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Everything posted by themartianchick

  1. From someone with a leaky radiator (which will be repaired in the next couple of days), you have my sympathy. I will keep you in my prayers.
  2. I'm so sorry that I missed your birthday, Michael! I hope that you had a great one! No Arby at Arby's? Hmmm...now that is a puzzle. Was Ms. Macy there at least?
  3. It sounds as though you will all have a great time! This is always a tough time of year for me to get away and I'm so sorry that I'm going to miss it all. Please post a lot of pictures!
  4. We haven't used the furnace in our house yet this fall, but I've been working on getting a rental house ready since the 1st of the month. That house doesn't have a woodburner of any kind in it, so I've had to use the furnace while there a bit. The house is really well insulated though which makes us a bit jealous. Our own seems like a drafty barn at times. Our tenant of 6 years moved out and the race is on to get everything painted, waxed, and touched up so that we don't lose more than 1 month's worth of rent. Of course, on her last day in the house, the hot water heater went, so hubby has to replace that this weekend.We haven't had too much truoble with frozen pipes in recent years. The pipe closet in the downstairs bath had a few issues years ago and we bought a heat tape to keep them from freezing. If the power were to go out, we can always fill jugs of hot water to raise the temperature in the little closet or we can heat them with a blowtorch or candle.I've got a small shipment of firewood coming next week as a precaution, but we do have a lot of firewood stored and ready to go. Last night, we burned our first fire of the season.
  5. I am so sorry that you are still going through all of this C4C! It just seems so unfair. I think that the idea of a nice vacation is exactly what you need. Don't knock the Triangle! Bermuda is a gorgeous place to visit and one of my favorite vacation spots on earth! Quiet, quaint and laid back...Exactly what you need right now!
  6. It is always sad when you have to put a beloved pet down. It sounds as though it was the right time to do this in order to reduce the risk of someone getting seriously hurt. Things will get better as the pain subsides and only the good memories remain. A big for you in the hopes that ou're feeling better about the situation soon. I am thoroughly amazed that you are able to think about others when you're grieving the loss.Your friend is awfully lucky to be getting your old hens and you will soon have a flock of new fluffy bantam cuties...to help to ease the pain. BTW- Thanks for the tip about the contest! I'm not sure if I have anything started that would fit the genre, but I might have time to come up with something.
  7. How wonderful!!! That must be an amazing feeling!
  8. I love the one with the shopping cart!
  9. Did somebody say cake? Hope you had a wonderful day!
  10. I love apples and I'm glad that I live in apple country to keep the prices on them low. This year, I got a shock...One of those cute little shopping bags of apples was over $5 at the supermarket last week. I think it only had about 4 lbs of apples in it. I'm gonna ask my mom if they have any decent apples on their trees. They don't spray theirs so its nice not to have to worry about pesticides. Be careful eating apple seeds. They contain small quantities of cyanide.
  11. What wonderful news, Philbe! I'm so happy for your son (and the rest of the family) beause that sounded like a stressful situation! I'll have to check out the video a bit later. I'm working on the slow computer this morning.
  12. I confess... I am a nerd! I follow Neil deGrasse Tyson, so I love NASA jokes. http://www.haydenplanetarium.org/tyson/
  13. New Zealand Spinach is wonderful! Let us know how this works out for you.
  14. Congratulations, Darlene! Are you gonna post a picture of the little one? I live for posted photos of the milking animals since I can't have any here.
  15. Thanks for posting this! I think I'm falling in love with this site... I love reading through "what if "scenarios. Things that make you go hmmmm....
  16. That sounds like so much fun! I'm so glad that you all had the opportunity to meet!
  17. You might try a thrift store first. I often see bread machines and once in awhile a dehydrator at our local Salvation Army store.
  18. I've been told that I'm an exception on another forum but our healthcare premiums went down after Obamacare passed. Hubby had been paying $132 per week and it is now $52 or 57 each week. Have any of you received the insurance rebate checks from your health insurer? We haven't gotten one of those, but we've heard of other people that have.
  19. This is my favorite time of the year!
  20. Congratulations on such a wonderful milestone! The couple on the left is you and Old Pine.... The couple on the right is my hubby and me. (That's me with the frying pan. We have a different way of keeping the excitement in our marriage!)
  21. Oh my goodness! Congratulations Dr. C4C! I am so proud of you! I knew that you would do it, despite all of the drama in your life. I hope you take a nice long vacation and relax for awhile.Truthfully, I don't know how you made it through all of the turmoil, you are made of some strong stuff, woman! You are my newest heroine and you will serve as an inspiration to all of us here at Mrs S.
  22. We had a bumper crop of strawberries before the drought struck. The raspberries were a bust and so was most of everything else. Garlic is doing well in pots and we have exactly one tomato. If we can just keep the squirrels away from it then...
  23. Adding my prayers for a full recovery...
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