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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. My late husband got the flu vaccine in 1983 that was either bad or live, and for him, it was the beginning of the end. Instead of protecting him , he came down with the flu.
  2. They were so confused with my answers it caused an error...<G>
  3. Neat to be able to craft "something " out of nothing. I would wonder about her income.. living off the interest? Saving it for those who have little? We can either spend all we have and when we need it have nothing or save for a rainy day. She may be thinking about $7500+ a month nursing home bills in the future...
  4. http://www.squidoo.com/pioneer-early-American-recipes#module153792441 I wonder if I have finally found my Mother's corn pudding recipe......
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=OExXItDyWEY&vq=medium http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNDtHdG5mVk
  6. Utterly awesome..I have heard the whales "sing" . Marvelous to catch the stars singing
  7. <G> haven't any of you ever eaten aged beef????? Makes it more flavorful and tender..... I do like aged beef which your roast was not.. you said it was still cool to the touch..it was just waiting for the skillet!! Now I will not eat green chicken like the French do.........
  8. Most of this will go for the dog/cat. I got a case cheap, past its prime as it was overly freezer burned......... Otherwise, Visions of pot pies danced in my head...... a la king on toasted homemade bread.... sandwiches with lettuce and spice Now that really sounds nice!
  9. Smile.......at my advanced age , i have found the outside appearance is just the shell.. Behind all those tattoos, long hair, etc can be a heart of gold...... beer and movies aren't my desire either but you see these kind of people everywhere. An elderly friend of mine had a flat and did not have the faintest idea what to do. A couple of longhaired rough looking bikers stopped and changed the tire. To her utter astonishment, she found them polite , and not dangerous..forever changing her mind that the way a person looks on the outside does not necessarily show the heart.
  10. Canning chicken again today....whole parts in wide mouth quarts.
  11. Deer do not like Irish Spring soap.....at least the ones around here don't. The cat keeps the squirrel's leery- they are his favorite food.
  12. I can not believe anybody seeing those pictures would doubt that God is the maker....... The incredible design of frail beauty and yet the flakes float down without breaking... Looking at them on a gloved hand.....you will never see the same design twice .......what God hath wrought!!!
  13. With all this talk of cast iron.............. am I going to have to bring all my DS's cast iron up here??? There are skillets of all sizes maybe 8-10, a dutch oven or are there two? the big No 25 pot on legs and a slightly smaller one, a gypsy pot , can't remember if it has legs...... a maybe 1 gal. tea kettle that is ever so heavy.... and so much more............ I do not like to use cast iron on my flat top....proof in the pudding that the cast iron absorbs its contents.....and leaves it on the burner for me to clean up. But I do love to use it on an open fire..
  14. For the gout will the cherry juice work quicker? I have heard so much good about the juice.... Yes life goes on- if not for us for others..... How big is the little house? sq.ft? I am longing for a smaller house myself, this 1395 sq.ft house makes for too much of everything..... built/arranged right a small house can have more "room" than a big one.
  15. MMMM...that sounds good...now I would have added cranberry sauce to the sandwich.. I did not get turkey this year....
  16. If I can get my Asus meno pad connected to the internet I too will take advantage of these free books!!
  17. Twilight

    Dry Skin

    I had this problem on my hands that started when the weather got colder. But when I stopped all soy products, as in cooking oils and in foods, and then stopped feeding it to the animals-reaching inside the sack of feed was the main problem- direct contact- but consuming soy products was getting me coming and going. I have had no further problems since I am 90% soy free.... it is difficult to get totally away from the product as it used so many ways.
  18. Put a turkey drum on to cook added carrots , potatoes, celery salt and seeds, sage and pepper. When the drum was about done I added egg noodles..... Good and nourishing.
  19. CGA give yourself a break!!! Spend the day outside if you have to walking around looking- really looking at everything and give God thanks for all that you see. From the different types of grass and the way it grows to the bushes, trees , rocks or tiny sand, the clouds in the sky the wind on your face...God made it all! If you do that you will have a far better day than what I am guessing that I will considering the past dinners.........
  20. I have been invited to my daughters plans to be finalized next week...... that will be a 90 minute drive (each way) for me. Dog will go with me per usual. She loves the blow dryer after her bath and the shop vac removes a lot of loose hair and even fleas should she have any.
  21. I try to praise the food (at a restaurant) if it is exceptional..... One time a chef brought me a piece of very special pie that was not on the menu. Very few people do not like praise....
  22. Bringing up old memories......... "They" told my husband to come get his flu shot.....I could not go with him and he went alone. He came home sick and I caught the "flu" from him! It was the beginning of the end for him............. you said bad batch.........................
  23. This jumping to take vaccines.........in the case of Gardasil I think it was all but forced on many girls. But who is to say that was not the intention in the first place to cause infertility? (my suspicious mind)
  24. they are not so noticeable in Maltomeal Cereal....... If you eat with out looking at your food..... However, I do not advise anyone to partake of ants.....
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