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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. That is fantastic news, Kappydell! In less than a month, to have your life back to the way you deserve it to be, that is :darlenedance: I am so happy for you
  2. that is amazing that it could end up with the texture and flavor of sausage -- I am intrigued esp with the price of meat going up and up
  3. I hope everything gets easier here soon. They should have offered her some sort of orientation or something to help her get familiar with how everything will work.
  4. I kind of have a feeling a bit of this :frying pan: took place after she realized that he shared her brilliance with the world lol but then again maybe not, if she isn't in good shape and running as fast as when she's in good shape he might get away LOL
  5. One of the comments on the Facebook page piqued my curiosity -- it showed 20 hours ago someone posted (paraphrased) that it was on sale today but no discount until tomorrow ... So I wonder if they're going to have it on sale or discounted today or soon?
  6. It sounds like a nice date night The movie theater guy seemed really nice and thoughtful as well, it's always nice hearing of people like that.
  7. I hope it's nothing serious, and that your dog is okay.
  8. I wonder if a neighbor may have been close enough to him to know his last name? Or, if the police dept. would be willing to at least let the family know you're caring for the dog, and ask one of them to contact you with any info (at least the last name) that they have. It's so sweet of you guys to not only take Barney in, but also to take the time to train him to be a service dog
  9. Congratulations on the new sofa The newly painted room sounds so pretty (and creative!). As for the tree, you had a ton of stuff going on, and it's not as though it's Easter and just coming down (and even then ...)
  10. ugh. ds loves sales and brings home all sort of things ... making me wonder what 'extra' things he's brought home unintentionally
  11. Sounds as though she's a quick study Hopefully the woman who wants to learn from you will be similar to her learning-wise.
  12. Nope, you're not the last one to have heard about it, I wasn't aware of it until I read your post (and the article you linked to). Wow, can you imagine 'printing off' some of those things. Makes me wonder what kind of fees would be associated with it, and of course good ole regulations. Is anyone else thinking Star Trek (as in their replicator?). Kind of reminds me of that (a lot).
  13. I was hoping for sales on meat and frozen vegetables over the holidays -- but found sales on neither.
  14. looked over our cable bill and saw some ways to pare down the bill ... now to get dh to go along with it, he seemed to have bonded emotionally with the dvr...
  15. 1/6/2013: 30 minutes jogging + several repetitions with some weights (3 lb ones) 1/7/2013: 1 hour and 30 minutes of jogging 1/8/2013: 30 minute walk + 30 minutes of an assortment of stretching, light weights, aerobic type attempts 1/9/2013: 30 minutes a mix of walk, and scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floor and walls (I worked up a sweat, so counted it )
  16. Happy Birthday, Shepherdlady!!! Have ana amazing day and blessed year!
  17. Happy Birthday Snowmom!! Have a fantastic day and blessed year! I wish I had some of those amazing smilies you always have to post, but the sentiment is still here with these
  18. sad thing is, I can see this happening LOL
  19. sorry if this is a dumb question ... can the wild yeast only yield sourdough breads?
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