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Everything posted by Synn

  1. Synn

    Complete the Quote

    LOL when I flunked that quiz...... Stupid wasn't quite the word I used.. lol
  2. Hey ya'll if any of you have an old food processor and a blender that you all don't use anymore, I'd be glad to take it off your hands! Of course by the time I pay shipping on those kinds of items I could probably save for new ones.. Cat I tried the freecycling thingy.. Apparently the one in my area isn't very active... It's a neat site though ya'll should visit it if you haven't yet.... Amber welcome to our home.... Make yourself comfortable.... Look around at the archives, there's some really great stuff here.. Best of luck to all the newbies here. Blessings to you all!
  3. You know what??? Ya'll are my HEROS!!!!
  4. Synn

    Complete the Quote

    You're right. although I wouldn't call them stupid, that's just one category I never paid much attention too. But that quiz made my intellectual status plummet......
  5. Hi Justamom! And I see Cozy is here too! Welcome ya'll......... I hope you have a wonderful time here in our little family away from home...
  6. Synn

    Complete the Quote

    Am I just too young to remember most of these? How come everyone got most of them right? Wow it just goes to show I really do live in a vaccum.......
  7. Thank you for making me feel better..
  8. Well I am truly at a loss. Adolph sounds right but I don't really know.
  9. I truly didn't mean to bring up such a very unpleasant memory for everyone, forgive me. After I put my foot in my mouth once again I did some searching on my own and again I am sorry I brought it up... Love to all, Dawn
  10. Your replies remind me of something I wanted to share.. People come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime. When you know which one it is for a person, you will know what to do for that person. When Someone is in Your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need You have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered, and now it is time to move on. Some people come into Your life for a SEASON, because your time has come to share grow or learn. They bring You an experience of peace, or make You laugh. They may teach You something You have never done. They usually give You an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. LIFTIME relationships teach You lifetime lessons: things You must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the Person,and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of my life!
  11. Has anyone heard from MountainMommy??
  12. What happened to some of the family? If I might ask? Ed n Peg? Brigid? Reci? I was here when lowlander left .......
  13. My husband also asked what DH meant.. I said well somedays it means dear or darlin, other days it means... husband... LOL
  14. Afternoon all! I am getting a very late start today. DD and I got the dishwasher filled and started. Then we had a long chat about "dating" and the difference between discernment and judging. She agreed to date the biggest pot head womanizer in town.. He's only 17.. What was she thinking? Well that lasted less than 24 hours. Then Mama found out.. NOT...... She's only 14.. She's not dating anyone.. He comes from a very very bad family. I said "just think about this" someday you will find someone to marry. And if it's a guy like that whose family is horrible, whom is in trouble doing community service himself, does drugs.. You have kids, what kind of a life is that for them. How fun would Christmas's be to visit Daddy in jail? Grandma won't have anything to do with them because she can't even stand her own son. Oh believe me I went on and on.. I said I won't allow a guy like that here in our house. And you won't be dating anyone like that as long as you are under 18 and I still am your mother. I told her after she is 18 and an adult and can make her own decisions I could not stop her. But if I hear of it now I will homeschool her. She won't go anywhere with anyone, she will sit here at home with me all day. I know some of you probably think I am gonna force her to run away.. But I told her since I approve of the neighbor boy here I will let him drive her to school. I know his parents, I approve of them and she can go places with him and them. She's says Mom your not supposed to be judgemental.. I said there's a difference between judgmental and discernment. I told her that the Bible says that you should seperate yourself from those who make you stumble. You may think if a guy likes you, you could make him stop doing all those things. But I also told her that in turn they might pressure you into doing things you don't want to do just the same. Am I too far off here? I don't really care what kind of family someone comes from, I can't judge someone for their family that wouldn't be right. If they have a good heart and were striving to make something of themselves I am a big enough person to conmend them for that. And if someone really loves my kid and would treat her right and with respect, and be able to provide for her, then by all means that's great. Be this kid is only 17 and has already been in jail. I know she wants to have fun now. But she's getting to the age where she needs to start thinking about her future. I grew up in a poor family, I know what it's like....... Man I am rambling. I am sorry. I will get off the "box"... I may have to edit this some to where it makes sense later.. Anyone with any suggestions on what to say to her? She's been brought up in the church, Southern Baptist. We aren't strict strict but we do have morales. Is this a post for a different forum??
  15. Synn

    Complete the Quote

    Well I am quite the ignorant one.......
  16. SCMary...... Maybe you could help me with this name... Stossmeister...... My grandfathers name was Robert.. Erie PA. I found one census I think it was his from 1930. It said he was born in 1910. I believe this was him. But without a sub I couldn't get any further.. Thanks, Dawn
  17. Hey you guys! I found my family! The Patterson line I was looking for.. I did a google search 2 weeks ago and found some info.. From there I spent hours reading and researching! It helped that I remembered some of the names my mom had told me years ago. And from reading the book that another relative has! I was so excited. I didn't know that google offered this either until that day! IT IS GREAT!!!
  18. Good evening everyone! Wow what a long day. Although it's been beautiful out the weekend dragged on. School finally starts on Friday! Lois love the pics of the new porch! I can't wait to finally build ours! Maybe next spring! We truly could use some rain. The wells need it. Although now wouldn't be a good time for rain on the beans as we need warm weather to finish them out. Soy beans that is. I hope to start cleaning out the garden this week. Get it ready for winter so next spring I can plant lettuce and radishes and cabbage without it having to be plowed first. I am always behine because I have to wait on someone to come do it. Do anyone know if I can straw my strawberries even though there's a ton of weeds mixed in with them? Well I am going to spend a few minutes with the hubby before he goes to sleep; We haven't had any time together this weekend. We did finally get to church this morning. We were visitors to a Christian church there in town. It's only two miles away. Our home church is a half hour away. Quite the difference. We were out of church at 11! When we go to our church we don't get out until usually between 12 and 1230! And it took like 3 minutes to get home! It was great! OK goodnight all! Dawn
  19. Dh and I were talking this evening and I was discussing our group here and he wanted to ask you all a question.. Where might we be able to find used wood cookstoves? I'd like to find one that has the warmer and water resevoir.. Anybody have any ideas? I know Lehmans has brand new ones but at those prices I will never get one. So we thought about a used one that maybe we could buy with income taxes.. What do you think? Love, Dawn
  20. Thanks for all of those great ideas.. Is that a website you get those off of? Or a magazine?
  21. I got gallons of 2% and whole milk today at Aldi's for 1.99 each.......Eggs were 59 cents each... I didn't need the eggs as I have 8 doz in the fridge. But I bought 2 gallons for us and 2 gallons of milk for the neighbor!
  22. Awwwwwww {{{{{{ Cat }}}}}} I am sorry your feeling this way tonight. I totally understand how you feel. How long have you been married? I have only been married 15 years well it will be on Sept 2.. Sometimes he can get so grouchy.. LOL.. So if you really wanna do a hubby exchange I can send mine and hopefully Mine will get lost in the mail!!! Nawwww I am just kidding I would be totally lost without him...But there are times I wish he was ran on a remote.. If you do decide to take him though make sure you never run out of coffee.. LOL... Hope your night goes a bit better.....
  23. Yes you are correct.... I don't know how many time I will buy a new toothbrush just to get home and find that it doesn't fit in that stinking thing...
  24. Synn


    Wow I don't usually keep bananas on hand. But I have heart burns in the middle of the night sometimes. I might just have to try that.. Was that a blackened banana peel? Hmmm don't usually keep those around maybe I could put them in a plastic bag in the fridge to keep them from rotting, just to see if they work on headaches for real.
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