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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. That is crazy Jeepers. Just because they are different systems doesn't mean that can't do a mammogram and either send you the results or send them to your doctor. A fax machine doesn't care what group of doctors you are in. Been packing up GS's clothes and his food that he still has here. Running out of boxes so need to go hunt some boxes down. I think Food Lion stocks tomorrow so will go check it out for boxes. Working on another load to take to Goodwill from garage. I have two old wooden shoe boxes I am thinking about taking to the pawn shop. Might not get much money for them but anything is better than nothing. Will see what happens. It has been cloudy off and on most of day today and now it is trying to rain. Just a few drops so far. Since GD is coming to get the bedroom suit end of month or first of next month, I should be able to have most of house back together by end of July or end of August after GS's stuff is out of house. Then I can do a thorough cleaning of closets, painting and shop for new den and living room furniture. It has been a long ride to get this house back together both from construction and kids moving in and out on me. But it is now starting to come together again.
  2. Fried okra is really good and I also make stewed okra with basil, tomatoes and a little sugar. my DD hates okra but loves the stewed okra.
  3. First time seeing this video. Not heard of her before now. Thank you for the introduction. Trying to cook for one is really hard. But I am doing it. So I have left overs that I eat the next day. I like how she uses the left over meat like the pork chops for a breakfast meal. Using the rice was a neat idea. I always have leftover rice when I cook it.
  4. I think just about everyone has at least one relative that will take the others in family for a sleigh ride if they can. Made pasta salad early this afternoon and then GS came over to wash clothes. Took him to get haircut but we waited to late and they closed. So he's coming here early tomorrow to go get one. For some reason he likes me to go with him. I am so glad he left on good terms. Just wish he had stayed off the pot and behaved. But at least he is doing better for now. We had lunch while his clothes were washing and we talked about next year's garden plans. He won't eat the veggies but he likes to plant them. He about flipped out when he saw the pantry totally redone. He said it looked so much better that even he could find things much easier and much more floor room now.
  5. Mt. Rider, you are right about family that acts like they do. Having things and money will never fill that void. I hope your DH did really well with the surgery and they got everything. Are you guys back home now? I know you are glad the worse is now behind you. And yes. Jeepers still holds that title. But she will prevail.
  6. None of the kids want my house since they all live out of state and would have to leave their jobs to move back here. I have a trust set up that everything that is in house they can pick through and take what each one wants though I have certain things I am leaving to each child. I have one child also. Anything the kids don't want they can trash it or have an estate sale or something. Then the house will be sold through my estate lawyer and the money will go into a trust. Kids will get a monthly check from the sale of house and what is in my life insurance policy and retirement. That way everyone benefits. I had an older sister that passed away from cancer in 1999. My younger sister stole everything from my mother every time she went to visit. I didn't know about some of what was going on until after I had separated from my first husband and had to move in with my mom. She still had her house then or so I thought. My younger sister talked her into borrowing the amount of what the house would have sold for and my mother used that money and bought younger sister 2 cars as the first car she didn't like. And younger sister was nine months pregnant. before I found out she was pregnant. She was not married and the father took off and left her. So my mom paid all her medical bills and bought the crib, clothes and all the things babies need. All from the money from the house. I moved out of the house a year after moving in as my younger sister said that when I get a job I had to give my paycheck to her and she would give me what she thought I would need to live on. I won't go into detail on that as I wasn't very nice to her and she never saw my paychecks. I went to my mom's house a couple of months after moving out to see she had lost the house. So I never got anything other than my father's car that I had to pay for. I didn't have a car at the time as my Ex's girlfriend forged my name on the car we had and they sold it. When I found out my mother and older sister lost the house, I put them in my apartment and moved in with my second husband and we went ahead and got married at that same time. Three months later my mother and older sister moved to Lynchburg to live with her brothers and sisters till they got an apartment there. When my mother passed away in 1995, my DH and I payed for her funeral out of our pockets as I was told my mother had no life insurance policy. I later found out she did and my younger sister had it set up as she being the beneficiary of the policy. So she got that money also. My DH and I sat down and thought about how we could set things up upon our death so that my daughter and step daughter would not be fighting over things. So the trust was set up for that. No fighting, they have to follow what the trust said and it cannot be probated. Right now I am down sizing as I don't need all the stuff I have now. I really am tired of having to clean and dust all the stuff we have collected over the years. There are things I am keeping as it does have sentimental value for me. But the kids when I am gone can keep it or sell it. I will be gone and it won't matter to me then anyway. I won't know anything about it. Yes I grew up in a bad environment but I got through it and am better for it. I no longer have anything to do with my younger sister for what she did to my mother and older sister. She tried it on me and it didn't work and she didn't like that she could not control me. Some of the things I did get rid of my daughter took. So that was a good thing. Haven't done a lot today as I have been so busy for past 4 or 5 days that I decided to take the afternoon off and do nothing. Been reading and watching tv.
