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Why I've been away lately...


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I've missed you all very much. I know I haven't been around much lately but I really do have a very good reason...









Talk about a surprise. We are thrilled of course but the timing wasn't great considering we found out only about a week before hubby lost his job. I was also diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is basically just extreme sickness during pregnancy. It's been a rough road the past couple of months. I was in the ER every 7-10 days and on medication for the sickness but still feeling miserable most of the time. Thankfully I am beginning to feel better and now just feel like a normal exhausted pregnant person. :rolleyes: I'm still taking my medication but only once a day now and hopefully in another week won't have to do that any longer either.


The timing was actually a blessing in disguise because I was so sick I wasn't able to function and the hubby was here to take care of everything for me including our daughter (who just turned 2 by the way). Needless to say we are both relieved that I am starting to feel a bit better. Dh has also found another job, still driving a truck but we are optimistic that this will go well for us. As long as I stay hydrated and don't push myself too much, everything should be fine from here on out.


We haven't found out what we are having yet but I have had a couple ultrasounds and the baby looks healthy and is growing right on schedule. I'm due May 27th so we still have a ways to go, but this is all the fun part. I'm so glad to be feeling good enough to be back on here. You know you're sick when you don't have the strength or energy to get on the computer.




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