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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. For my beloved Turk, best LDG ever (may she RIP) she wanted at times to play with plastic jugs. I tried to make sure she had several and left her to them. I loved to watch her and perhaps for her it was practice as she could throw them a good distance. But she brought them back to a particular place when she was done with them. I saw her in action one morning......a coyote was headed for the neighbors dairy cows. She flew down our hill , under the gate, across the road ,under the fence and across the neighbors pasture. She was on that coyote before it knew she was around. The coyote went sailing through the air,(like the plastic jug) landed with a thump , picked its self up and fled. To start with the neighbor did not like her , but one day he saw her in action and from that day forth he never said a word about her in his pasture. His land was on two sides of our lower property so she kept a close watch . Later he told me he had never lost another calf.... Turk passed away in her sleep this fall.
  2. What is the danger of smoking and echinacea? Have not heard of that . Here is more info on Echinacea http://en.mr-ginseng.com/echinacea/
  3. I use eyebrow training as well as commands of wait, back, or back up, go(away) slow and easy. The eyebrow gets quicker response<G> It really makes a difference as to what kind of dog you have as to training.
  4. Echinacea the flu herb. Have it on hand all the time and start taking at the first sign of flu symptoms. For that matter start taking it if you work or are in contact with someone that has the flu......
  5. Right about the caging but..........if there was not such a demand for eggs........ We live in a demanding world...I want it now as much as I want.! If all those hens were on the ground farmers would be paying more money out in taxes and getting less back to the point it would not be profitable or even feasible. No I am glad I am not raising those hens, or even collecting the eggs. I do not like the fact that they are so crowded.......... but there is an awful lot of people wanting a tremendous amount of eggs..now. Although they are crowded, they have no fear of hawks, snakes ,dogs or other predators.
  6. Any treatment that works, herbs? Hope you all get better quickly.
  7. We picked up a pup at the local shelter...so said they.. all had kennel cough shots We already had two dogs.. took this pup for wellness check up and he was sick KC and.... we had to quickly vaccinate our own dogs and the clinic shut down to scrub/sanitize . The shelter gave us a receipt saying they would pay for the wellness check up. .. they back pedaled and did not!! We knew someone that worked there ..2/3 of all the dogs died from that kennel cough.......she also said no DVM came and gave shots on her watch. The pup we got also died despite all that the DVMs did. I wonder if there is more than one strain. Hope your pup does well , he certainly looks well fed.
  8. So nice for sharing it with us!!!!!!!!
  9. It is normal for hens to slack off laying in the late fall or winter. Also though I am feeding no creature great or small other than the cat and dog.... I have heard that feed is up to $12-15 per bag. I never paid that much per 100 before! Fuel prices are up --well they are down now, crops are less this year but government mandate has the corn in the fuel which takes far more to make fuel than it would to get the same $ from feeding livestock use. Agriculture is being destroyed by those(government) who do not know what they are doing
  10. Forgive me if I am wrong......wasn't this whole Obamacare just to increase the bank accounts of certain insurance companies.....?
  11. When the washer goes out, and it is so cloudy for days on end you can not dry outside, the car requires repair..... I have done little but pay repair bills on the house ,car and medical bills on the dog for the last 6 months . I try to save all I can to meet the expenses but they are catching up with the reserve now. But the house is paid for (and the taxes for the year) ,the car is paid for, the dog is on the mend. Did a tiny bit of shopping yesterday which was an eye opener Eggs.. small $1.95 large $3.25 dozen Cheese $6.15 lb $5.99 @lb for 5 lb wheel. milk $4.89. I save money by not having the lights on in the daytime except where and when needed , by keeping the house around 61-65 temp. and using the wood stove to heat water. The water heater is turned off. Trying to schedule all trips in car to handle as many tasks as possible.
  12. Humana wanted to become guardian of my DS for a year, have no idea what that was about. As you know I am her legal guardian. They were extremely pushy even though I was not signed up (for her) with them. Ny neighbor signed up with them last year and they are charging her $150 month, her income being only $400 a month. I have showed the Humana paperwork to several legal authorities in two states and have been told to steer clear. Since you have mentioned them are they paying your expenses and what % ?
  13. Now if the doctors office and hospital will follow along.......
  14. Aren't the B vitamins good for nerves? I KNOW nerve damage takes time ( may I never have to go through that again) but like with shingles Bs are what really help.
  15. Twilight

    Low Carb Diet

    For sure you have to know your own body and what works for one could certainly hurt another. I do better on higher carbs but I make my own bread so know what is in it. Sugar is not high on the list and I rarely ever eat potatoes. My weight does fluctuate 5-10 lbs but i am pretty close to what I should weigh. Still am not certain what causes the fluctuation but know I certainly feel better eating 2-3 slices of bread daily and preferably with cheese.
  16. Thats a neat tip Jeepers....don't know why I never thought of using spaghetti before!!
  17. Electric range, jars sitting in warm water during filling. Water temp checked before adding jars. I heard the one break probably 10 minutes after removing from the burner. After the canner was off the heat I left and the canner was cold by the time I got back. Plenty of water left in the canner nearly two inches. I will just weather the storm...........
  18. I am so sorry Ambergris! Sun in the eyes has caused so many accidents particularly around schools. Do pray both of you will soon feel better!
  19. I successfully canned 7 qts of chicken. I almost did not even try as my last canning was such a failure. I have canned for over 40 years and never had this problem. I had three to not seal, two jars to break in the canner. The jar breakage has really got me stumped. The two jars broke in two different places on the bottom of the jar with slivers on two sides of the jar and tiny holes that ruined the contents or allowed them to leak. So out of nine there was the salvage of only 5. I use an AA canner and it had the protective plate in the bottom.
  20. Twilight

    Roll call...

    Cinnamon rolls and a pot of coffee from here when do we start eating .... Please pass the cornbread and butter......
  21. No tipping on my part......nor do I wipe tops until 24-36 hours later then the jars are are washed and the rings removed.
  22. Yes John you are right about that more so due to the tomatoes. Checking jars every two weeks is not too often and I do not always get it done within that time frame. I have lost more this year than ever before... And thorough check of jars, lids, contents, leads me to thinks it has been the lids 90% of the time.
  23. I think it is the fault of the lids... are they the lids that should not be boiled or should they be . Sometime, just when who knows, there was a change in the rubber. I am sure you do check your jars for any chips. But I will say that ever so often I go through and check all my lids on all of my canned good... I do NOT like to lose my canning!!
  24. Yes it is hard to lose a doe, they do teach you more than you realize. Sorry for your pain but it maybe best that she went before the winter started. K is pampering Glennis who is 10 this year.
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