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Just a FYI... Dee has been having waaay too many problems getting into the board during these "renovations". She says she'll just sit back for a bit and wait for things to get better. So say a little prayer for her and that the board get fixed quickly.


Looks like we'll be headed to Illinois to pick up a wood stove on Monday. :woohoo:


My neck's bothering me this morning. Think I slept on it wrong. :( I've got lots to do, trying to get things organized for winter.

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If you have trouble with the code people on the installation, ask if different rules would apply if you removed the door gasket. The last time I checked (it's been many years) they had a different and stricter set of rules for "airtight" stoves.


A second hen has taken to crowing here. We get plenty of eggs and she's not aggressive to the other hens, so we're quite willing to shelter her and let her continue to scratch with the flock for a while. The first crower was real protective of the chicks when we had them, which is always a plus. I want to pick up another three or four chicks this coming Spring. DH, who sees the current number of eggs, glazes over when I tell him that by the time the new chicks come into production, at least one more and possibly three more of these hens will age out of production.


Reality keeps changing, but some of the changes are predictable. We need to cope with what's coming, not just with what's here.


edited to clarify gasket

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HA! I thought maybe you posted 'Saturday' before I could try to convince everyone that it's Tuesday! ;) roflmbo


Not a good morning at Farmer's Market. :( Chilly and WINDY. Spent more time chasing things (mine and others) than anyone did selling. Ah well, we were all pretty happy that it's the last (outdoor) one for the year. Now on to the indoor Flea Market and maybe a few Craft Fairs for the winter.


Gonna go try to get about 20 min of zzzzzzzzzz's before chores and work.




:bighug2: and :kissy:

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What a saying!!!!! And good morning everyone! So far (and I'm off today) I've made 4 dozen chocolate cupcakes, and am now baking 4 dozen sugar cookies (1 doz. at a time in this little oven) for the party at work tomorrow. Also washed one dog--dh did the other one. After the cookies are done, I'll go pick up a few things at the Fam. Dollar and be done with the big work for the day. Will be editing photos I took at mom11s this afternoon.


Hope you all stay warm and have a good day!!! High 80 and sunny here today!

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Let's see.........I went and talked to a friend of mine about a job. Not real keen on getting up at 2:30 am two days a week and 4:30 am three days a week. I need to pray on this. I also went to another friend's place to look it over for squirrel hunting. I saw no squirrels or nest which I find strange when he tells me that they come up on his patio every morning. I did see two deer, maybe just maybe I may go deer hunting. I came home and cleaned out the garage. Thinking about seeing if the ground is ready to till for the garden next year.






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Garden is done!!!!!!!!


Well not really but it is done as far as I am concerened this year. I only tilled down 2-3" to get the grubs and roots to the top. We are supposed to get down to 29 tonight and that will help kill them. I may till it later next month, depends on how cold it gets.






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DH and I just returned from Dollywood. We were given a pair of day passes, and we had a great time. We talked at length with a weaver, DH sat down with a harp (for the first time) and started playing - looks like we will be saving up for a harp for him. He hasn't met an instrument he doesn't like. lol. Also finished up buying Christmas ornaments for the family and I think I found a Christmas ornament design I may try to replicate for the ornament exchange. We also found a cast iron pot lifter. It was really cold when we arrived about 9:30 a.m. but this afternoon it was very plesant. Now DH is organizing his sound equipment to take to DS#1's home to help him set up his yard for Halloween.

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Hope you all have had a great Saturday!! DS has a friend home with him for the weekend. Since they are now "too old" to Trick-or-treat, my Mom and I took them to an Air Show and to eat. They had a great time but it was a little much for me. So instead of Trick-or-treating with DD tonight she will go with my cousins and their daughter while I "chill" in the recliner. The boys have built a fire and set up a tent and hope to camp out tonight....last night was too cold.. Just glad that they are all having a good time.



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