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trouble at work


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I am asking for prayer for work. There have been some accusations tossed around, things that I apparently have done. When I asked about something the boss had told me to do, I was told that he would not have said that, and he didn't even admit that he had, so I wore the consequences of doing what I was told to do. This has also been the case in a few of the accusations. But it is my word (the last person hired) against a senior partner, against a department head or a senior worker. When I try to explain why I did something I am told that I am making excuses and not admiting when I am wrong. This has been going on now since late July and I have to have another review in 6 weeks to see if I have listened to them. Please pray that the relationship factors will become healthier, that I will be able to think before I speak and somehow avoid the confrontations. I would like to see the issues resolved, rather than get another job or before getting another job. But I have to admit that wearing the blame for the boss does not go down well at all. Being in a small town it is harder to make a stand for what is right as I am the outsider, against the locals.



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I have been in that situation before, too...or something like it. Rather than out and out sound like you are justifying having said or done something, you have to act like you "know your place" because these people apparently expect this. So you say something along the lines of, "Oh, I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood the instructions. I could swear that's what I'm supposed to have done, but I will in the future be more careful about getting the instructions right..." This way, you are saying you are sorry but you are making the point that's what you thought were to have done and you are promising to do better which makes them feel like they are in control.


Meanwhile, if you are asked by managing partners to do something verbally, you need to repeat back the instructions to them, or get a notebook and say, "I want to get this right, please bear with me while I write this down. I don't want any mistakes!" And write it down in front of them. Afterwards, you say, "Thanks for bearing with me!"


In this way, you appease their need to be authoritative but you also maintain a safety net for yourself because then if questioned later, you drag out the notes and say.."Oh my! Remember I wrote this down? This is what I had in my notebook for this assignment."


It doesn't sound like they really care what you are doing, even if you followed instructions. It sounds like they are trying to make out like you have a bad attitude toward them, aren't "humble enough" to apologize or whatever. In the workplace where there are managing partners and all, the dynamic is that these guys are kings and you, being the newest hired, is a mere minion. Unfortunately, you have to live to up to that and shut thy mouth to keep thy job. You can do this with integrity, but you can't really argue, defend or pick a fight if you want to keep your job.


So protect yourself by writing down instructions in front of them and reading them back to be clear about them --having a written record and by appealing to their need to be in control by being apologetic enough about the whole thing, saying that in the past, you've gotten instructions wrong, and that now, because you love your job there, you are trying real hard to do it all right.


Sending up prayers for a good solution. Of course it doesn't go down well wearing blame for the boss. But that's what happens in the workplace often--just protect yourself from having that happen again. At one job I had, I actually asked the boss to email me the instructions for things and let him know it was because I really, really wanted to get all the details right for him. This way, he could never deny telling me to something. And this saved my job there, believe me because the guy was like your boss!


Hugs and prayers...

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I've been in the same place. I too, wrote things down, repeated everything verbally and STILL got things twisted around on me and ended up 'fired'. God took care of me, though. If I hadn't been out of that job, I would never have been a teacher. smile


God is Sovereign, remember that. bighug



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You've already got great advice, so I'll just tell you that I am continuing the prayers for you. I'm sorry you've gone through so much to come to *this* now.


Someday you'll see things more clearly (hindsight wink ), but for now, may God hold you close and give you strength and courage each day.



**Holding you and the family in prayer**





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