  7. I have heard that if you eat a lot of garlic the mosquitoes won't bite. Wonder if it is true. I eat garlic in different foods but not that much.
  8. Midnightmom, I will have that same issue one day. My DD and Grandkids won't want much of what is in the house. I know there are some things each one of them want but the pictures I have, will either end up in a yard sale or a Good Will. I have some pictures that are worth money now as the artist that painted them have passed on which they say makes them more expensive now. But it will be what it will be. Been doing a bit of house cleaning this morning. Decided I needed a cup of coffee. GS should be over later today to wash clothes. Might put him to work while he is here helping me with some things around here. Pantry is almost done. Just need to go through some spices I have and move them to kitchen. Need to go through spices in kitchen to check that they are all still ok.
  9. Wow Jeepers, I think you are about tied with me. I am trying to use up all of my stuff now. Or at least get it to a more manageable situation. I think you have me beat on the empty jars. But for me I have 5 shelving units also with all food on them. Now that GS is on his own. I will start back to eating what is here. I didn't use the veggies like I normally would because GS won't eat veggies. So I just didn't cook much of them for dinner. Now I am eating what I have canned everyday again. I have been in pantry today checking on what I have and what I need. Moving things around to make room for the canning I will be doing when garden comes in so the new will be in back of the older food. Not going to have a lot of shelf room for everything. So part of what I can this year will be on floor under the shelving units which is fine because that won't get used till all the older food is used up. I have my living room loaded with the cases of jars I pulled out of the pantry. Thought that was going to work for me but it took up to much room. So working on cleaning off a shelving unit that will only for empty jars and water. The units in garage are huge compared to the ones in pantry. Will be bringing in boxes to pack up GS's clothes tomorrow to put in living room. Need to get everything out of that bedroom so kids can get the bedroom suit out of their end of month. GD has her furniture stored for now so they are going to put it in the storage unit. Hoping Mt. Rider's DH is over his surgery now and that all went well. Still praying for Mt. Rider and her DH for a quick recovery and that they got all the cancer removed. Thinking of just hiring someone to paint the bedroom before I move my sewing machine and desk in there. Just need to decide on a color for walls. DD said I should paint it and I told her my hands were not steady enough to paint the trim at top of wall and ceiling. I would not be able to keep a straight line. She suggested painting the walls and the ceiling white. Nope to much white for me. Ceiling will still be white but needs painting. I have some pictures I need to take to Michaels to change the glass in them. They have the non glare glass that takes away from the pictures. So wanting to get those redone. They have 70% off of framing now but I am not sure I would get that off of just changing out the glass. If not I will do 2 pictures at a time depending on the price. I have 6 of them to get done.
  10. Getting a slow start this morning. Shoulder is doing better right now but can still feel it when I move it a certain way. Might have to have it checked out on next Dr. visit. Had rain again last night and the sun just doesn't seem to want to shine through this smog from the fires in Canada. But still it's not that bad here. Need some full sun shine for garden as it seems to be stunting the growth of everything. Though the garden is looking really good and a lot of things are in bloom, the plants are usually twice the size they are now at this time of year. I think the cold weather is not helping any. Seems more like fall than late spring. Will start back working on pantry in a while. Have a couple of other things I need to get done first. Mt. Rider praying still for your DH's surgery to go well.
