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Everything posted by Necie

  1. Rainy, drizzley day. But got a break for a couple hours to clean out and shop vac my van. Getting a bit of a break for the weekend... DD and I are going on a road trip!! Heading out tomorrow for GA/NC to see my sis, her dd and sil and... THEIR NEW BABY!!!! Can’t wait to get my snuggles in and TONS of growing smooches!!
  2. *necie comes roaring down the road... skids into the turn and barrels up the drive, sliding into her parking spot. jumping out and waving arms: “DON’T SHOOT! DON’T SHOOOOT!! Do you remember me??”* Soooooo... where y’all keeping the coffee and chocolate?.. And HUGS??
  3. You just wanted an adrenaline rush from my buggie. <bigcheesygrin>
  4. Awww... my siggy that Pixie made me is gone. Such it is with change, I guess.
  5. AWWWWWWWW.... Thanks for the Happy Birthdays! Has been crazy busy around here. 10 new baby goats out of 4 new mamas--yes, first timers, in the last week. Been busy, busy getting babies on the milk bucket and getting the mamas used to milking. They are all doing really well. Thanks AO54G for dragging me in. I miss this place. HOME!! <3
  6. DD and I had such a wonderful time at the first gathering. Memories of such super people that we'll never forget. <3 No such thing as *vacation* with the goats now. Will be busy milking and breeding and markets. Someday I'll find my way *home* for a visit. Hope everyone has a wonderful time making forever memories.
  7. I see more of *those* looks from women than from men when it comes to selling my goat milk soaps/lotions. Women are much more... forward about their opinion of it being 'weird'. I've had some right down rude comments. And I've seen the look directed at their husband. If a woman approaches my soap and is interested, her husband just kinda stands there and waits while she makes her purchase. If I point out our men's scents and he's truly not interested, he just smiles and shakes his head 'no'. But if a guy approaches the soap, I've seen wives roll their eyes and glare. If he starts asking about it and purchasing, she'll usually turn and walk (huff) away. This is a very small percent of my customers now. Most couples that buy, buy as couples. But the ones that are divided in their opinions, the women are much more obnoxious about it.
  8. Oh, I'm soooo sorry about your loss of Abby. I remember so many of your posts about her. Such a wonderful gal. (((()))) Yup, I figure if the *work* and *cost* bother me, then I'm not ready yet. When work/cost seems irrelevent, then the desire for the dog itself is true and I'll be ready. It was 6 yrs after I lost Greta before I got Gracie. Making sure that I'm not trying to *replace* them is also an issue. Rottie's are soooo different that I have to make sure my *expectations* are in the right place.
  9. Sounds like time for some basic obedience. I keep *thinking* about getting another pup. o.O It's been over 4 yrs since I lost Gracie. I miss having a dog in the house. The training and playing. But then i think about the work and the $$... and maybe I'm not ready and I better wait.
  10. Farmer's Market this morning. I really don't like October markets, but regulars miss ya if ya don't show. It's there last chance to stock up on product til May... or pay shipping. Flea Market is slow too. We do "The World Famous, Largest Outdoor Flea Market in the MidWest, SHIPSHEWANA!" <imagine an anouncer on a lousy speaker barking that out... every hour> LOL Anywho, we are down to one lot for October. We did our normal two this last week and it wasn't worth it. Too many festivals and fairs going on. Got home and *observed* Ojie (aka: Sugar Plum Fairy that I mentioned in another thread) and Cinder. So got Ojie marked down on the calendar for kidding in 150 days! YOOHOO!! So I have seen all three does that are here bred. Job done! Now I can get to bugging my friends to get me dates on my other 10 does that are at their farms for breeding. ROFL I have dates on two from my bestest goat friend. So actually, it's 8 more that I need dates on. Said friend posted on FB last night that they had coyotes on their hill last night. SIX of them!! YIKES Her DH and boys went after them with the shotguns and scared them off. They were after our babies (jrs). She's got 3 LGDs and said they should be fine. One dog in a back pen and one roaming. Other dog in front pen with the big girls. Yup, critters are prowling. Told her I shoulda brought Kagan and Ari over when I took does over since they're just laying around lazy with the barn and pasture to themselves barking at rabbits and kitty-cats. We haven't seen coyotes or strays around here since Kagan and Ari started guarding duty... basically laying around and barking once in awhile. LOL Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL day. and
  11. Nice to see you, too, MomM. Annarchy, I would LOVE a hottub. Someday. Well, I don't feel like I got much done today. <sigh> Once I made the mess in the soap room, I kinda gave up on that. Will cut the H/V Biscotti tomarrow and see how *bad* it really is. May be more *ugly* soap for the bulk basket. Ah well. I did a *bit* in the kitchen. Not much, just took care of some clutter. It's still *organized chaos* around here. LOL Mostly worked on more soap. Straightened out my wrapped inventory (in the kitchen), sorted and reboxed my unwrapped inventory (upstairs) and labeled and wrapped 120 bars and took care of those. Did go out and *play* with the goats for awhile. The friend's doe that I have here is such a sweetie. Got ZERO laundry done... which is SILLY, cuz laundry coulda been going while I was doing othr stuff. Got ZERO crocheting done... but I didn't really have much sit-down time. Tomarrow will be busy day. Up early for Farmer's Market. Then maybe get a few things done, then DS and granddaughter will be down. I get to keep her overnight and take her to my nieces bridal shower on Sunday. I usually keep her every other Saturday night anyhow, so this is just a fun outing added. She's two and is such a big *help*.
