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Strep Throat


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I get strep repeatedly too. For some reason it hits some people over and over. Usually my doc has to treat increase the dosage of the antibiotics or the length of time I take it. When I was a teen, my PCP started giving me an injection of antibiotics up front in addition to the oral antibiotics.


Oh, always toss the old toothbrush after he takes the first couple days of antibiotics.


Just a thought, has he been tested for strep when he doesn't have a sore throat? He may be a carrier.

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Doctor said he might be asymptomatic for Mono. She also told him to change the toothbrush.I do try to change them frequently.

I am also trying salt water, someone told me to have him drink pineapple juice.



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I'd clean the trumpet really well. Blow out all of the spit valves really well. Then take it apart and clean it really well. It's been a really long time since I messed with one so I'm not sure what you could use but I'm sure you could soak his mouthpiece in something to make sure.


Hope he feels better soon!

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http://www.mamapedia.com/article/continued...n-my-8-year-old Information on strep carriers.


Strep can live on surfaces as well so it's probably wise to disinfect his room, and clean the mouthpiece well with dishsoap, and a brush, then soak in mouthwash like Listerine to kill the germs after he practices. It's not a common way to catch strep though so more likely he's getting it from someone else, or even the dog if you have one.

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I don't know the answer but in regards to the pineapple juice...I've always been under the understanding that pineapple juice draws out the 'poisons' from your system, similar to Epsom salts drawing out 'poisons'.

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He is better today.

DD2 said her throat hurts. She has a fever .I did not get home until after 5 and she did not tell her Dad in time for him to call the doctor.

I do have 2 cats and a dog. Never thought of them.

Good to know about the pineapple juice. Something more to stock.

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Isn't good 'ole alcohol good for soaking toothbrushes and mouthpieces in anymore? I always figure that's best, followed by a good rinse. :shrug:


And I'd do a full bed cleaning, too, just in case. Bleach the sheets and pillowcases, set the pillow in the sun all day, turning it over periodically. At least it helps. Good time to wash the blankets, too.



BTW, I've heard rumors that treating strep in adults is one of the things on the cutting board in the new health care bill. Supposedly because it's a "kids disease" and not worth treating adults. (Ummm... can't they pass it to the kids??? <_< )




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Apparently Dogs can be a source of strep infection for people http://www.sniksnak.com/doghealth/tonsillitis.html


"Can strep throat be associated with dogs?


Streptococcus pyogenes, the cause of "strep throat" in humans does not cause tonsillitis in dogs or cats. However, dogs and cats can acquire a transient infection with this bacterium when they are in contact with a human with strep throat. Although they do not get strep throat, they may harbor the bacterium and serve as a source of it for other human infections. As this is the case, it is suggested that dogs and cats be treated when family members have strep throat, especially if recurring infections occur in the household."


From Medline:


Accepted Answer


I have been treating both children and adults for over 22 years. During this time I have had SEVERAL cases where multiple family members (adult and children) have had recurrent Strep infections - which have resolved after the dog was treated.


There are many thing to consider: Toothbrushes may be a source of reinfection (I usually recommend getting new toothbrushes OR soaking them in a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water for 10-15 minutes)


I also recommend testing EACH member of the family at the same time (even those who do not have a single symptom). It is more likely that another FAMILY member is a "carrier" than the dog.


Here is one of the case report articles

Recurrent pharyngitis in family of four. Household pet as reservoir of group A streptococci


In this article the source was the pet's eyes:

Group A streptococci in household pets' eyes--a source of infection in humans?

(It is not common - 2 out of 61 pets)


This is the article that the other expert mentioned:

The family pet as an unlikely source of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection in



Read more: http://www.justanswer.com/questions/wojx-c...e#ixzz0mXr67dGZ





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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh goody doctor visit #4. I don't think he got over it last time. She put him on a stronger antibiotic.

He may need to have his tonsils out.This kid is obsessive about taking all his meds. so I know thats not it.


Cleaned his room, and trumpet.Told doctor about the dog and cat idea.Dh and I are the only ones not tested so we need to do that.

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You might want to make a habit of buying him a new (very cheap) toothbrush at the beginning of every month, and throwing out the old one whether he has strep or not. Or buy cheap toothbrushes by the lot on eBay. We sure cut down on our bugs when I started periodically throwing away everyone's toothbrush and setting out new ones. Skipping one dr's visit can buy rather a lot of 50-cent toothbrushes.


I also keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide by the mouthwash. I don't always know who's using it, but it needs replacement every few months. I figure it's probably paying for itself.



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