  11. Mt. Rider, Glad you have a really nice place to stay at the hospital. That will help a lot with comfort for the two of you. You and your DH will be in my prayers all day tomorrow hoping all turns out well. And prayers for a fast recovery and healing. May the Lord be with the doctors as they remove this cancer and gets all of it. Not sleeping well tonight. woke up a second time with shoulder hurting. Been having issues with an old injury for a few months now and it decided to act up tonight. Took advil and doused it with blu emu. Hoping that will stop the pain so I can get back to sleep. Have to much to get done for my shoulder to start acting up again. But this to will pass. Becca Anne, I know when your DD and baby are out of hospital you will be spoiling that baby a lot. More time to hold him at home than while in hospital.
  12. Jeepers, it sounds like you are getting it all together now. But you are going to be very busy with 3 appointments in 3 days time. But you will have it all behind you. Mt. Rider, praying for you and your DH for all to go well tomorrow. It will all be over soon and you guys will be back home before you know it. I don't do Cosco anymore as it is now to far away. They closed the one we used to go to and moved it all the way down near the Hampton airport. I'm not going that far out. But I do have Sam's club and BJ's wholesale club. Being just me now, I don't go very often. Got the BJ's membership for $20 because I had let it go and they did a promotion to get me to come back. So I did that. Better than $55. I gave up on the pantry tonight. I am beat and sore. Got a lot done. But need to figure out something for my spices. I have a lot of them but I use a lot of spices also. Just need a better way to set them up than what I had. Pantry is coming together much better than what I had but I made the mistake of opening up the closet in there. I forgot I had 4 cases of the blue canned water stored in there. So I moved that out behind the drawer unit so I could put the metal trash can full of sugar in the closet out of my way. Worked out better than I thought. Once the bedroom suit is out of the bedroom I need to get the room painted and then mop the floor. Then I can set up all the desk, sewing machine, a dresser, a shelving unit, and hopefully 3 bookcases. Just have to see how it works out as to how many bookcases ends up in there. Plans don't always work out the way you hope that is why I am redoing the pantry. As they say when all else fails, try, try again. Packing up food for GS also while cleaning up the pantry. What I can't figure out is why I thought I only had one jar of peanut butter and the other 2 were on the other side of the room. I know GS was having a good time in there looking for his junk food and such but why he moved the peanut butter is beyond me. Kids do the darnest things. I did have most of my canning jars in pantry but moving those out to garage. I am cleaning up and getting rid of a lot of stuff on the shelving units out there so I will be able to store all my canning jars out there. I think it will work out much better for me and be more covenant as well. I will be so glad when I have my house back in order. Jeepers I do feel for you. Cleaning out one house to move it to Indy and then having to unpack it at Indy and set your house up like you want. It is a job I know I am getting to old for and to think I have been thinking about a move to the country away from all the traffic that is growing bad here now. We are becoming a town of sorts. More Urban than country now. I miss my country setting. And that is what they call progress. More houses and Apartments being built. Businesses of all sorts but not stores I could use. We need a Hobby Lobby and a JoAnn's fabric shop here. Otherwise I have to go to Hampton or VA Beach. Way to far for us old folks. But I will make the Hampton trip at least twice a year.
  13. Happy Birthday Jeepers. Though it is a bit late. Hope you had a good day of relaxing and eating and ice cream.
  14. Congratulations Becca Anne. The picture of baby is adorable. He's going to spoiled rotten for sure. So sorry your daughter went through such an ordeal but the outcome was great and both mom and baby are doing great. Mt. Rider praying still that all goes well for both you and your DH tomorrow. I know you both will be glad when this is over and back home to relax and for him to heal. I have been working on pantry since early this morning. redoing things on shelves that are against the walls and clearing off the one in middle of floor to move in a different location. The move will give me more floor room to move around in there and make it easier to find things I need. DD texted me a while ago and said my GD wants my old bedroom suit that I am getting rid of. They will be here the first part of next month to get it. Wish I knew sooner as now I feel like I am on a time clock. Still need to get GS's clothes out of the dressers and move his stuff into living room out of the way for them to get the furniture out of room and out of house. I am just taking a break right now as I have been at it since early this morning. Figured I better eat something as I didn't take the time to eat breakfast this morning. Garden is in bloom. So won't be but a month or a little more before I am canning from the garden. Pulled radishes yesterday evening. Got rain late last night and now a storm is brewing. Thunder and getting dark out. Well, break over and time to get back to work.