  12. Pregnancy indicator? Why milking? I've never milked does from the time they're dried up until they freshen. I've heard of others who ease out a bit if they udder up too much, but the only time mine get real tight and shiney is within 24 hrs of kidding. Sometimes I'll milk out colostrum, about half, to make the doe more comfy for pending labor and give me time to heat treat. My gals usually start to udder up 4-6 wks before kidding, but don't get *full* til the day of.
  13. Well, I always figure when having a list of things to do... to do the one you want to do the least and get it over with. Soooo... I made the Honey/Vanilla Biscotti soap. Now I remember why I use Black Vanilla FO from SGS instead of Vanilla Lace FO from NDA! I could barely stir in my shreds! Thin oatmeal? HAH! In less than 2 minutes, I had a bucket full of soap that was like oatmeal that got forgot on the back of the stove for DAYS!! I had to scoop and smoosh into my molds (3" pvc--18" tall). What a MESS. Soap splattered all over the soap room. GEESH! What kind of mess can I get into next?! LOL
  14. I wish I could hold jrs over to kid as 2 yr old ff. I always end up with a dry yearling, which is fine having just one, but can't afford to wait 2 yrs to see udders. I love my 2 yr old ff being so big, but even yearling ff catch up by the time they're 2. I'd love to have Jan/Feb kids as they grow out so nice, but I HATE milking before March (would prefer May-LOL.) Have too hard of a time getting rid of whethers born after March and don't like the way summer babies grow out. Too many problems with worms/cocci. So I compromise and breed EVERYONE to kid in March. Jr does are all 7 months old and weigh 80-100+#, so they're very well grown and kid with no problems. I have a strict pre-breeding protocol using BoSe to encourage multiples. ALL my yearling ff, every year, have had twins that are 4-6#. And the weird part... they ALWAYS have a buckling and a doeling. I keep thinking, every year, that it's gonna get messed up. But not so far. Am kidding out 5 yearling ff this year (if they all take), so will see if the trend sticks. I am breeding one jr to a sr buck. She's being pretty much *hand bred*. Not because I think the buck is too big for her, but because he's in with sr does that were being mean to her, so we pulled her out and my friend is watching for her to go into heat and gonna pop the buck in her pen for a day or so. Very special little doe and a very special breeding.
  15. Thank you. I'm very proud of how far we've come with our stock and our breeding program. It's my favorite part of the job. The part that I consider *Fun* and not *Work*. If you'd like to see pics of all my gals and guys, feel free to check out my website: www.lunamojo.com. Website building/updating is NOT a favorite part of my job. But I did just update my Buck, Doe (Sr and Jr) and Breeding pages about a month ago.
