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Fiendishly fun Friday's favorite fellowship for friends!


Fling fantastic foods flagrantly from fairly far, forgetting fashion's fickle fancy. Feisty fellow flingers fare fatefully featureless following flying feast!


Foil fuddy-duddy fogies feverishly, fetching festive foamy fluids for fervent frolicking. Fortify foxholes fruitlessly... flaky flingers fondly find friends frequently!


Forestall frustration - flaunt fetching fiesta foods frankly! Frolic forth Friday!!!


**Flings fudge fajitas forcefully forward for fun**



farewell.... :wave:




:24: :24: :24: :24: :24:

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Philbe claims all rights to the peanut butter fudge and the white fudge! No chocolate for her...believe it or not, choc. tastes bitter in nearly all of it's forms to me!

So...here's to all the fabulous females frequently found on ...Mrs. S's family fun site!


Can we pitch eggs?

Edited by Philbe
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Actually, no, Midnightmom. All I'm taking now is Ibuprofen. :happy0203:


I was cleaning/sorting stuff out of a box of *very old* papers, and found a copy of this that I first wrote back on December 7, 1999. Nanapop (as she was then) said that I was NUTS. I figured since she was back, I'd post it in her honor. :24:


I edited it just a bit to add more "for fun"... :whistling:


And hey, who DOESN'T like a food fight free-for-all now and then???? :happy0203:

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The last time I was in a food fight here two "ladies" covered my head with whipped cream. So I'm gonna try it again...


Wormie sneaks up behind Cat and and drops a chocolate pie on her head. Then....



He picks up some the snowmen that Midnightmom dropped and throws them at everyone else...



Then he runs and blends into the corner waiting...with a gleam in his eyes...waiting....waiting....waiting.






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Hmmm, while WormGuy has Cat distracted with the pie and Midnightmom by taking her snowmen peeps, I think I may be able to swoop in to get some of the fudge before Jeepers cans/dehydrates/freezes it all :) the maple nut fudge will be mine .... maybe even some of Philbe's peanut butter fudge can come my way when she's not looking...


maybe we need to form alliances, like on Survivor LOL :)

Edited by lumabean
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**Cat licks the chocolate pie filling from her comb, then loads her super-soaker jello shooter with purple jello and aims it at the corner where Wormie *thinks* he's safe...**




(Well, OK, PRETEND it's purple!!!) laughsanta.gif



OH NO... is that SANTA watching???? (SORRY!) didisaythat.gif

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Wormie dries himself off, runs out the door and returns with a bucket of purple paint and a pump sprayer. He proceeds to paint the room purple. He pumps up the sprayer with whipped cream and hits everyone in the room with a blast of pink whipped cream and then retreats to his corner...waiting....waiting....






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Philbe cleans whip cream off eyes so she can see, from nose so she can breath, but takes a big finger full and flips it straight back at Wormie! Jeepers, Luma, and MNM are on the same page and join forces to teach wormie a lesson! Don't mess with the broads...they have big guns too...and will team up if they have to!

Edited by Philbe
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Dogmom4 walks in....looks around.....and yells "Who's gonna clean up all this mess??!" As she stalks away to get the broom and a mop no one notices the semi-automatic marshmallow shooter concealed under her coat.....

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