  15. Miki, I'm glad your DH is doing well from his dental surgery. Prayers still going out for Mt. Rider and her DH for his surgery on Friday for all to go well. Jeepers you have managed to get alot done at the house. I have been working on my pantry all day today. Took a couple of breaks. I haven't had a chance to get in there and really go through things and GS didn't help that situation. He had moved so much around looking for what he wanted that I am having to take almost everything off shelves and double check that oldest dates are in front and new dates are in back. Moving things around as well to make it easier for me to find things. Much better organized than before. Checked the lids on all my canned goods and only found one jar of pickles that had popped. So not bad for only being one jar. Good reason to not keep the rings on canned food. I have put so much on the back burner the past 3 or 4 years that I need to get my seal a meal out and start jaring some things up. All are in date so will be good. Just have to either use mylar bags or the seal a meal for longer term. I am moving the canning jars out of pantry and on the shelves in garage. Once I start canning from the garden and freezers again I will need those shelves for the new jars of food. I have a different place to put those till the older food is used up. Then I can move all of the newer food to the shelving units. Just trying to get a hold on everything now from not doing it the past 3 or 4 years. I think they call that catch up time. I am going to have to slow down on canning after this year as the kids all used to come do their grocery shopping at my house and then bring the jars back. But now they are all in different states except for GS and the only thing for him would be the meat, peanut butter and jelly some mac and cheese and I think that would be about it for him. He is a very picky eater and will not touch a vegetable. Only lettuce, onions. And potatoes and rice. He's junk food addict.
  16. Read an article last night about meat being made in a lab. Can't wait to see that coming up in the stores. I won't be buying it. You can't produce chickens, cows and pigs in a lab for meat. Does't work that way. It will be full of chemicals. It's bad enough they destroyed us with the GMO's and whatnot. Thinking after I finish canning and emptying all 3 freezers, I might find a farm where I can buy half a cow and they cut it up to what you want. Hopefully chicken as well. Might come out cheaper than buying from a grocery store.
  17. You might be right Mt. Rider. Baby must have arrived. I'm sure grandma will be back to tell us about it after she cuddles with the baby a lot. the new baby from all of us. Lots of spoiling to get done. Mt. Rider I hope you are feeling much better today. for the surgeon to get all of it and he recovers quickly. Try to relax and take it easy for the trip to hospital Friday. Had light rain this morning so no working outside. But then things got worse. Air quality is way down due to the Canada fires. There is a smoky haze all over the place. So staying indoors today. Gave kitchen a thorough cleaning this morning and getting things together to start canning. It feels good to have my kitchen back now that GS is living on his own. He really kept that kitchen in one huge mess. Hope he learns and does better at cleaning behind himself after he cooks. Not to mention his dirty and clean clothes all over the floor all mixed up. He will be here Sat. to wash his clothes. So that will be an every Sat. thing till he gets his apartment in August. I'm ok with that as if I have something that needs to be done he can help me with it. Just hope he is learning from his mistakes. Will be going back to work in pantry after my break. Guess old folks need an afternoon break these days. Ate lunch and just having a drink right now.
  18. I don't think I want to know. That is why I have canned up so much meat. It makes me wonder if I can ever eat it all now that I am living by myself. And still need to finish canning from the freezer.
