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Movie-"Fatal Contact-BF in America"


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Well, I watched it,, and just as I figured during any such crisis the government screws up.... So, I will prepare as much as I can, and make sure me and my children will be able to care for ourselves and not rely on the government to take care of us.... and will not put me and my children in the position to where we have to go stand in lines for food, go and fight in the stores for food,,, I will not let that happen to me and my kids,, so stepping up the preps...

I'm with you unike...I will be stepping up my preps as of tomorrow also...We have enough here for a year...will now be shooting for two...after watching that I feel very inadequately (sp?) prepped. It did scare me a little too.

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here's the deal...


I (think) I copied the movie. I won't know for sure until I check it tomorrow. The first 15 minutes the recpetion isn't all the great.. my DH decided to fix it so I missed the first 45 seconds after the first commercial.


If I indeed get it.. it is up for loaning. I would like to round robin it.. I send it to someone.. they send it to the next person and so on. Hopefully it gets back to me sooner or later.


There is nothing presented that we don't alread know.


I realized how unprepared I am...




More Masks and gloves.. Show covers, goggles or actually a face shield. (would love a suit!)


More meds!!!!

More food!!!!


I am not worrying about any more babies but for those that are or have children that will grow in in this environment.. condoms and pregnancy kits.



Comments because of the movie..


The masks were worn in the movie but not always on their faces.. what good are they to wear around their neck? making a fashion statement? Most of the time the masks were improperly worn.


Do show up for handouts (food, water, etc), by showing up not only does it give you a few days of extra food... and of course you can choose not to eat and pass it to someone else, but they (those in charge) can get a head count of who is alive and which house they can just walk into looking for bodies.


If you suspect that someone is sick, by all means DO NOT touch them! suit up first! It won't make any difference if you spend 2 minutes to get dressed before touching the ill, if you don't what good will you be if you get sick?


You may want to get CERT training!




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I copied it, too. "Nightline" was supposed to have follow-up report that I also caught.


(see links below)


I'd be willing to send it around, too, but I haven't seen it yet. I was busy last night. (10 yo DD is set to have "THE TALK" at school, and I went to check out the new program. )










Movie Depicts Worst-Case Scenario


'Nightline' Looks at Exaggerated Bird Flu Case


May 9, 2006 — - The ABC-TV drama "Fatal Conflict: Bird Flu in America" puts forth a worst-case scenario. It is a Hollywood account that exaggerates and condenses events to create an exciting story. But is there truth in these exaggerations? "Nightline" examined the difference between fact and fiction.


Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt saw the movie and described it as "a fictional account designed to entertain.


"It was not a factual presentation of a real-life situation. It's obviously depicting events that have occurred in the past and could occur in the future," he said.


One striking scene in "Fatal Contact" depicts the collapse of the health care system. A New York City subway station is turned into an enormous health care center because the huge number of infected people has overwhelmed existing facilities.


The film also shows severe shortages of water, food and medical supplies, which the Hurricane Katrina crisis showed can still become life-or-death problems in a major emergency.


The most worrisome issue raised by the movie, however, might be the speed at which a vaccine can be produced, manufactured in large quantities and then delivered to the public.


"We do have optimism that vaccines will be available," said Leavitt. But he followed that good news with some bad news. "Because we have to create a vaccine that is crafted to the individual virus, it will be at least six months before we have a vaccine. We don't have the 300 million courses necessary to give every man, woman and child a course of the vaccine."


Most virologists believe, as the movie shows, that the human strain of avian flu would originate in Asia and arrive in the United States via an international flight. In the movie, a U.S. businessman contracts the virus from a worker's cough while overseas and then flies home carrying the virus.


But experts cast doubt on "Fatal Conflict's" portrayal of how quickly the virus evolves to a form that's transmittable by humans. "Literally overnight it went to spectacular efficacy in going from human to human," said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in an interview with Terry Moran.


"Sure, in biology everything is possible, but that's an extremely unlikely scenario. When people wake up in the morning after seeing the ABC movie, they shouldn't be assuming that we are one mutation away from that movie. But what would be unfortunate would be that it scared the heck out of people in a nonproductive way," said Fauci.


Though the film may exaggerate the speed at which a pandemic could spread, it also shows how some officials can overreact. In one scene the governor of Virginia orders officials to use barbed wire to quarantine neighborhoods.


