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Still hanging in there


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Well, if anything, our family problems have gotten worse. My mother came down here Monday night and sat all of us down, including all my children and laid out her list of terrible things we are doing to my poor brother (fyi, if you missed my post a few weeks ago, my brother was arrested for stealing several thousands of dollars of stuff from us). They believe the only reason that the sheriff's dept. arrested him was because we said we thought he did it. Never mind that his accomplice (the owner of the fingerprints taken from the inside of dh's locked car) turned him in. Of course his accomplice is lying - but my brother isn't, etc., etc, etc. My mother called my dh lazy (because he works his 8 or 16 hrs. a day and comes home and rests! We don't live on a farm what else does she expect him to do?).....3 times!!!!! and then insinuated that we obviously had 1st hand working knowledge of drug usage. Because we knew stuff that you can learn from watching TV or that my 13 year old learned about during drug ed at school. I didn't even cry. I was furious. She left and I don't know if I will ever speak to her again. She has begun lying for my brother and until they realize that he has a drug problem there isn't anything that I can do to help them.


Anyway, we are moving past this situation. We are finishing up some small projects then will be getting the house appraised and put on the market. Dh says we will stay here till spring then will be moving whether it has sold or not. We will not continue to be in this situation. So if you would pray it would sell quickly that would be great.


I am packing nonessential items to get them out of the house and to a friend's for storage to make the house look better. Our budget is very skimpy this year so I am also trying to plan Christmas and such. We will be having holiday's with our little family only or maybe my mil. It will be different but ok.



I have a denim quilt in the works for ds #1. I hope to get 1 made for each of the kids over the next year. Knitting some also.


We painted pumpkins last night. Just trying to enjoy life. Others don't have the power to impact whether I am happy or not. I told dh I would be happy living in a tent somewhere as long as we are together and safe. I don't feel safe here anymore. I pray that God helps me to be content anywhere I am....even here for now.


Anyway, just checking in. Love reading what is going on!



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May God bless you and help you through this difficult time. You are doing the right thing, and your family will be stronger for it. Your mother has made her choice, and it is to protect the wrong person.


Move on and enjoy your life, and may it be quickly.

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Wading through the family drama is never easy! You and your small family will be just fine on your own when you move. Just imagine how much more peaceful things will be. The bad choices that people make never cease to amaze me. Wishing you and your family much happiness... After all of this, you deserve it!

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Being on your own will be fine--yes it will be different, but you may decide you like it better anyway--you can create your own traditions and memories--families are tough, you never know what is pushing people to make the decisions they make. i will be praying for you to sell your home quickly

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I love the choices we can make in our lives. I is our choice to listen to good or bad, to live in good or bad places, to do good or bad things. Part of those choices include who comes i nto your home and who talks to your children. This experience has been a shocker, and it will hurt and it will impact on where and what you do after this.


Can I suggest that for your children, dont let your mother talk to them alone, or even be in a position that they hear her demean you and your hubby or your lifestyle. If at all possible dont put yourself in that position either. Be gentle but firm, "Unless you have something positive to say, we are not interested" explain that you are happpy to talk about other things, but not family, decisions or lifestyle as you obviously will never do it right in her eyes, be comfortable that you as a family are happy and content in the decisions you make.

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Good words, Sue, good words.


Carie, I am so sorry. Of all people, your family, and especially your mother, are the ones that you expect to be there for you, to be your safe and soft place to fall. I am so sorry that is not the case in this situation.


You'll be on my prayer list. I hope your home sells fast.


Lifting you up...

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Sue, I agree completely. My children are currently not allowed at my parents house so that should take care of them encountering them alone. And I can guarantee that there won't be any conversations like the one Monday night.

Thanks so much for the words of encouragment. I really appreciate them!



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