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New prep item as well as pantry item

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I will have to look for these! Do they have a long shelf life?


Well according to the box that I just bought the "best if used by" date is only about 6 months. Since I have only bought one box I can't comment on the shelf life.

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I am totally addicted to them!!!! I cook a lot of Mexican, so i use the cilantro a lot!!!! The onion and garlic are also great!!!! FYI. I fund them in the Mexican section at our local Walmart.

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Don't know if you have seen these in your local grocery store but they are wonderful. garlic.jpg


one cube is one clove of garlic


I have seen garlic, onion and cilantro.


From Philbe...got several jars of them! LOL I also store up the jars of chicken & beef "sprinkles". When they're empty (I make alot of soups) I save the jars and put these cubes in them to keep them moist and to keep bugs out...and they will draw those little black bugs! Lost several boxes of the tomato ones to those critters! So, I keep them vacume sealed (with my food saver attachment) in jars. They even have some in tomato and fish. Another (but more expensive) are the "flavor boost" packets. Love them all!

Edited by Philbe
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These are really nice. I keep all three flavors in my pantry. Ya never kn ow when you will run out of fresh, so these are a good back-up. I have also used them after storing them for 2 years, and they are just fine.

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I will have to look for these! Do they have a long shelf life?


From Philbe: Be sure to vacume seal them in jars...or little critters will try to get to them (bugs). I lost a whole bag full once, so mine are sealed in jars by my food saver jar attachment.

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Don't know if you have seen these in your local grocery store but they are wonderful. garlic.jpg


one cube is one clove of garlic


I have seen garlic, onion and cilantro.



From Philbe: Be sure to vacume seal them in jars...or little critters will try to get to them (bugs). I lost a whole bag full once, so mine are sealed in jars by my food saver jar attachment.

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I bought some of the cilantro intending to try them in my salsa. I completely forgot about them until now! Oh well...maybe next year. I will try some of the other flavors now.

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