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Beautiful Autumn Saturday


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Morning everyone :bouquet:


My but it's a gorgeous morning here. The trees are beautiful, the air is crisp and the sun is shining bright enough to hurt the eyes. I hope you're all having a pretty morning in your little corner of the world too.


I'm working this morning so really just popping in to say hi. DH is already out picking corn and hopes to get done in another 2 or 3 days......barring breakdowns of course.


What's happening for you this weekend? Fun things? Boring things? Working around the house things? Have a great one whatever it is! :grouphug:

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Good morning Dee and everyone to follow~


It's a beautiful morning here, too. The sun is blinding, DS and I were looking for birds out the dining room window and I nearly ran into the table because it's so bright! LOL! I have some cleaning to do and then the kids and I are off to the pumkin patch for a birthday party! Not sure if DH will make it as he is helping his dad move his (FIL) slate pool table out of his mom's house. We've have a lot of extended family issues over the last 2 weeks with grandma so it's been a trying time but we are praying for guidance for my in-laws that they are going to be doing the right thing.


Dee~ have a great day at the library! Hopefully, DH will get most of the fields done. My DS would love to be out there watching him. That's what we did at my parents Thursday afternoon/evening. I took him out while the farmer was working on the field behind my parents house and then we took DS, DD, and DN (it was her 3rd birthday) out to let them watch them finish up in the dark with the lights on and all. They LOVED it!!!! I think we are raising 2 future farmers - love the dirt, know how to pick berries, love the chickens at DD's preschool. DS will pet the "escapee" and DD will help chase her down and help feed the other animals now. What a great experience for a kid!!!!


Enjoy the day!!!! :bighug2:

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Good morning everyone.


Dawn just broke and I'm preparing for House Cleaning Day.


Had to have the plumber come back yesterday, for a leak in the new toilet he installed. He said he's never seen one leak straight out of the box. Well, now he has. He tightened the bolts and said call if it continues. Yeah, I could have done it myself, but the last time I did, I broke the porcelin and it had to be replaced. :shrug: (Warranty)


Time to get motivated, I hope everyone has a great day.



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The sun is shining so nicely and just a few little clouds in the sky. Not much of a breeze out there either so not a good day to :clothesline: .


Oldpine is back to work, the 3rd day and he is tired when he gets home. After being off work for so long and not able to do a lot those first several weeks, this is work.


I'm helping with our 50th class reunion things and we have had a couple meetings. Think there will be a special one soon as the last one didn't go as well as it should have.


Have dishes to do by hand, as I baked cookies and bars for the meeting and the pans don't go in the dish washer.


We are getting a lot of those lady bugs again this year, think there are more than we have had in several years now. :(


DD is doing good and was up half the night on the phone, for work. She is back on there now, they just won't let her alone, even on the weekends. :(


We have a new GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER. :) Born on the 23rd of September, her name is Cayla Elizabeth, she is just a little thing, only 6 lbs and 15 ozs. :) Of course she is in TX., so won't see her for sometime.






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It is beautiful today. I have already been to 1/2 a dozen yard sales. Found 3 brand new 5 gallon water containers for $2.50 each along with a FEW other things. I filled my little car for about $20...lol. Got some neat 1950's glasses, canisters, a lamp, and a shelf, etc. Going to spend most of the day out in my shed organizing my own yard sale stuff and have a few projects to do today. Getting ready to go DH's work to take him some lunch and run a few errands while I'm out.


Hope you all have a great day!




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Morning all--I woke up with my knee feeling really good this morning--the swelling is going down and the stitches are not stinging nearly as bad as they were yesterday. My sister made it through her surgery last night and is doing well also.

woke up and sat on the sofa for about an hour watching the deer, turkey and quail at the deer feeder in the front yard--it doesn't get much better than that!!! Is is fixing (yea, I am from the south) to turn colder and rainy--at least the weather man says so--so i am really glad i moved some firewood and kindling to the porch so it stays dry.

i will spend the day crocheting--that is about all i can do so far--if i get up and do much--the swelling comes back and then it starts hurting--so i am gonna sit here and crochet and read for the day-- :D

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It's been a beautiful day here too! Me and the girls have spent the day cleaning house and working outside. As a reward I've got the "Moonlight Matinee" all set up in the driveway. I just need DH to help me hang the sheet on the garage door. We've got a projector, DVD player, and speakers all hooked up on a rolling cart. All we have to do is uncover it, roll it into place and plug in the drop cord. Once we duct tape the sheet to the garage door, voile! Outdoor theater! It should be dark enough around 7:00 to start. I've also got the bonfire ready in the fire pit. During the previews we'll be roasting hot dogs for supper. During the movie we'll have nachos and popcorn to snack on and carmel apples for dessert. Did I mention I also have fresh apple cider for us to drink?


I LOVE fall! Tonight's feature is Iron Man 2 (kid's choice). They are trying to talk us into getting some scary movies to show outside on Halloween weekend and letting them have friends over. :darth duck: :animal0017:

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It's been a long day. I canned 21 quarts of kraut today, then started another 25 # of cabbage fermenting, as well as popping some melon in the dehydrator (it turned out... let's just say I won't do it again); and stacking a pickup-bed load of wood in the garage. We heat with wood, so it's nice to have at least a little in case it gets much chillier. Then off to work for a short 4 hour shift. Tomorrow is a 12 hour shift at the hospital - but I like it so much more than the nursing home that it will go quick.


The movie sounds like a blast. Wish it was me!!

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