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I was talking to nana on the phone yesterday about a ton of things and in the discussion something hit me...


First of all, us Y2K'ers prepared diligently for something that rectified itself. The world thought we were crazy in doing so, but we didn't care...on this board and others we had a blast talking about our concerns, we supported one another, backed one another, fought with one another and loved one another.


Today however, is a different story.


Today we are faced with much more grim circumstances. It's not just all about the bird flu, but a host of other threats that truly threaten us on a daily basis.


It hit me yesterday when I was talking to Karla, that although those threats are far enough away still, and although I still have some breathing room, that it's starting to effect me.


I come here on this board and am as transparent today as I was 6 or 7 years ago..I say what I think and feel, but it surprises me that even *I* didn't realize that I'm feeling the pressure of the near future as much as I really am.


I'm concerned in a manner that I never have been before. I'm older, I'm wiser and I'm more resolute than I've ever been in the past. I know more, I'm more determined and I don't give a flying hoot what anyone thinks, cause if TSHTF, I'll do all and everything to protect my children.


I think sometimes now, I have an *edge* when I feel challenged. I think that I now take things *down to the mat* sometimes when the frivilousness of life comes in. And in feeling at times that my back is starting to be pressed against the wall, I have defaulted to humor, cause sometimes ya just hafta laugh at the way this world is spinning.


This is just a public service announcement to the public in general to remember even though we can still breathe, things are starting to get tighter. It's ok if you *jump* on me, I can handle that. Just remember that we're in the same boat, in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight, paddling in the same direction, in the hopes and belief that our wisdom and determination will propel us to dry land.


Cryptic? Perhaps, but I think what I'm trying to say is glaring.


The world as we have always known it is changing rapidly and while we all know how to handle ourselves and conduct ourselves in a manner that is conducive to our comfort zones, we're only human.


Don't take it personally if I bite your head off...I'm just as concerned as you are.


And that's my 5am update for the day.



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Us blokes too Darlene. If it wasn't for this site, I'd be totally alone and paranoid about what's going on in the world. The support I've had from this site since delurking has been incredible and we would all be poorer if you and Nana weren't here.


And as for resorting to humour to get through it, note that most of my posts have a one liner at the end. You just have to laugh at life cos we are not getting out of it alive. (there I go again).


Some humour does not make it intact across the pond, (we even spell it differently,) but I hope no-one takes offence at what I write, I can be a little impulsive and I'm far from "politically correct".


Just remember to enjoy the life you have otherwise what are we surviving for?





On the keyboard of life - always keep on e finger on the escape key


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You will never know UKguy, how much we value and appreciate you...


You have no idea how much the things that you post and say, have an effect on us.


We luv you and your wife...truly

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"Just remember that we're in the same boat, in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight, paddling in the same direction, in the hopes and belief that our wisdom and determination will propel us to dry land."

We do share common concerns and we all very much need each other because so few, if any, in our own communities share the same concerns. Or if they do, they seem to lack the capacity to face the fear and take positive action.

I consider people God has placed in my life to be incredible blessings, including you gals here. I think about some of the prophets in Scripture who saw far ahead what was coming and they were not only the lone voice in the wilderness, they were alone and mocked by others. Can we imagine the stark isolating feeling of that? I take much joy knowing that the day is coming when all this hardship and sorrow will be history, but it's not always easy to see that far ahead. So God sends people to lift sad hearts and encourage. And sometimes he places that responsibility on our shoulders too.

Thanks for sharing your heart in such an uplifting post, Darlene.

We all need each other.

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Darlene-what a great post. We are FAMILY.


I posted in another forum about the girls I work with-how 'most of the time we're like one big happy family and the rest of the time we fight like one big dysfunctional family'. We fight, we pick, we tease, we joke, we cry, we laugh, but most of all we do LOVE each other. There are no two girls were I work that have not stood nose to nose and toe to toe, hashing it out right in front of everybody--but at the end of the night (after we finally work together to get done what needs to get done), we sit down and have a couple drinks and laugh and cry and have a good old time. WE ARE FIRST AND FOREMOST FRIENDS. I said how these girls took me in and treated me just like one of them, right from the beginning. Well, I feel the same way about you ladies (and guys) at MrsS. I'm fairly new here compared to most and extremely new compared to some-but everyone makes me feel like I BELONG. I see the picking, and joking, ribbing, teasing, even the little arguements now and then, but most of all I see love and caring. There is real concern for each other here.


I think once in awhile we all feel a little stress and deal with it in different ways, whether it be to get a little irritable, or humor (I hope noone ever takes my humor the wrong way-I know it can be a BIT dry sometimes-it's hereditary-I blame my FAMILY


Just my .02

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I too, feel blessed to have this place to come to.

I told my good friend about the site and she did/does visit, but when I brought up the matter of prep, she said that after seeing what happened in New Orleans, she was just going to rely on God because she didn't want to have anything that someone mmight want to steal or harm her for, etc. I think the whole idea is a little too frighenting for her. (she did, however, say that if it happened, she was glad she knew who to run to

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Mother, thank you so much for your encouragement. You really are a mother-figure here...as are so many others that have helped me. I do try to learn as much as I can, and I make endless lists of what I need (I love excel spreadsheets!), so that I can break it down, and get the items that I am able to. (DH thinks I don't keep a wishlist for birthdays/Christmas...if he only knew!). I think I've poked my head OUT of the sand for now, and I'll look at things rationally and honestly (for now at least!



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Yeah, I guess I am more prepared than I thought! I have a sort of obsessive personality (just like my mother), so finding balance in anything is a challenge for me.


(actualy my weapon of choice is a pistol type cross bow that I bought for fifteen dollars. It's very accurate at close range)


LOL, this reminds me of one of my favourite shows! Relic Hunter. Yes, it's corny, but Sidney Fox is SO COOL! I absolutely love history (particularly heroic types, which is probably where I get my interest in archery--I wish I was Robin Hood!!).



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Hmmm maybe Maid Marian, Nope it would have to be Robin Hood I do believe. Did Maid Marian use a bow???


I can see it now. Someone

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I am much better at archery than shooting guns.


I am teaching my children archery. They each have a bow

and learn why they have to use an arm guard!


My 16 year old refused to wear the arm guard! I told her

fine, you'll see why after a few pulls of the bow.

After about 3 pulls, she wanted to learn all about where to

put the arm guard!


I keep telling my children......Listen to your mother!



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Maid Marian could shoot...depending on which version of the story you read! (Historically though, I doubt she would have learned, being a noblewoman and all).


Grubby, can you teach me how to shoot? I suppose KY is too far for me to drive to. )

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