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Everything posted by themartianchick

  1. Thanks for the info! I might just wander over there...
  2. I assume that it is what she has on hand, Michael. Dontcha just hate it when you're making something and realize that you're missing an ingredient?
  3. Looks as though you cleaned them out of ribbons... Nice job!
  4. What a wonderful woman she must have been to have had such an impact on you! I am so sorry for your loss!
  5. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/jul/11/36/train-derails-hazmat-called-scene-ar-1099151/
  6. If I'm not mistaken, all of the city employees have been reduced to minimum wage. Scranton isn't that far from my area. In fact, I can get there in less than an hour and a half. We pass it on our way to Philadelphia. It is another old rust belt city that no longer has a strong manufacturing base. That being said, the act of reducing everyone to such a small paycheck is irresponsible. The employees would have been better off if they had been laid off or had their work week shortened. Then, at least unemployment could have helped them to get by. Since they are working full work weeks, they are ineligible. I think that the Scranton administators did this to draw attention to their city. There is no other explanation. I understand the fact that there is no money in the city coffers to pay everyone a regular salary, but the city contracted to pay X amount of dollars to their employees and now they are failing to do so. If an employee walks off the job, unemployment can refuse to pay them due to job abandonment issues. So many people live paycheck to paycheck as it is. We all know that it isn't the best way to live, but they do so for many reasons. Because they have jobs, these people may be ineligible for any assistance, etc... None of us are guaranteed a paycheck, but this was done deliberately to these employees. Presumably, the administrators have deeper pockets and aren't in danger of defaulting on their obligations. If Scranton is anything like my city, most of the politicians are attorneys that work in law offices by day and moonlight as elected officials in their spare time. They won't be missing any meals! Edited to add an article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/11/us/unions-fight-scranton-mayor-after-he-cuts-pay-to-minimum-wage.html
  7. Nice to have you out in the open! I really look forward to reading your posts. I think 2008 was a pivotal year for a lot of folks...I sure learned a lot from the folks here. Now we've all got a new friend to learn from!
  8. Great news, Dee! We hadn't seen many honey bees in a long time. This year, we are seeing a lot of everything!! Birds, bees, flies...you name it! I think it is because the winter was so mild.
  9. Methinks you're a Pinterest addict... (With good taste in snacks! )
  10. Here is an old blog post about the worm farm that I started in 2009. The nice thing was that you didn't have wrangle them like other farm animals and they weren't escape artists! The Martian Worm Farm
  11. We've gotta get more cake! This is gonna be a big party!!!
  12. There was a public service announcement commercial that used to be on tv in the US that had the sounds of a baby with whooping cough. I'm not sure if it included any adults, though. You've gotten me curious now. I will have to look it up! Here is the commercial that I remember: Whooping Cough Here is a comparison between an adult and a child: Adult vs Child Whooping Cough
  13. We'll miss you, but have a great time!
  14. I am on both Facebook and Pinterest. I don't have an eReader, but my iPhone should be here in a few days and I can download ebooks to that. I also have the Kindle for PC app that Amazon gives away so people can read the ebooks on a home computer. I love to read mysteries. You might want to consider including free Smashwords titles along with the Kindle and Nook ones. Their books are available in a lot more formats that suit just about every type of eReader there is. That way, there is no conflict with the books being for Kindle only or for just Nook, etc...
  15. Leave it to Violet... I think she covered all of the bases!
  16. Does she have a special food that would draw her out of hiding? Maybe a bit of tuna on top of her regular food would make her reappear...
  17. I love the original song on the M&M's commercial...
  18. Her pain has been eased, but she will always be with you.
  19. I tweeted this story today... It is hard to imagine how devastating something like this could be. Of course, we don't have to imagine it because it actually happend back in the 1930's.
  20. How in the heck did you get vegetarian cats, Michael?
  21. That's exactly what I wanted to hear! These characters were a bit harder for me to write so I'm glad that they had the desired effect!
  22. Oh my goodness! You're too fast for me! I'm working hard on it, I swear!
  23. Happy Birthday Miki!!! I'm gonna get some cake on my way home and eat it in honor of you!! :bdaycake: Any excuse to have cake, you know! But Miki's birthday is a darn good one!
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