchy, that is so beautiful! I love how you did that big tree. It looks so real. I wish I could do something like that. I have no artistic talent. Thanks for posting your art work.
  19. Sorry you are ailing Littlesister. Don't fight the rest. It will help your body recover. Mt. Rider, I can't imagine that much snow. Well, actually I can. But it's been a long time since we've had that much. It is pretty and serene though. Especially if you can stay inside and snuggle under a quilt, with a good book, a cup of something warm in front of a crackling fire. Someone has been watching too many old movies. In reality I'm usually out there with frozen extremities, runny nose, sweating through too many layers of clothing trying to shovel a path so Amazon can get to the door.
  20. COLONOSCOPY. Son needs a colonoscopy not a colonostomy. The test. Not the surgery. Crimony. Don't know if it was me or autocorrect. Dammittohell.
  21. Glad you are okay Necie. I was concerned about you when I saw Fort Wayne and also Berne were under a warning. It was south of me too here in Ohio. But it was in Muncie which is getting too close to my family down there in Rush County.
  22. I forgot to mention that when I was searching for window screen clips, Lowes had ALL of their electrical wire padlocked up. Nearly half an aisle worth. Shortages? Copper? And Walmart had their ENT stuff behind plexiglass but it wasn't locked...yet. That was new since about a month ago when I bought Debrox there. What really stumped me was the shaving stuff. Everything concerning shaving from electric razors, razor blades, disposible razors, hair clippers and even shaving cream was locked up. In the next case were pregnancy tests and condoms and OB/GYN stuff. I kinda get that but disposable razors and shaving cream? We aren't in a particular high crime area here. Probably the new look for the future I guess. They have a new section set up for those locked cases and beauty items, like make up and hair stuff, with a register right there. It serves about 4 aisles. Not my area. I was just walking through to see what was back there. HBA was decently stocked. I think northeast Ohio must have gotten a huge shipment of HBA stuff because our Dollar Tree is very well stocked in that area too. I'm going today to get some more Curad flexible bandaids. I had some for well over 5 years and they went through my epic flood and they still work great. Still sticky and flexible. They didn't get wet but the house was VERY damp for a couple of months. Mousture was literally dripping down the walls and windows. Speaking of...Dollar Tree is closing nearly 1000 Family Dollar stores. No locations disclosed yet. Rat infected warehouse and violent crime and theft cited. Incase I threw anyone off... ENT = Ear, nose, throat OB/GYN = women stuff HBA = health and beauty aids
  23. Lots of tornado activity in the Midwest. Especially around Illinois, Ohio and Indiana. Stay safe out there. I've been watching it on Ryan Hall Y'all.
  24. Thank You! Son needs a stress test and a colonostomy. Joy. If it ain't one end it's the other. Colonoscopy. Not colonostomy. I can't cross it out in this phone. For now, it's just the test. Crimony.
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