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Overwhelmed for a bit...


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I have been feeling kind of overwhelmed lately and I'm having trouble getting a few things done as promised.


Mom11, I tried fixing your problems but something won't work (yet), and I haven't had time to troubleshoot it properly. Gimmee a bit more time, please.


My exchange is waiting for Hubby to get something important done. *SIGH*




I'm playing Christmas music on Pandora and trying to just stay *calm and positive*...







(It's a good thing I'm not into drugs or alcohol... <_< )








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It is frustrating to have to rely on someone who doesn't meet our expectations. Some times, my expectations far exceed those of others, causing me to be the hen who said, "...then I'll do it myself.." when I know I couldn't or shouldn't. :shakinghead: (Now there's a survival thread... a 'what if' scenario I'd have trouble with.)



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(((Cat))) Just take a deep breath and tell yourself, it will get done, when it's suppose to get done. We all need to be reminded that we are just one person, and can only do so much in a day. We also need to give ourselves permission to sometimes do nothing, to let our batteries recharge.

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Yeppers! Good saying!

I finally started cutting old tshirts up for rag rugs, its amazing how long a strip you cut from one shirt! I will weave them. Have the sticks and good string for the warp and loom, making a small straight loom ( its nice to live in the woods with creeks and rivers, I was able to get driftwood type stuff so no bark left on the limbs and they are nice and seasoned, strong enough to make little area rugs. Weaving would be easier for me instead of trying to crochet them... so recycling some old or too big clothes. Saves money too.

am also busy cleaning today, but sat down with my first cup of coffee finally..... in the other thread about clutter.... cleaning, I can relate to how Mt Rider feels!


I looked at my horoscope today and this is what it said:

The stars are telling you to accept gracefully the things you can't change, to have the courage to change the things you can, and to develop the ability to tell the difference. It's understandable that this can all seem a little bit confusing, especially at first. After all, that's a pretty tall cosmic order to fill. Fortunately, however, you have the wisdom and perceptiveness to see it through, and then some.


And I can relate it to how I have needed to be more mindful about my little home here. The chores might be drudgery, but the results will be good! It feels good to tackle things again, it really was getting to be a real obstacle course and thats not restful and comfortable at all! Its always a nice feeling whent things are nice and clean too. We don't have to just settle, ya know? The encouragement in that thread for each other is helping me get over feeling overwhelmed. I can figure it out, maybe bits at a time or whole sections as I go.... as long as I make progress again, I am moving in wisdom about this matter, and that feels much better!

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Oh, Leah,

That just cracked me up !!! All the Christmas things.

I have some ideas in mind for Christmas. I will work on them once some of the canning lessons are over and also get my own food put up.

This is CRAZY ! So much to do. I am keeping our grandson this weekend so our kids can go for training for being foster parents. They want to foster adopt a little girl.

Anyway, I am cooking and planning food so I won't need to do so much when he is here. I have to watch him or that little stinker will get into things. He loves being here so much that he wants our undivided attention. I can understand that.

I told my daughter that if things are not spotless my grandson won't care and if she does, SHE can clean it up, ha ha.


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Awwwww Cat (((((hugs)))))....



I know the overwhelmed feeling! The last few weeks have been crazy insane busy here, too. Just take a few deep breaths and remind yourself to just do the next thing.


(Says the woman who is spending the ENTIRE STINKIN' WEEK at the county fair even though the garden needs watering and the green beans are needing to be canned.... *sigh*)



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Teenage sons CAN be helpful. LOL


I repaired the fence. Put the 3 little wethers in with the 2 doelings. Put the 2 big wethers in the back pen. Put my pg yearling doe in with the 5 younguns and my herd queen with the yearling nubian and shot the buck. Things should be calmer around here now! LOL

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Trish, I know that you are not trying to be funny, but you make me laugh...I can't help myself.


As a returned favor, please go and read chapter one of my new story, based on a character trying to do all that you do but not use to doing it...I think you'll find yourself smiling. :D



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