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Terrific Tuesday


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Today will be terrific as soon as I wake up!


Today is just general stuff...nothing too exiting


Yesterday we ended up having pork chops, cause I went to our annual "back to school" breakfast with friends and forgot to put the brisket in before I elft. so that is for tonight.


Had what I hope was a productive talk with one of my neighbor ladies about controlling food portions to save money. When I cook the brisket tonight, I will pull out most of the meat and they get what they get. If I left it in there it would last one meal instead of the 3 I can make it last if I cook it early and include pulling out the extra as part of meal prepping. My neighbor has a family of five and they are on disability, so their money is tight, and they are always running out of stuff like sugar or cooking oil. But when I go over there, they are always having big chunks of meat with their meals. While we do that once every few weeks, we don't do it often.


Momma, I will post some casserole recipes over In The Kitchen, I don't think I posted them here. Those really help our money stretch. Maybe a couple of them will be new for you.


OK, my brain isn't awake enough to think of more.



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Hello everyone. I know, I know. I haven't been around here much lately. Actually I have but I just haven't been posting much.


I am off work today and I'm finishing up on my tomatoes. The summer garden is done. I planted green beans for a fall garden and we also planted some garlic. I am hoping to get more planted but I'm running out of time.


I have spaghetti squash that I need to get frozen so I will be working on that today.


I will be ready to go back to work tomorrow just to get some rest.


Have a great day everyone.

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i had a good day at work today. my very first customer bought 2 omlet burger combos, and they were going to take it to go, but last minute they decided to day, and while they were eating, my husband walked in, and it turns out that pat and those 2 customers were high school buddies. lol so i made pat some breakfast and they all sat and had a chat. it was nice to meet people that knew pat when he was younger.


MIL toom morrigan and isa, my niece, to Science World . i wish i could go. i have seent he egypt exibit though. i really want to go see the body worlds exibit. it sounds facinating! now that we have a car, we CAN. lol we can make it a reward for if sapphire is good during her dentist appointment. hehe i KNOW morrigan is having a TON of fun, i wish i could be there.


well, back to work i get. maybe. loli have a lot of planing and stuff to do for out road trip.


have a great evening!

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Well, what did I do today...?


I slept too late.

I did some launtry.

I read a book almost cover-to-cover (Cold Fire by Tamora Pierce...I tend to read YA books quickly)

I made some rice krispie squares, because Kev asked me to...He thinks the premade ones are too small for being ridiculously expensive. I think the homemade ones taste better, and they only take 10 minutes to make.

I played with the cat, and tried to teach him to stop him play-biting me. The back of my right hand is scratched too.

I started some reasearch for a story.

I came to work.

I sneezed a hundred times, and now I have a headache. Pixie, it's all your daughter's fault! She gave me a cold. to everyone!


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