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It's snowing in the ATL area!!!


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We had a HIGH sunning of EIGHT DEGREES today...with the sun out....briefly. Canceled my Bible study this morning. [Picture little old mountain ladies. Tough BUT...blowing, drifting snow at minus temperatures. LONG, steep, winding driveways. Mt. roads. no ]





Supposed to be around MINUS 30 or 40 with windchill after midnight tonite. Actual temperatures? They've got MINUS 20 but it's already MINUS 14 at 7:30pm. Coldest this year so far was MINUS 24 and I'm betting we'll beat that tonite.






I packed hay mangers FULLLLLL

I have more pellets for my stove on hand

I'm praying that there is NO reason for the electricity to go off


Have I mentioned yet ....OK-OK....have I mentioned yet THIS YEAR how much I really get edgy when we have dangerously subzero weather and I'm alone? frown

Oh, I'm ok...and I've got plenty of Plan B,C,D,E..... But I just reeeeaaallly would prefer not to be quite so frozen



MtRider...got some extra snow too, iffen y'all want some...... {SPLAT!} GOTCHA!


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Thankfully, where I live, it never gets below about -20F (if you don't count wind chill). The cold is heading our way. It is supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow (nothing extreme, maybe an inch or two predicted) and the temperatures will be quite moderate, in the 20's tonight. Tomorrow it will hover around freezing, with winds 15 to 20 mph. By Saturday, the low is supposed to be below zero, but "only" down to about -3. Of course, if you don't like the weather forecast now, just check back in an hour and it might change - you know how that goes! LOL! Stay warm, MtRider! Cuddle a dog? Or 3?

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Yeah, Kayla, it snowed up here in the mountains...we have about 2" so far. I have the woodstove blazing, a pot of water filled with cinnamon sticks and quartered apples ontop of it, and the house feels warm and cozy and smells good too...


I took my oldest daughter and myself to the doctors today...we both have strep plus I have a sinus infection. Good news is we got the meds we need to begin to get past all that. The girls don't have school tomorrow so it'll be a stay at home day. I'm not interested in venturing out in this weather with snow and ice. For some reason, it's supposed to turn into rain at some point, which will then freeze and be sheer ice.


I went to the grocery store and stocked up on everything I would need for a week or two...not that I'll need that much but Lord knows I tend to overdo things.


While we're not in the below 0 temps, this is the second snow for me this year and is a far cry from the balmy breezes of Miami.

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My parents are in Dahl. She said they're forecasted for 2" & the mtns. for 4". Ours is already dissipating with the wet coming down now. I'd heard that most counties above Forsyth (and including Forsyth) were already canceled.


Hope you guys get feeling better. Seb has had a sore throat since some ungodly hour this morning & I'm praying it's not strep. My Mum has been sick & at the initial part of it he has the same symptoms as she had, but hers' isn't strep, so I I'm hoping that's a good sign.

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Its raining here and 34 degrees oh well so much for our sleet and snow.


Mt.Rider I am a firm believer that once it gets below zero it doesn't matter it is still snot freezing cold. Stay warm and stay in side(as much as possible) I agree with you I would not want to be alone when it gets subzero ((((((((((Mt.Rider)))))))))))

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We got just a few flakes of snow yesterday, not enough to measure. frown But, it has been so cold the past several days. Right now it is -16º here. frozen Poor Minnie when she goes out, she doesn't take much time and is back in fast. smile


But, when it gets up to about +15 or so she will stay out for about 5 - 15 minutes at a time. smile





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Darlene, sorry you are ailing ladybug. (Southern Central NC)we got 2" last night and is 34 now with rain. Sure am glad to see the rain. We needed it badly. My son is back from Montana(Bozeman)and I think he is just loving the mild winters again. The coldest ever here was -5 for one day. Two days later it was in the 60s. Most winters seldom get below the low 20s. Averages here are 30 nights and 50 days. A smart person would live in Florida in the winter and Maine in the summer-guess that leaves me in some other category.

Get well soon Darlene, best to you and yours, wc

Hope you like the "Bible History" E mail site. Why not post it.

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Originally Posted By: -06
(Southern Central NC)we got 2" last night and is 34 now with rain.

Now wait one gosh darn minute (use your imagination here...smiley with hands on hips tapping her foot) even my fellow NC'ers got snow and all I got was spat of sleet and now rain...not that I mind the rain but I moved north for SNOW mecry

NO FAIR... neener
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lmao you all are just too funny. We have had atleast 12 inches this year (separate storms and only on the ground for a few days) Id much rather have it cold and snowing than just cold LOL.But snowing in GA?? Thats just interesting .. just about as interesting as snowing in Daytona!

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BBBBBbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I just got up about 8am. Temperature then: MINUS 20.6


Overnight low: AAACK.....MINUS 28.5 eek


Ttttthat's a record for the 11 winters we've been up here.



Thank you, God!!! The electric stayed on. The furnace ran (& heck with saving propane - I turned it UP!) . I just started the pellet stove again and it's roaring. My DOG, cat, and I are fine in here. My horses are standing in the spot that will get sunshine first as it crests the ridge.


But I won't be able to go check on, feed, or bring warm water to the goats or goose/ducks until it warms up more. I'm not at all sure my car will start yet. It merely grumbles at these temperatures. ALSO I make every effort to NOT go outside in subzero until dh gets home or I have someone else on the phone with me. One slip and .....popcycle before someone finds me. So I'm locked into my cabin with windows covered and recovered with bubble packing wrap, towels, & spare blankets to augment the curtains. (single pane windows, for Pete's sake! mad ) Since dh is not coming home this morning but is going straight to the office, so I'm hoping it comes above zero by at least 10am so I can go feed critters safely by then. rollingeyes


Found out yesterday my dearest friend was STUCK in the ditch just down the road from our house. I'd have seen her if our windows weren't covered. She'd been going extra slow and has lived Mountain Style for as long as we have -- but she still slid out on the corner. No cell service here. Due to her serious asthma, she chose not to walk up to our house but stayed in the car. Twenty minutes later, two parties taking kids to the school bus came by and vowed to return to her rescue. But it still took them both and quite a time to get her small car out. She was then safely on her way to an important doc appt. Good choice for her! Do not breathe the frigid air with asthma. (pray for her as she has an MRI done today...its serious but the "IT" may be gone in this MRI praying )




Darlene, good choice for you too. Just stay home & cozy unless it's absolutely necessary. Esp when sick. Prayers for you and dd as well!!! Strep...owie!


Everyone east of Colorado.....this Arctic Front is moving out of our area so I'll be sending it on to ya. Fill your wood boxes and gas tanks (getting into one's car is always Plan C or D if the furnace fails..... ) This is a very COLD system and I'll be glad to be rid of it! Y'all be careful as it gets ya! frozen




MtRider [ Ahhhh, sunning A balmy MINUS 9.8 degrees at 8:36am. Sun is doing it's job! ]


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