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Smokey, my little gray cat has returned!


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I had just gotten home. It's been raining but it is stuffy in my place so I opened my window that I usually open and put the screen in to dissuade the bugs, and I am still setting down stuff and Smokey suddenly is yowling and sitting against the screen ( removable, expandable type)..... Shocked to see him, I let him in and he is pretty scrawny but was walking ok and immediately began to eat the dry food I had in a bowl for the feedstore cat ( I guess that cat is going to be miffed.... ) and then was trying to get into my chef salad I brought home to eat..... so was sharing some of the meat and boiled egg with him , watching him be quite voracious. ..... just thinking " Wow" , Smokey is alive after all and he has come home from where ever he was. I put the screen back in the window so the feedstore cat ( who was abandoned by his owners here) did not pop in suddenly. Well its been about 45 minutes and he has gotten up on his favorite place and has curled up... after some canned food too. Going to sleep beside my desk here. As he settles down, after one good bite that dug into my palm.... he must have been hunting and scavenging for food this whole time.

Yep, my four footed Son has returned, cantankerous but remembering I belong to him..... :D

He has been gone since late Feb, early March, so it is a tiny miracle.


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My wife lost her big yellow cat Wally (born at Walmart Lawn & Garden so was named for his birthplace). He was gone for a few months and was finally found by a neighbor. He was so glad to be home. I know of what you speak. So good to have a friend back. You are right, you will have to ease him back to eating. They get ravenous and will overeat and get sick. One lucky cat with coyotes around.



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I'm so happy for his return.


Years ago we lost a cat that adopted us. The poor thing was SOOOO covered in fleas & he was so tiny when we found him on our porch that we thought he was dark gray. After bathing him & picking fleas off of him, he turned out to be a very light PEACH colour!!! Anyhoo, he was a GREAT cat. Slept with the boys when they were sick, peed on all my boyfriends (i guess to see if they were gonna stick around, LOLOL), and was the sweetest little thing. We ended up moving & were planning on taking him, but the day before, he vanished & we've heard hide nor tail of him. Neither had my Mum who lived next door. I console myself by thinking that he found another family to adopt & take care of as he knew that my now-Hubba would be taking care of us. I still miss Momo, though :(

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Smokey was what I call a double runt of the litter. When he was six weeks old he was only the size of about a 3 week old kitten, but was weaned. His breast bone stuck out so sharply I never thought he would fill out. He was always pretty lightweight, but seeing him today, I Know he has lost pounds he should never have lost and that he was outside somewhere, or maybe taken by someone and got loose and finally found his way back here, since evidently the coyotes did not take him as a meal that day he disappeared. His ability to bite through some rather tough thick skin on my palm when he was just trying to get abit of cold ham from my salad I was feeding him, showed me he probably has had to kill chipmunks and such for his meals many times in the past months. But he is starting to relax and drinking water fine too... very glad to be here now, getting up in my lap and being cuddled. Low energy, abit too cool, but I know thats because he has been consuming his own body to survive , and I hope he will regain some weight quickly. Otherwise, doesn't look shredded or injured except that one side of his ribs is a bit too outward so maybe he did get nailed and may have crawled off and hidden , no noticeable scars though. His hair is very dusty and not shiny right now.. . so he will be coddled and I will get him to the vet in a few weeks when I get paid again. Smokey is one tough cat. As cantankerous as he can be, it probably is what saved his life. He is moving normally and didn't react to my touching his ribs to feel them, so there is no pain factor. Doesnt appear to have any fleas either, which is surprising ! Letting him rest and readjust abit before I check him all over for ticks though.

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I was so excited to see this post, after all the discussions we've had about Smokey being gone and praying for his safe return all spring.


What absolutely wonderful news! And I wonder where on earth he was all this time!


So thankful you have him back. Now that makes me smile.

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I am glad your cat is home ! Trust me, I know how attached you must be to your cat.....


Last week someone poisoned my cat and he died. It was SO sad. I miss him. I had to take him to the Humane Society and let them put him to sleep as he was already near death and no hope for him. I never dreamed I would grieve so deeply over him.

Well, I am doing better, but it is lonely without him. I had him 12 years.

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(((((((((((((Violet)))))))))))) I am so sorry too. They are members of our family !!!



I think Smokey's online nickname will be Mad Max Kitty now..... he is quite instinctively fierce. I am glad I don't have small children around for now.... his reflexes are very swift and powerful for being just a little scrawny cat!

( Hoping he becomes a bit more gentle over some time as he relaxes, again).


His body temperature is better now and he is still glad to just rest inside. He was pretty tuckered out and it will be a couple more days of rest before he will probably be romping outdoors I think. Eating well too. Hopefully he doesn't disappear but I know he loves being outside too, at his choice. But for the moment, re-establishment of where he belongs is also important.


I don't know if he got picked up or what, or if he did and got loose somehow and travelled back like pets will sometimes do over a great distance. I do not think he was in this locale once he disappeared or he would have found home alot sooner I believe. Its a mystery and I just hope he doesn't get taken again. Because whoever might have had him either wasn't feeding him right, but his abilities to pierce my skin and the fact he was eating things he wouldn't touch before, tell me he's been out there probably alone... so it will be a mystery unless I catch someone grabbing him in the parking lot or something .... and if I did...... well.... if I got the chance, they would catch he11 from me.... and he certainly is not a purebred and tended to be fairly thin, so now it's a challenge to just get him back to his own normal weight. So I don't know why anyone would have taken him in the first place unless they are just sorta strange. It is definitely a mystery and I am glad he is back.

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Arby, I am *so* excited for you that your long-lost kitty has returned to you! I'm so happy! :bounce: It will be interesting to see what the vet says and how quickly he becomes domesticated again and how he takes interest in going outside.


I'm so glad for you.



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Oh! Arby! I just got back from being away for a week and saw your post about the kitty! I'm so happy for you!

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