  16. Today is Friday. My day to *git 'er done'. Saturdays I have Farmer's Market. Sundays are *who-knows-what-will-come-up*. Mon, Tue, Wed are flea market days. Monday is set-up, Tue/Wed is actual market. Thursday is my *run* day. So today is my day to get stuff done around here. Whether it be cleaning, work with the goats, making product, book work, whatever... I don't HAVE to leave the house... unless I have to. *~* LOL I need to make a bunch of lotion... but I'm waiting on ingredients that I ordered. Got a bunch of crocheting to do. That gets done *in-between* other projects when I get sit-down time. Kitchen needs a bit of attention and laundry done. Also working on this next year's calender and kid/breeding possibilities. Big job for the day is 3 batches of soap. :/ Two are pretty easy, Honeysuckle and Green Irish Tweed (a men's shaving soap). The worst thing about the Tweed is that I pour about 1/4 of it into *mugs*. The third is Honey/Vanilla Biscotti. Wonderful soap--but a PITA. It's pretty much my basic soap recipe, but I add two different shredded soaps before pouring. It's like a thin oatmeal and it plops and slops. ICK. But it's a wonderful soap. So, that's pretty much what's up around here today...until something else comes up that needs tended to. What's on your agenda? Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day!! and
  17. No, I am not talking about kids born... I'm talking breeding. It's CRAZY!! I have 12 does (7 seniors and 5 juniors), but I do NOT have 9 bucks... I have 3. Which is TOO many to begin with...but I digress. I have these goofy goat friends who also think they need TOO many bucks. My BESTEST goat friend also has 3 bucks--one sr and two jrs. So I am breeding three of my does (one sr and two jrs) to each of her bucks. Another friend has a very nice buck that I used last year and love the two doelings sired by him, so I am breeding another doe to him this year. That makes *4*. Another friend has 5 bucks!! She's certifiable!! One sr and 4 jrs. I am breeding two of my jrs to two of her jrs. The other bucks will have to wait til next year... they just don't fit in the *plan* yet. That makes *6*. I'm breeding two of my does to two of my bucks. Yes--I'm not even using one of my bucks . But he'll get used quite a bit next year. That makes *8*. Which leaves.... FOUR. And they are all being bred to a LEASED buck. Yup--like we don't have enough bucks... we gotta go out and lease one! LOL It was a chance we couldn't refuse. Bringing back in lines that we lost a couple years ago that we ADORE! So am breeding three srs and on jr to him. That makes *12*. WHEW! So I spent all last week-end hauling goats around. Picked up the leased buck and hauled him and 7 does to the *bestest* friends house. One doe to the other friend. Two jrs up to the third friend and brought back one of her does to breed to my *best* buck. (*Bestest* friend used my buck last month to breed two of her does.) Then yet another friend came and picked up my third buck, that I'm not using, to use on 4 of her does. Confused yet? Heck, I had a nightmare the other night that I was searching and searching and couldn't find my goats!!! I only have 5 goats here right now. Two of my does and two of my bucks and a friends doe. They're all in buck pens. Kagan and Ari (the Anatolians) are in HEAVEN! They have the barn and pasture all to themselves!! They're loving their little mini-vaca. They better get rested up, cuz the good thing about having goatie friends as crazy as I am, is having soooo many super bucks...which make SUPER kids...that ya don't want to let go... so the dogs will have ALOT of kid-sitting to do in about 5 months.
  18. Any babies yet? Hope all is well. We're just breeding now, it's CRAZY. I'll start a new post so as not to hi-jack yours.
  19. Milk fairies: Tinkerbell and her daughter Sugar Plum Fairy. ETA: I forgot the future milk fairy, Tinkerbell's daughter from this year--PIXIE!!
  20. Figured it out (I think-LOL). LACTO-FERMENTATION! If whey can be used in canning, then it should be able to be canned. Oh, and whey isn't actually a dairy product, it is a by-product. Thanks Violet, you made me dig deeper.
  21. I use a REALLY good knife. Old Hickory. 20# is ALOT of cabbage. You're gonna need more than a large jar...probably buckets.
  22. So--I've been making ALOT of cheese and I love using the whey to make breads/pasta. But there's so much left over, even after giving some to dogs/chickens...and I hate dumping it. So I got to thinking the other day that *maybe* I could can it. ?? ALL the milk fats/solids have been removed and with the way I make cheese there is vinegar added which would make it acidic. So could this be WBC'd? Here is a link to where I asked about acidity: http://www.dairygoatinfo.com/index.php?topic=24574.0 The gentleman (Pav) who answered my question really knows his stuff!! Cheese GENIUS!! I haven't tried to search to see if ADGA has an opinion on this....cuz who in the WORLD would want to can whey?? (Me--LOL) So any expert advise on what the ph/acidity of liquid would have to be to safely WBC?
  23. Only when it's windy. LOL LOVE being out in the woods, wouldn't scare me a bit to live there. Was at Mom's today and she asked: 'Wanna go for a walk through the woods?' I must of looked at her like she was nuts, cuz then she said: 'Oh-yeah...it is a bit windy, huh? Don't need a limb falling on our heads.' LOL BTW--we had to walk through a wooded area to get to the bus stop when we were kids. Never thought of it as scarey.
  24. Necie


    LOL!!! Jeepers, from the title I thought you went to the gathering....and from the pronounciation--I figured you met Stephanie!! Hoping everyone there is having a WONDERFUL time. Necie--> wishing I was sitting by the pond, pullin' in some of them big 'ol bass. And drooling for some of Steph's dump cake. YUM!!
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