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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. I decided to put this here because it is educational/informative in nature. I love the music of "The Messiah" and listen to it a lot this time of year. As I was listening tonight, I decided to do some research about the nature of the three movements, the Scriptures verses used, etc. Here is the result. I hope it is useful to someone. Oh..............and this is a very moving performance:
  2. Interesting, but not such a good option for a diabetic though.
  3. That is the type of benefit I receive. I was always a "stay-at-home-mom" and had no personal benefits to draw from, so my disability payment amount is based on my DH's last quarter income. (I need to add on oops here. We were in the process of getting a divorce when he died, but since we were married for more than 15 years I believe I would still have been eligible for the same benefits I am now receiving.)
  4. $.69/lb for the first one, $1.18 for additional. Hoping prices will fall closet to Thanksgiving and/or after so I can buy more for canning.
  6. BRILLIANT way to check for an EMP! Never would have thought of that myself. I don't know if anyone here follows OathKeepers on FB or is subscribed to their e-mail list or not, but they have been posting threads and having webinars concerning how to handle civil unrest in case the "threats" come true if Hillary isn't elected. I think we would survive some weeks or months of that, but I'm NOT SURE we could survive 4 years (minimum) of her presidency.
  7. Snowmom, "flat-lining" sounds like what happens to people with sleep apnea (like me) except you were doing it while you were awake! Thank you for the information and the encouragement....ANY type of heart surgery is scary to me. Actually, any type of surgery is dangerous to someone who is as obese as moi. Thanks also everyone for the congrats on the weight loss. I have lost 70 lbs so far by diet modifications ONLY. I am following a LCHF (low-carb/high-fat) ketogenic diet. It is lower carb than Atkins, and totally eliminates the carbs from wheat and grains. But.....I get to eat lots of bacon and butter. (It is a lot harder to "prep" for though.)
  8. Hey all. I sent Snowmom a PM asking her to withdraw my name from this year's exchange. I had several ideas, but none of them are coming together. I figured the earlier the better to withdraw. Have fun everyone!
  9. Good news. I have Bradycardia (slow heartbeat) and my cardiologist tells me that I will eventually need a pacemaker. Not really looking forward to that idea at all. Hoping that weight loss will change that. I have lost 70 lbs thus far, but that only puts me back to where I was 3 years ago before I started taking insulin. Still have quite a bit to lose, but I hope it will make a difference.
  10. Hillsdale College's newest course covers Great Books -- from Shakespeare to Mark Twain.
  11. I finally came up with an idea so I am ready to jump in!
  12. All the possible water borne diseases. This page is a list of the types of water borne diseases to be found on the CDC site. Each item has multiple links to follow for additional information. (Link found thanks to Patriot Nurse.) Bacterial Diseases and Contaminants Parasitic Diseases and Contaminants Viral Diseases and Contaminants Chemical Diseases and Contaminants Other Diseases, Contaminants, and Injuries http://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/disease/type.html
  13. This showed up in my FaceBook feed today. I hope there is something useful here for those of you who quilt. http://www.favequilts.com/Miscellaneous-Quilt-Projects/Free-Quilting-Patterns/
  14. I'll bet that you can take just the podcasts about the Civil War and turn it into a semester of American History!
  15. Complete the form on the REGISTRATION PAGE to receive your first lesson via email. http://lp.hillsdale.edu/federalist-papers-fb/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=newsfeed&utm_content=fedlook&utm_campaign=federalistpapers
  16. You adapt. You improvise. You move on.
  17. Dog Owners: Xylitol Found in Certain Peanut and Nut Butters Xylitol can be found in many products, including gum, breath mints, candy, jams, and children’s vitamins. And of special concern to dog lovers, xylitol can even be found in certain brands of peanut butter, a popular human food for dogs. (Xylitol can kill your dog or cause permanent liver damage) So far, mainstream peanut butter brands haven’t started using xylitol—only these specialty brands include it in their formulations: Nuts ‘N More, Hank’s Protein Plus Peanut Butter, P28, Krush Nutrition, and Go Nuts, Co. The subtle presence of xylitol in these butters definitely highlights the importance of reading ingredient labels on products you bring into your home. (compiled from various websites)
  18. American Minute with Bill Federer "Sea to Shining Sea" - God in 50 State Constitutions Almost chosen as the National Anthem in 1926, "America the Beautiful" was written by Katherine Lee Bates, born AUGUST 12, 1859. Her poem was printed in The Congregationalist for Independence Day, July 4, 1895: O Beautiful for Spacious Skies, For Amber Waves of Grain, For Purple Mountain Majesties Above the Fruited Plain! America! America! God Shed His Grace on Thee And Crowned Thy Good With Brotherhood From Sea to Shining Sea! O Beautiful for Pilgrims Feet, Whose Stern Impassioned Stress A Thoroughfare for Freedom Beat Across the Wilderness! America! America! God Mend Thy Every Flaw, Confirm Thy Soul in Self-Control Thy Liberty in Law! O Beautiful for Heros Proved In Liberating Strife, Who More Than Self Their Country Loved, And Mercy More Than Life! America! America! May God Thy Gold Refine Till All Success Be Nobleness And Every Gain Divine! O Beautiful for Patriots Dream That Sees Beyond the Years Thine Alabaster Cities Gleam Undimmed by Human Tears! America! America! God Shed His Grace On Thee And Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood From Sea to Shining Sea! ========================================== Everu one of America's fifty states acknowledged God in their state constitutions at some time their history. Follow the link below for the excerpts from the State Constitutions. http://myemail.constantcontact.com/-Sea-to-Shining-Sea---God-in-50-State-Constitutions.html?soid=1108762609255&aid=yeHzEfF_3JQ
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