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Cucumbers, not pickles

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So, our cucumber plants are producing just fine. We only have 2 plants, and have only gotten about 10 cucumbers so far, but there are dozens more that are really growing. So, now we need to figure out what to do with them.


There's only so many cold garden salads that we can use. So can you ladies and gents provide some additional ideas for using cucumbers? While we will probably try pickles later in the Summer, we don't have enough cucumbers to do them right now.


Thanks in advance.

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There are a number of relishes that use only *some* cucumbers, and also things like peppers and onions. The relish recipe I'm goign to make next weekend is only 4 cups chopped cucumbers. And the pickle recipes I've been using calls for only 4 pounds. Have you looked at the recipes for Ball Blue Book?


I love to slice cucumbers and eat them with hummus or baba ghannoush (available in the deli section of the supermarket). I also grate them and add them to nonfat yogurt to make a sauce called "raita" that is served with Indian food.

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I was just talking with my mom earlier and she said that they had tried cooked cucumbers. My first response was GROSS!


But she said she was really pleasantly surprised. She said they had sauteed it in butter and the cook said you could use it in stir fry and many other asian type recipes.

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We tried fried cucumber last year. We dipped them in pancake batter (just like we do zucchini) and then deep fried them. I am sure it isn't the healthiest choice, but they were good.



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I second the cucumber sandwiches! On toast or regular bread, spread some mayo and thin, sliced cucumber. MMmmmmmmmm......


If you cut them up into finger sandwich size, they make great appetizers or tea sandwiches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slice them very thin, soak them in water and salt for at least 1/2 hr, then rinse good. make a solution of water, vinegar,and I like little sweetener --DD1 doesn't, rice vinegar on sliced cukes. or dressing of cream, vinegar and a little sweetener. And jsut plain--nothing on them, just peeled and sliced. Carolyn

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I love a summer salad with cukes, fresh tomatoes and corn...add some salt & pepper, a little mint, yummy!


Also, a FRESH tomato & cuke sandwich...


In a vinegar/water solution with some salt and onion...


Fruit or veggie chutney


On tuna, eggs, or chicken sandwich


You can do pickle spears - recipe in Ball Blue Book



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My Liberian born son would eat all the cucumbers you could produce on any given day...on that day.


Of course, he would have to sleep outside that night...rofl


Let's see.


Cucumber sandwiches.


Cucumbers and a number of dips. A different dip every night is like eating a different cucumber recipe every night.


Never tried fried cucumbers, but they sound good.


Sliced cucumbers and sliced onions soaking in vinegar in the fridge makes a refreshing side dish.


Cucumbers sliced on top of cold soups...mmmm.


Cucumbers in pasta salads.


Oh...I just saw that I'm dittoing Crazy4Canning on some of these. Consider those ideas seconded.


How bout this...just came up with it...


Cubed ham

Frozen peas rinsed and thawed

Cubed white or yellow cheese

Cubed cucumber

Toss with Ranch or Bleu Cheese salad dressing


Oh, that sounds good! I think I might try that tomorrow and see how it tastes. It tastes wonderful in my mind. LOL

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Here's another one, but I just made it up so I won't know how it tastes till I try it.


1-2 heads of lettuce, maybe mixed with other salad greens from your garden

1-2 tomatoes

About a dozen green onioins

a handful of radishes

1-2 cucumbers

1-2 lbs shrimp (maybe any kind of cooked meat, but shrimp sounds best to me tonight)

about a pint of Ranch dressing


Cut everything up for a salad, dicing/slicing the radishes and cucumbers into slivers or very small pieces, and cubing the tomato. Rinse the shrimp and add it to the salad mix. Toss with Ranch dressing. Let it sit for a few minutes to let the flavors mix.

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