  19. Miki, so glad the surgery went well. Now for the healing. Jeepers, I don't think any of us old folks bounce back like they used to. I know I don't. Went to get gas for car and filled up the 2 gas cans. Ouch. $89 to fill them all up. That will teach me to let car go down to almost empty. But I needed to put the gas treatment in tank and it needed to be almost empty. So good for a long time. Put the stabilizer in both the gas cans and have them in the garden shed. So back up to 3 full cans of gas again. That gives me 16 extra gals of gas when prices spike way up again. Started working on garage again but the sun came around back and it got to hot. So came in and worked on pantry. With GS here he went in there and really made a mess looking for things he wanted instead of asking where it was. So cleaning up and doing some much needed organizing in there. Hoping it will be easier to find things. Tomorrow is another day, so garage in morning and when it gets hot in afternoon I will work in house. Watered the gardens a little while ago. Everything is looking good. But seems the cold weather has stunted the growth on a lot of things. It got up to 86* today. So hoping the warmer weather will help. I still have not turned on my air conditioner. Going to see how long I can go without it. For 86* today it was hot but not that bad. I haven't used heat or air now for almost 3 months. Loving the low utility bills. But it won't last.
  20. Went to Food Lion this morning for some fresh fruit and veggies. Still waiting for garden to come in so I won't need to keep buying fresh veggies at store. needed lettuce, celery, apples, and blueberries for my oatmeal. I have blueberry plants but they are not ready yet. Came back home and put everything away then started back on the garage. So much to go through that takes time to figure out if it should stay or go. Most is on the to go list. I have some things that should be in the garden shed. So gathering that all together to take to the shed. Otherwise not much going on. Wonder is Becca Anne's daughter has delivered baby yet? I know she is excited.
  21. Ambergris hope kitty decides to come back into house soon. Could just be the new surroundings and she wants to explore. Mt. Rider, I hope you will be back to par soon. Could be like Jeepers said. Stress and worry over your DH. You are in prayer from all of us here for your DH. Try to rest and relax as much as possible.
  22. For Miki's DH for all to go well at the dentist tomorrow. For Becca Anne's DD that delivery will go very well and an easy delivery. For Mt. Rider's DH that all the pre op goes well and then for surgery on Friday to be a success. For Jeepers that the construction will get started soon and glad your family got back home safe and sound. Sorry to hear about your DIL's dad but praying he is doing ok. I know how going through things can be. But you will get there. And hopefully moved out before end of summer. I have been working in garage all day. Took another load of stuff to Goodwill. Went through all the plastic containers and sent those to Goodwill and packed a few up for GS's when he gets his apartment. It's just me and I just don't need all that plastic ware now. I only kept the freezer containers and a couple of plastic bowls. Found an old set of measuring cups and spoons for GS. So I seem to have quite a bit of things to help him with. Once he is in his own place I will no longer be holding on to things for the kids. Time to let it all go. Mommy can now help them out instead of just throwing away things they could have used while getting started on their own. GS is the fourth child I have set up in housekeeping. So I am now done. After I have packed up everything he can use. The rest gets dumped. I have so much cleaning stuff that I no longer use and I am just dumping it in trash. DH had a lot of things for whatever that I don't know what it is but some for van we don't have any longer, a truck we no longer have and things like that. So it's all going out. I did find 2 oil filters and 2 half gals. of oil for the car I have now. That I keep. Hopefully my garage will be just about emptied when I am done. Need to buy a new cooler as I have two in shed that have falling apart. Only one in good shape. Need those for when I am cleaning out the freezers. Organizing is tiresome. But a must to get done. I think my brain is fried. Fixed dinner for both tonight and leftovers for tomorrow. Kitchen is now cleaned up and it is nice to get up in the morning to a clean kitchen that was clean before I went to bed. Time to relax and tomorrow is another day. I want to have the whole house and sheds cleaned out before end of year. Will only be taking a break for canning when garden comes in. I already have tiny green peppers. Blueberries should be ripe within another week or so. Strawberry plants have flowers on them. Squash also has flowers so won't be long before canning begins. Maybe in about 3 to 4 weeks or so.
  23. I have looked at those steam juicers for a long while now. But just wasn't sure if I would can enough juice to make it worth the price. Fresh juice would be much better than store bought.
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