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My name is Brandy, and I have been viewing and trying to post on this forum for about a yr now without much luck, but it looks like I finally got it figured out, thanks to everyone nice enough to help!


So lets see, about me..... I am married, my hubby and I are in our mid twenties, and we have 2 kids under 6. Prepping and survivalism has been a ''lifestyle'' of mine for about 2 yrs now, and I still feel like there is so much more I need to learn.

I am outspoken, and very happy to find a website that caters more to women, as some of the male dominated ones can get a little too '' my plan is just to blow everyone up'' type thing for me. I have already learned a lot from ya'll over the yr I have been lurking around, and wanted to say thanks! I look forward to getting to know ya'll!

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viannen_01.gifGlad you made it! welcomewagon.gif
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Brandy, hon, I just heard about your fire!


For those who don't know:

Brandy's house was set on fire by an arsonist while she was away. It's completely destroyed: The floors even collapsed! Pictures, preps, wedding dress, baby books... all gone.


They're in a hotel, and looking for somewhere to live. All the family is safe, no one was home at the time.

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She also posts on another site I belong to.


She popped on there for a minute to let us know, so I thought I'd add it over here.


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Hi Brandy

So glad you have joined our group. I am so sorry about you and your family. Now I am on the other side of the world, Perth Australia, but just let us know what you need, I will try and help. I am glad nobody was hurt.

From Melody

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Brandy Welcome to the survival family we have here, you can ask any question you want and someone will know something about it.

I am so sorry about the loss of your home, so glad your family is ok. Be sure you hold the insurance company to account and make them pay what they should.

Looking forward to getting to know you

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