In real life, however, the Virginia governor's office assures us it has no plans to bring out barbed wire and fencing. "We haven't done that since the '50's," said spokesman Rich Hall. As part of its preparations the state has produced a 15-minute DVD to show the major issues associated with bird flu.


The Department of Health and Human Services has produced a viewer's guidefor tonight's broadcast. Click here to read it.






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The department of Health and Human Services' guide to this movie was very concise and I was suprised at the candor with which they handled the subjects. At least they seem to be taking a realistic stance with the pandemic. I hope that everyone will read the information. It does not overly frighten but is very insistant that every family, community and etc be prepared.




I don't think any of us should panic. I've said this before, panic only causes an inability to think clearly and is counter productive to prepping. One reason we prep before a disaster is to circumvent panic during one. I do think, however, that there must be some reason for the HHS to be pushing preparedness at this particular time. After all, they would know that they could not keep peoples interest long if nothing happened....


At the least, it will be interesting to see just what people do about prepping following this wake up call. They didn't seem to be doing anything much after the Oprah show except for perhaps masks.


Cat, thanks for the edit. I guess I was too tired to be thinking of hiding any identities.





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We watched the movie. I didn't like the main actress but

the movie was really good.


Did you see the part where they were giving out the 3 day

supply? At one point they just stopped giving them out.

They just left everyone to starve.


The hospital that that the nurse went to towards the end

was it a mall or an airport? That scene where she goes

down the escalator and can see the whole bottom really

left you speechless.


I wasn't paying attention to the span of time from when it

started to when she left to go to Afria. Does anyone know?


I saw this advertised so many times www.birdflu123.com.




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Luna Mother! You should have watched the whole thing if you were only put off by the "drug company" commercial.

Those Hanso Foundation commercials do come across as pharmaceutical ads but they are, in fact, just a clever fake. They are actually commercials for a fictional company that is at the center of the mystery on the television show "Lost". If you watched "Fatal Contact" you would have noticed that "Lost" and it's upcoming season finale were featured heavily. The Hanso ads are really a clever marketing scheme to appeal to us die-hard "Losties". They have set up a whole fake website and the telephone number featured in the commercials dials in to a creepy, surreal voice mail with interactive features.

I'm not sure if I have explained this very well. Maybe you have to be a fan of the show to understand, but the main thing is that the commercials weren't for pharmaceuticals, they were just a fun little teaser for "Lost".

I'm sorry you missed it. It was done pretty well even if it was awfully grim.



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I just emialed Lois... I will get it sent out on Friday when I go to town.. contact lois. Let's see if we can get this round robind. Should be able to use the same box and just relabel it.

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Luna Mother! You should have watched the whole thing if you were only put off by the "drug company" commercial.
Those Hanso Foundation commercials do come across as pharmaceutical ads but they are, in fact, just a clever fake.

no- the commercials for urinary incontinence drugs- those are real and those big Pharms make EVERYTHING- you can bet your last chicken that company is working around the clock making a flu vaccine (which won't work, cuz we don't have a germ yet to work with, but they will still sell a gabizillion dollars worth of it) grrrr.
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After we watched the movie, my DH said he would like for me to try and put extra aside for the neighbors on our street. He would like to be able to help them, as the lady with the 2 kids did on her street.

He talked to our local water utility on Monday, to see how the sewer would act if the power was out. Was advised to not use the toilets or drains, as even though the system is gravity fed - if the end of the line fills up, it will start back flowing. They recommended us getting a filter to use for creek water, etc. (like the katydyn? or berkfield? - but didn't give those names). Suggested using 2 liter bottles for water storage. Still feel that water storage is our weak link.

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quick, cheap beds... go to the store and get those blow up swimming pool mattresses. You know the kind kids play on?. They used to cost $0.99 but am sure they must be up to $2.99 by now.


They don't have to be expensive, just enough to get your guests off of the ground. Throw a sleeping bag on top and wella! instant bed!


If you need to get an older person up off the ground.. take your 5 gallon buckets (cement blocks or ?), place at least 5 under.. plywood on top and again.. a real bed... well, sort of.



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The hospital that that the nurse went to towards the end
was it a mall or an airport? That scene where she goes
down the escalator and can see the whole bottom really
left you speechless.

That was the New York subway.

Didn't get to 'sit' and watch it-was at work, but we had it on and got the jist of it. Got home at 9:45-so saw the last 15 minutes (after I got DD to 'shhh'.) Local news had bird flu facts running on a ticker for the whole newscast, right after the movie-then Nightline. Found it very interesting.
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