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Hi! I'm new here, too!


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Hello, everyone. I've lurked here so long that I had set up a cot and mini-fridge in an unused corner, but now you've remodeled the place and I decided I'd better go ahead & join! I've been a member of many different message boards but you ladies (and gents!) seem to be the nicest, most compassionate and helpful folks I think I've ever seen online. :-)


Oh...I'm sorry--let me introduce myself. My name is Loretta, I'm 51 years old and have been married for nearly 33 years to my high school sweetheart, Steve. We have a daughter, Jenny, who is 16 and very active in church & youth group. She has been homeschooled all her life and loves it. We live in Georgia.


I have an almost overwhelming urgency about being prepared...for what, I'm not sure...avian flu, terrorist attack, hurricane (we're only four hours from the Gulf and get plenty of hurricane weather)...war...whatever. My husband is with me 100% in this. But we find ourselves in totally unexpected situation, which we hope we can get some input about from all you wonderful people. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January of last year and though I am now cancer-free, we all know there is no cure and my worry is facing a recurrence in the midst of a crisis situation. Still trying to figure that one out!!


Ah, well...that's enough for now. On days when I'm feeling well, you'll find me to be a blabbermouth, lol.


Have a blessed day, everyone. I look forward to getting to know you.



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((( Loretta))) Aren't you sweet? Welcome to our home.. Your from the south do you like sweet tea? Pull up a chair and you can help me snap greenbeans while we chat a spell!

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I really have been lurking here for so long that I'm finding myself wandering about the site, checking out the changes as if I've been a member all along. Rather presumptuous of me, huh? I'm so glad to belong "officially" now.

Not presumptuous at all hon, in fact to be quite honest, it feels already like you've been here a long, long time...


We're very honored that you've joined us and it means alot that you can see those special things that mean so much to all of us.

Come sit with us up here on the front porch in the swing, and we can relax and chat for a while...I'd offer you a diet coke but it has caffeine lol. I did however, make 10 mini loaves and 1 regular loaf of banana bread so it's still warm and I'll share.

Yanno, you brought up an interesting point that we've kinda skirted around here at MrsS in the past...

What would happen if something happened to ANY one of us. I know for me, it really scares me cause although, for all intents and purposes I *think* I have many years to live, only God knows our future. If something should happen to me, my children wouldn't begin to know 1/4 of what I know...over the past few months I've been trying to spend more time, teaching them little things. We never realize how much we know how to do, until we start to teach it to others. I guess that's part of being a parent...handing down the lessons in life, the skills, the knowledge and the legacy that was given to us.

It's a hard thing to think about, it always makes me feel emotional, but that's no excuse for me not to address it. I think we really should, perhaps in one of the other forums, start a topic about this in particular and have everyone share their thoughts and what they're doing in their own lives to pass on the tools that others will need.

Anyway, welcome to MrsSurvival...all you *newbies* are the most important people here.
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Glad you joined us Loretta. I'm going to come on over to Buttercup's and help with the peas and sip some sweet tea. Here, try my pina colada angelfood cake.

On a more serious note, Darlene is right about more serious health issues. My sister had a colostomy last spring and is now having chemo and radiation treatments. Faith helps.

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Ah, thank you all for the wonderful warm welcome, and for the encouraging words about cancer survivors. Y'all are the best!


Darlene, I have admired your wisdom on here for so long and now I feel honored to be part of what you do here. The Lord has obviously called you (and the others who are such a big part of getting out all the great information here) to do this work.


As I've read over these past months, I've kept wondering if there was anyone else who was trying to figure out what to do in the event of a serious illness--besides flu, which is well-covered. I am finished with chemo (six months of it, two different protocols) and have had a mastectomy & lymph nodes removed (cancer had spread to two nodes out of the seven removed), and have finished 36 rounds of radiation. But now I'm on Arimidex, which I must take for at least five years and cannot get enough of it to last if there were to be a long-term breakdown of society. Our insurance will let me order three months' worth by mail, but that's it. So I guess if, as my uncle says, "the barnyard by-product hits the oscillating air circulator", lol, I will simply be grateful that I know Who holds my future. I believe strongly in God's use of the medical profession for healing, and that He expects me to do what my doctors say while I have the benefit of their expertise. But I also believe if it gets to the point where I can't get to the doctors and can't get my meds, He will take care of me. Hey, at least then I won't have so many tests & doctor's appointments to deal with, lol. Always looking for the bright side! I have a mammogram in a few weeks to follow up on some calcifications in the remaining breast, and a CT scan of my chest & upper abdomen coming up in September--still have lots of swelling since I finished radiation in February. Four different doctors to see every three months; that would definitely not be happening if we had a worst-case scenario.


Here I go, being a chatterbox again. Thanks again for the welcomes! And Darlene, don't feel bad about getting emotional about things--These days I cry about everything, good and bad! Went through menopause and cancer treatment at the same time, lol--what a ride!


Hugs all round!


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Hi Suzy Q! It's so nice to meet you. I'd love to "hear" your story and will PM you in a little while; I need to go make supper now--totally lost track of time this evening!



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Thank you so much, everyone! I'm just overwhelmed by your warm welcomes. I'm sorry to hear about your mom and sister...cancer is a beast, isn't it? I'll keep your sister in my prayers, as well as your husband, that they will stay healthy. I have high blood pressure, too, and am on meds for it. I think I will add diuretics to my preps in case I can't get my b/p meds; my prescription is for more than a diuretic but has one in it, so maybe the OTC diuretics will at least help keep it down better than not taking anything if I couldn't get my Rx.


Peaceful, your sister is in my prayers, too. I guess there will be millions of people wondering what to do about various medical situations if we have a worst-case scenario. I just pray things never get to that level.


Thanks again, everyone, for welcoming me to your family. I'm so happy to be here.



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Thanks, Becca-Anne. I hope your friend does well on chemo; there are some really good anti-nausea drugs out there now. Tell her from one who is only 8 months past chemo that it DOES get better!



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